Semantic Map
Semantic mapping extends knowledge by displaying, in categories, words related to another word. It also emphasizes main idea, supporting details, and synonyms. It provides insight into the participant’s prior knowledge of the selected topic.
Sports Terminology Types of Sports Famous Athletes
Food Seasons
Atmosphere Equipment Types of Activities
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Semantic Map
Semantic mapping extends knowledge by displaying, in categories, words related to another word. It also emphasizes main idea, supporting details, and synonyms. It provides insight into the participant’s prior knowledge of the selected topic.
Sports Terminology Types of Sports Famous Athletes
Food Seasons
Atmosphere Equipment Types of Activities
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The object of semantic associations is to expand vocabulary by involving readers with words that share somecommon features. This a group or an independent activity.
Discussion is crucial as the meanings and uses of new words, new meanings for known words, seeing "old" words in a new light, and seeing the relationships among words are the desirable outcomes.
Step 1. Choose any major concept word or words that relate to the story. Ask readers to brainstorm---to list as many words as possible that are related to the major concept word.
Example: SPORTS Write the word(s) on the chalkboard or on paper. Have students identify five sports and then think of as many words as they can which are in some way related to the sports. List them on paper or the chalkboard. Figure 1
Step 2. Note similarities/differences between the words that begin to put them into categories according to common factors. List the specific categories on the boxes of the Semantic Map. Figure 2
Step 3. Write the related words in each box. The completed map provides a visual representation of the major concept, its characteristics (categories), and related vocabulary. This information can be used to discuss the major concept, to identify new words/terms , and to add additional categories. Figure 3
FIGURE 1 Semantic Association on SPORTS
winter / Joe Namath / shin guards / crowds / scoring / Gordie Howe / Pele
kicking / excitement / spring / yelling / football / penalty / bats
peanuts / touchdown / uniforms / balls / basketball / soccer / Pudge Rodriguez
stadium / Michael Jordan / rivalry / catching / helmets / strike / hot dogs
popcorn / summer / ice cream / hockey / fall / running / passing
baseball / cake / homerun / goal / run
FIGURE 2 (Variation )
Sports Terminology / Famous Athletes / Equipment / Groupings or Categories
Types of Sports / Seasons / Atmosphere
Types of Activities / Food
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Beattie, Laurie, Instructional Strategies Workshops Semantic Map Sports GO 1 TLC ACE Detroit Public Schools Department of Literacy 8/08 O.D. Pearson