St Michael’s Question and Answer Forums

St Thomas Aquinas Center for Apologetics, Oblates and Missioners of St. Michael


Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OMSM(r), CCL, L. Th., DD, LNDC

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New Age

The Q&As are arranged chronologically as far as is possible –Michael

Acupuncture and bioenergetic cure vs. Catholicism EXTRACT


Hi, I would like to know whether I'm committing sin or not by receiving acupuncture and I wanted to know also if using bioenergetics (I think it's not hand healing like in Reiki) that uses magnets, flower waters, and stuff like that to cure my 5 year old son's Ideopathic Trombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) is bad in the eyes of the Catholic Church. -Dalila Velez

Many acupuncture practitioners will offer silent prayers to entities other than God while given you the procedure.

Also remember, that the basic theory behind acupuncture and much of Chinese medicine is a worldview and theory and philosophy that is incompatible with Christianity.

Bioenergetics comes in many forms. It depends on what you have in mind. Bioenergetics can include elements of Reichian theory, meditation techniques, relaxation therapy, massage, and other muscle work. It is a New Age concept on the whole as little value… and elements such as Reichian Theory and mind-emptying type meditation MUST be avoided by Catholics.

Bioenergetics that uses flower water or crystals and other such nonsense is just that -- nonsense. Such things also usually carry with it New Age philosophies that are inconsistent with Christianity.

The bottom line:

There is an issue of faith, however. To be desperate to try unproven and known ineffectual non-traditional techniques "may" suggest a lack of trust in God's providence.

We need to give our medical health and the medical health of our children to God. He is the Master Physician. God has given us the gift of medicine and the gift of legitimate alternative medicine. But to pursue alternatives for the sake of doing so when there is no evidence that they will have any effect is a problem.

I would advise that you follow your doctor's advice and stay away from questionable alternative procedures. These procedures at best are ineffectual for a condition like ITP, and at worse can involve occultic elements either in the procedure itself or with the practitioner who treats your child. It isn't worth the risk. -Bro. Ignatius Mary OMSM

Reiki and Hypnosis

July 24, 2004

I have anxiety related problems and I have gone to several professionals in order to treat them without much success. I have considered hypnosis as an alternative and am planning to go to a therapist. In fact I have downloaded some hypnotic mp3's from the internet that seem to be working well with me. However, I can't help thinking it could be dangerous because of some book I read that mentioned it could be so, spiritually speaking.

Another question is, is Reiki dangerous? I know this therapist has a couple of diplomas for taking Reiki courses. –Paul

While hypnosis can have some limited value in a clinical setting, especially in pain control for burn patients, it is not the best approach in other settings or for most of the problems it is typically used for; and it can be a dangerous approach. To allow our will to become vulnerable to hypnotic suggestion can be very dangerous. If one does undergo hypnosis be sure of the therapist who does it. Are they clinically qualified, do they hold views that could be characterized as "new age". If so, avoid them. A better solution, however, for anxiety, assuming the anxiety is not such that needs medication, is spiritual counseling, not psychological counseling. Non-medical anxiety is mostly about issues of faith, problematic behavior problems, and the like. Nouthetic Counseling (based upon spiritual principles) is the best course. The best psychologists in the business are in the Bible and in the Saints.
I would recommend you get a book called, "God's Psychiatry" by Charles Alan. Meditate on the Scriptural reflection in the book. You may find that this will reduce your anxiety. "God's Psychiatry" can be purchased by Clicking Here if you wish.
As for Reiki, ABSOLUTELY STAY AWAY FROM THAT. -Bro. Ignatius Mary OMSM

Reiki and psychic abilities

August 2, 2004

I was wondering if in the case of things such as Reiki and psychic phenomena, that if one were to give the credit to God for allowing and facilitating ones use of the abilities it would absolve a person of any sin related with their practice?

Is it possible that if one can allow God to work through you and to use such talents towards a higher good, i.e. using psychic talents to ward off evil spirits, or reiki to heal someone in God's name?

Aren't there gifts that are given to people from God if one relinquishes control of their life to God and has perfect faith, as in laying of hands and tongues? Could these other occult abilities be attributed in the same way, to God in order to make them holy, an admittance that power and ability come from nowhere but directly from God himself? -Matt

The answer to your question is not just "no" but "ABSOLUTELY no". God condemns psychic divination and activities like Reiki. We can fool ourselves in thinking we are doing this in God's name, but we are not.
Think about this a minute. There have been people out there who murdered "in the name of Jesus". Does God approve of this? Absolutely not.
One of the central tenets of Christian thought is that the "ends do not justify the means." Thus even is something appears to be good coming out of Reiki or psychic divination, it is still bad. We must be concerned not only with the outcome, but HOW we got that outcome.
God does not work through psychic divination or Reiki and thus trying to give Him credit for something he is not going to do is just a rationalization to excuse oneself in their rebellion against God by involving themselves in such activities.
There are gifts that God gives to people. These gifts sometimes have similar aspects to them as occult and psychic abilities; that is because such abilities are based on the same spiritual principles.

