Cypress College CRN 21142
Professor: Olga Marina Moran
Class Hours: TR 10:30-12:50P / Class Location: Humanities 105 / Office Phone (714) 484-7000 x 48669Office Location: Humanities 222M 2nd Floor / Voice Mail: (714) 484-7000 x48669
Office hours: MW 9:00-10:00A / TR 1:00-2:30P or by Appointment
Faculty Webpage: http:/ DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to introduce the students to the fundamental skills of spoken Spanish. Emphasis will be made on oral practice, pronunciation, vocabulary development, writing and Spanish culture. This course is designed to develop a speaking and understanding knowledge of Spanish for use in everyday conversational situations. It is not open to native speaking students of the Spanish language. Graded or credit no credit option.
REQUIRED MATERIALS: Bring all materials, available in the book store, to every class meeting
1. Text: DOS MUNDOS: En breve, Fourth Edition by Terrel, Andrade, Egasse and Muñoz. Cuaderno de trabajo, electronic site: CENTRO
2. A three-ring binder, paper, pen and pencil (daily)
3. 6 scantrons form 886-E, number 2 pencil and white eraser
4. Available stapler
INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of the course the students will be able to:
1. Build a basic language proficiency:
2. Follow basic instructions
3. Understand simple dialogues
4. Read short passages
5. Understand and respond to basic personal questions
6. Initiate simple conversations
7. Use everyday expressions
8. Recognize basic grammatical concepts
9. Pronounce words with accuracy
10. Create an awareness of everyday life and customs.
11. Strengthen the focus of the four language skills in their natural order: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
12. Create ample opportunities for the development of the student’s communicative competence.
1. Listening: Understand short dialogs by native speakers at the first semester beginning college level.
2. Speaking: Answer oral questions in basic spoken Spanish at the first semester beginning college level.
3. Writing: Write a paragraph that expresses an idea about a given topic at the first semester beginning college level.
Course Policies
ASSIGNMENTS: This course is worth five credits. The homework/study time appropriate to a 5 unit course is approximately ten hours per week outside the class. You must complete the homework in order to keep up with the course material. Assigned homework is due the next class period. DO NOT TURN IN LATE ASSIGNMENTS OR LEAVE THEM IN MY MAIL BOX. All homework is given a credit/no credit grade, not partial credit is given. You must complete the entire assignment to receive credit NO EXCEPTIONS. You must be present to turn in homework. The assignments for the next class meetings will be written on the board every day. Make sure you take notes of all the information. Compositions will be graded on vocabulary, grammar, spelling, content and creativity. The topics will be assigned as the course develops.
OUTSIDE ASSIGNMENTS: You will be expected to spend at least two hours outside of the class for every hour in class to prepare for the class. You will be asked to research the materials for your oral presentation outside the classroom.
ATTENDANCE: Attendance is mandatory, if you do not need to attend in order to pass this class, then you belong in a more advance Spanish class. According to the college policy you can only miss two class meetings. Your instructor may drop you for four absences. If the drop date has already passed, the final grade will be lowered by 1 percent point for each class missed. Late arrival will be counted as ½ an absence; early departure from class will be counted as 1 absence. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to call a classmate to get the assignment for the next class meeting. Be prepared: write down the names and phone numbers of students to call with questions about missed classes.
Name: ______Phone: ______
Name: ______Phone: ______
Name:______Phone: ______
PARTICIPATION: Class participation is extremely important in a foreign language course, therefore, it is mandatory. All students are expected to participate in each class session. In order to participate, you need to be present in each class meeting. In a language class the student benefits from participating as much as possible. You can improve your participation by coming to class prepared, interacting in Spanish with your professor and classmates, asking questions, making comments related to the topics of discussion, volunteering answers and sharing ideas in group activities.
1. In addition to participating, you are expected to study the explanations of grammar given in the text and to recognize the format of these grammatical structures before each lesson is covered in class. This is not a grammar course. Your instructor will give a limited explanation of the grammatical concepts.
2. The material will come mainly from the text and Centro.
3. The cultural readings will be from the text.
4. Some grammar exercises will be done in class in order to practice the structures presented in the lesson
5. HOMEWORK: will be assigned from the Textbook as well as the CENTRO Electronic Workbook. The Textbook Exercises are in the Blue Pages at the end of each chapter. Complete all the exercises and correct them, show your corrections in contrasting color.
6. The Workbook is completed online. In order to access it, you need the following:
7. BOOK KEY – If you buy the text at the bookstore, it comes with the book. It is used to establish your account. It’s used only once and cannot be lent or given to another person. If you did not purchase the text at Cypress College bookstore, you need to buy it on online from McGraw-Hill.
8. COURSE CODE -This is used to enroll in this specific Spanish Course 101. The code appears on the attached CENTRO registration instructions sheet.
9. Once you are logged in, please view the “Announcements”. YOU MUST DO ASSIGNED ACTIVITIES. You may work at your own pace, but the chapter must be completed by the due date. However, you may do all the activities as optional
All ASSIGNED exercises must be done for full credit of 30 points each chapter. No late homework, no exceptions.
GRADING AND TESTING: The grades will be based on class participation, quizzes, exams, assignments and attendance. Quizzes and exams must be taken on the date they are scheduled. There will be an exam every two chapters, quizzes a final exam and an oral presentation.
91-100=A / 81-90=B / 71-79=C / 61-69=D / 60-0=FNote: Credit/No credit= 75% or more as overall grade
Class attendance, participation, Hm. 10 percent
Quizzes/Exams 65 percent
Orals 10 percent
Final Exam 15 percent
LATE WORK & MAKE-UPS: All assigned work for this class is due on the date assigned. If an exam must be taken on a later date, present a valid proof for the absence, deduct 10 points from the exam and complete a form to be sent to the Learning Resource Center (LRC) where you can take the exam while supervised and it must be done before the next class upon your return. You may not miss the final exam if you want to be considered for credit in the course.
