

Speaking and Listening:

Ask and respond to questions to clarify or gather information

Respond to and give instructions that include two or three components

Recognize volume of voice

Words of the Week:

Week 1: review

Week 2: merry, Christmas, star, tree, bell

Week 3: gift, eve, cookies, elf, green

Week 4: review

CAFÉ (Reading Strategies):

Review all Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expanding Vocabulary strategies presented so far this year.

Sounds: air, ch for k, ai/ay, ee, ie.


Ideas (on-going)

Organization (on-going)

Word Choice (Introduce)

Editing checklists

Letter writing

Introduce graphic organizers as a prewriting strategy (on-going)

Introduce adverbs, compound words, revision strategies.

Conventions of Writing (on-going)


This month we will be wrapping up our second unit in Math, Numbers to 100. Please continue to practice counting with your child in different ways to 100. Counting coins is a great way to practice counting as well. We will begin pre-assessment of addition and subtraction facts to 18 before the Christmas break.

You & Your World

In You & Your World the focus in December is economics. We will look at what it means to be a consumer and identify strategies used by consumers to make good economic decisions (i.e. buying items on sale, using a budget, needs vs. wants). We will also introduce the children to the different ways people can acquire income.