004-1415 Voluntary Benefits RFP Questions – Addendum # 2

Draft for Bidders Conference – June 12, 2014


1. Could you provide the number of employees working for SLPS? To follow

a. Does the District have an estimated number? The District is offering the coverage to eligible full time employees so that is about 3,900.

b. Could you include the number of employees at each location? To follow

c. Could you provide a census for all employees including their age and sex? To follow

· What is meant by, “to follow?” The District will provide a headcount by location that will be subject to change and out on the website by June 18th.

d. Can you provide a census? A simple Life census with basic information like date of birth and gender would be helpful. The District will provide a census that will be on the website by June 18th. The information provided will be subject to change.

2. What are the enrollment conditions available (i.e. group meetings, call center, etc.)? The District’s intent is group meetings at each school with follow up individual meetings as needed. If you have other options or ideas, please include in your quote.

a. Can you provide more information on the expected enrollment conditions? Please refer to the above response in #2.

3. Is there currently an FSA in place? Yes

a. If so what is the current monthly fee per head? The cost for these services is built into the fees paid to ADP.

b. How many people are participating? At last marketing, 107.

4. What is the current Health offering to the employees of the School District? Employees have a choice of a Base and Buy-Up plan with Coventry Health Plan. See attached benefits enrollment booklet from Open Enrollment.

5. Does the Voluntary Benefits Questionnaire.xls need to be part of the printed packet or just part of the CD? The Voluntary Benefits Questionnaire should be included as part of the printed packet and as part of the CD, both.

6. Can you confirm that section 3.11 Bond (Not Applicable) is truly not applicable as stated? Yes, it is truly not applicable.


7. Who is the current carrier of Voluntary Benefits with the SLPS for Accident and Critical Illness? The District does not currently offer these benefits.

8. Is SLPS looking to replace the current carrier? N/A

9. Is the current carrier’s products group or individual? N/A

10. Would we be able to include an additional product to SLPS in our Proposal? You can include an additional product.

11. Per page 6 of the RFP, “Contract Template”, Colonial Life does not require a contract for voluntary benefits. Can you confirm that this is a requirement and that we should include a marked up and clean copy of the Contract provided on the SLPS website? Yes, your organization should include a marked up and clean copy.

12. Do the eligible employees have access to any other voluntary benefits products through partners in the bi-state St. Louis metropolitan area? The District does not know about benefits that may be available with the Union groups, but they are not a District benefit if there are any voluntary benefit programs.

a. So there are no other payroll deductions? Only the Union dues as a payroll deduction.

13. Do the products need to be HSA-compatible? No


14. We are able to work with ADP to provide enrollment services to clients currently utilizing the system. In order to provide a seamless enrollment, we would request that SLPS allow ADP to include the requirements to build our products and services in the Statement of Work between SLPS and ADP. Would SLPS allow the selected vendor to work with ADP and identify the build requirements? Yes, the District would likely be willing to allow the selected vendor to discuss the requirements with ADP. The District anticipates there would be an additional cost from ADP to do this so the District requests the selected vendor to absorb this cost; if the selected vendor does not agree to absorb the potential additional cost, the Board would need to approve whether to have the District incur the cost. Please include whether you would absorb or not any potential additional costs, in your quote.

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