Spelling List 4.3
Spelling rules : 3 syllable words with v-e syllable combined with closed syllables
Review of these rules…
- 2 syllable words with v-e syllable combined with closed syllables
- Vowel- consonant- e syllables (long vowel sounds)
- Reading and spelling words with the ‘ct’ blend
- combining two closed syllables(up to 3 sounds per syllable) into multisyllabic words
- syllable division principles
- the multisyllabic words with more than 3 sounds in a syllable
- the spelling of words by syllable (one syllable at a time)
- 3 letter blends
- blend and segment up to 6 sounds in a closed syllables
- how to blend and segment up to 5 sounds in a closed syllable
- new welded sounds: ild, old, olt, ind, ost **the vowels say their name in a closed syllable**
- difference between a blend and a digraph
- identify and read a blend and segment up to 4 sounds in a closed syllable
- welded sounds: ang, ing, ung, ank, ink, onk, unk
- definition of syllable
- how to identify a closed syllable
- concept of base word and suffix
- /z/ sound of ‘s’
- double consonants ll, ss, ff
- /a/ sound when ll follows (all)
- digraphs (wh, ch, sh, th, ck)
- welded sounds ‘am’ ‘an’ ‘all’
demonstrate illustrate
postponement distribute
incomplete recognize
**Don’t forget to practice your high frequency words too!**