The BIG difference, however, is that any gift from God is a gift from God, not a obtaining a gift for oneself (or from the devil). The gifts from God are unadulterated and pure. Also God's gifts are used specifically to glorify God and to build-up the Church. Psychic divination and Reiki spit on God and tears down the Church, glorifies only oneself, and leads people away from trust and faith in the True God.
The devil simply takes the spiritual principles that God created and twists them around, corrupts them, and counterfeits them to be used for his own purposes. He then seduces people into believing that his counterfeit gifts are "godly". Don't fall into that trap Matt.
There is no such thing as a "Christian psychic".-Bro. Ignatius Mary OMSM

Charism gifts building up the Church EXTRACT

(Excerpt from the Rule of St. Michael) 2004, Order of the Legion of St. Michael

Genuine contemplation requires great commitment of years of prayer and devotion. There are no short-cuts, although the immature and impatient continually seek an “easy” and “faster” way, such as through Tongues and also through the so-called “centering prayer.”70

70 “Centering prayer,” we would suggest is an attempt to rob God. It seeks to attain the levels of intimacy with God that are really reserved to the gifts of the higher forms of contemplation and to mystical union. It seeks to acquire the mystical gifts that God only gives to a few. It says, in essence, “God, you did not give me the gift of mystical union, so I will steal it through the techniques of “Centering Prayer.” The Letter to the Bishops on Some Aspects of Christian Mediation (n. 23) reminds us: Without doubt, a Christian needs certain periods of retreat into solitude to be recollected and, in God's presence, rediscover his path. Nevertheless, given his character as a creature, and as a creature who knows that only in grace is he secure, his method of getting closer to God is not based on any “technique” in the strict sense of the word. That would contradict the spirit of childhood called for by the Gospel. Genuine Christian mysticism has nothing to do with technique: it is always a gift of God, and the one who benefits from it knows himself to be unworthy.

Centering Prayer

August 12, 2004

I need a detailed explanation on why centering prayer is not recommended for Catholics. How did this form of prayer come about? A good number of youths in my church are using this form of prayer. Hence I would want to bring this alarming issue to them. But I need the necessary resources. -Nivlem

This form of prayer came about by attempting to make contemplative prayer more accessible to people. The higher forms of contemplation, however, is a gift given by God only to a few people. We all can experience some level of contemplation, but the higher forms are only given to a few.

Techniques like "Centering Prayer" attempt to usurp God's sovereignty in whom he wishes to give this gift by blending Catholic forms of ancient prayer with non-Catholic eastern techniques.

Here is an article that explains in detail why Centering Prayer is to be avoided: The Danger of Centering Prayer by Father John D. Dreher

We will be in prayer for this situation in your parish. -Bro. Ignatius Mary OMSM

Feng Shui

August 17, 2004

My neighbor has pointed 2 "bagua" mirrors at my home, which is a Feng Shui technique for directing evil spirits toward my home. I have tried searching the internet for spiritual warfare against Feng Shui, but can't find a thing so I'm hoping you can help. The only advice I've found is to get my own Feng Shui curse items to point back at her house.
I read about sacramentals being like a "no trespassing" sign, that some spirits will respect them and others just shoot a hole through it and waltz right past. It is an interesting comparison, because I've tried using no trespassing signs to keep this woman off my property and she just rips them down. I am afraid that her demons are just as obnoxious.
I am currently fasting, praying the rosary, Divine Mercy, and other prayers, and posting prayer requests to every Catholic Spiritual Warfare site I can find. Any advice you can offer would be appreciated. –Kathleen

I am sorry to hear about this situation. Experiences like this are certainly very frustrating.
As Christians, of course, we cannot respond to this in kind, especially in kind of curse for curse. You need to commit this person to prayer. Ignore her and pray for her. I would recommend praying the Hedge Prayer around her that the more she tries to act apart from God the more she will not find happiness until she returns to God. This prayer must be an act of love on your part.
You need to forgive her. This does not mean that you have to like her, or be friends, nor do you have to tolerate her trespassing onto your property, but it means letting go and letting God deal with her.
The primary "magick" she is doing is not "sending" demons you way, but causing you to lose your peace in Christ. That is the primary secret behind the "casting of spells" and the like is to cause the target person to lose their peace in Christ and to cause fear. Ignore her and pray for her.
In terms of any actual curse or demonic involvement that might come from this woman's behavior, I would suggest that you pray daily the prayer involving the breaking of curses and the like that is found in our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog linked below.
In any event, do not confront her. That will only make matters worse. Her behavior is designed to try to get you to react. If you stop reacting she may be tired of her behavior and eventually stop.

As for trespassing onto your property, that is against the law. You can seek legal remedies by filing charges with the Police, or perhaps getting a retraining order or the like. I would suggest you talk to the police about it, or better yet, your lawyer. But I would first try to ignore her. If you do not react, she may stop. Going to the police could make matters worse. But, if you need to, the legal remedies are there for you.
Bottom line: do not react to her or confront her unless absolutely necessary to preserve life or property, ignore her Feng Shui fooy nonsense, pray for her the hedge prayer for a wayward person, pray for your own household with a Hedge of Protection and a breaking of curses prayers. Do this for a while and see what happens. –Bro. Ignatius Mary OMSM

Feng Shui

September 18, 2004

My niece has a side business of interior design which follows the schooling of the Black Sect Feng Shui!

I only just found this out the other day and have bombarded her with warnings and articles about how dangerous this could be and how unnecessary -- I’ve tried to point out the symbolism of that "sect" and have pulled quotes about the serpent and dragon from the Bible but she just doesn’t get it -- she is a cradle Catholic and a single mother of 2 girls and her oldest recently celebrated her first communion -- I have told her that she must forget this Feng Shui stuff -- although she believes in God, she also believes in "self" and powers of self healing. I told her that is the devil's game in many ways.