INSTRUCTOR ABSENCE: If the instructor is absent, sign the attendance sheet posted on the classroom door and read any instructions regarding assignments. Your class schedule continues at it is. Look for announcements for further instructions on your CENTRO account. If a test or a quiz is scheduled for the day of the instructor´s absence, it will be given at the next scheduled class.
ORAL PRESENTATION AND REPORT: You will be required to make one in-class oral presentation and turn in a written report featuring your knowledge of the presentation. You will be evaluated on your ability to present your point of view in a clear and convincing fashion (before your presentation you will receive a detailed sheet for the grading). A missed presentation will result in a grade of zero. The written report without the oral presentation will not be accepted. You may have an outline of the important points in your presentation when you are doing your oral report.
ACADEMIC HONESTY POLICY: The college standards of academic honesty will be applied in this class.
Academic dishonesty may result in an “F” on all or part of an assignment and referral to the dean. The complete
Policy may be found in the 2010-2011 College Catalog (pp. 9), the official publication addressing and guiding
academic and student services policies. An electronic copy of the College Catalog is on the college website. The
instructor reserves the right to submit student assignments to to check for textural similarities
between those assignments, Internet sources and the assignment database. Students will be required
to electronically submit their written work for plagiarism checking. Assignments submitted to will
become part of their database and will be used only for plagiarism prevention and detection.
ACADEMIC ACCOMMODATIONS: Students with verified disabilities requiring accommodations should
make a specific request of the instructor in a timely manner, at the beginning of the semester and at least one week
prior to the verified and identified need.
FOOD & BEVERAGE IN THE CLASSROOM: To maintain a cleaner classroom environment and to avoid
distractions, food and drinks (except for water in closed containers) may not be consumed in the classroom.
Students eating in the room will be asked to leave and will receive an absence for the class meeting.
PAGER, CELL PHONE, and OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES: All electronic devices are to be turned off
while class is in session, if you are using a device or your phone rings, you must exit the classroom and count that class as an absence.
TOBACO USE POLICY: Smoking is restricted to areas 20 feet or further from any building.
District Non-Discrimination Statement is found on p. 37 of the 2010-2011 College Catalog.
CODE OF CONDUCT/DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR: Cypress College students are expected to maintain satisfactory standards of citizenship at all times on the campus and in the community. (Cypress College Catalog p.33)
(See students discipline Education Code, Article 3, Section 76030-76037)
FOOD AND BEVERAGE POLICY: Food and beverages are not allowed in the classroom.
Student Support Services: A Quick Guide to Student Services is found on pp. 147-148 of the 2010 Schedule of Classes. A more comprehensive explanation of the Cypress College Students Services is found on pp. 138-140 of the Schedule of Classes.
Disabled Students Program and Services (DSPS): A student who feels he or she may need an
accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact Disabled Students Program & Services at 714-484-7104 or visit DSPS on the first floor of the Cypress College Complex, Room 100. For students who have already been determined eligible for DSPS services, please provide the instructor with the proper form from DSPS in a timely manner, at the beginning of the semester and at least one week prior to the verified and identified need.
Campus Safety Phone Number: For emergencies, lost and found, and parking, call 714-484-7387 or 714-493-6687(cell).
Emergency Procedures: If required to evacuate a classroom/building, students will proceed to a clear and safe area away from the evacuated building. Take all personal belongings with you.
Health Center: To make use of health services or to get further information, contact the Health Center located on the first floor of the south side of Gymnasium II Building by calling (714) 484-7361, or stop by the Center.
Library: The normal hours of operation are MON – THU 8:00am – 9:00pm, FRI 8:00am – 1:00pm, and SAT –SUN and HOLIDAYS CLOSED.
Learning Resource Center: FREE tutoring is available for Cypress College students writing a paper in any
subject or taking any English course. Tutors in math, sciences, and other subjects are also available. Call 714-484-7183 for information. The normal hours of operation are MON – THU 8:00am – 9:00pm, FRI 8:00am –5:00pm, and SAT - SUN and HOLIDAYS CLOSED.
Student Rights and Responsibilities: Students are expected to be knowledgeable of the guidelines/policies
· Read syllabus and sign.
· Attend class and participate.
· Turn in assignments self-corrected and on time.
· Take vocabulary and grammar notes in class.
· Read all readings in each chapter of the text.
· Take chapter exam and quizzes when they are given.
· Do not talk in English if you have finished an exercise earlier than other students; speak in Spanish and use your imagination to expand the exercise or repeat it using different information.
· Be “cortés y simpático/a”.
Class schedule. Exams every two chapters. CENTRO completed, 30 pts.
January 20 Class presentation-A
January 25, 27 Feb.1, 3. PASOS A,B,C.
February 3, Centro activities due by 7:00am PASOS-Exam
February 8, 10, 15, 17 Chapter 1
February 17, Centro activities due by 7:00am Chapter 1
February 22, 24 March 1, 3 Chapter 2
March 3, Centro activities due by 7:00am Exam Chapters 1-2
March 8, 10, 15, 17, 22 Chapter 3
March 22, Centro activities due by 7:00am Chapter 3
March 24,29, 31, April. 5, 7, 12. Chapter 4
April 12, Centro activities due by 7:00am Chapter 4
April 19, Exam Chapters 3 & 4
April 21, 26, 28 May 3, 5, 10, 12 Chapter 5
May 17, Review
May 19, FINAL Chapter 5 and comprehensive
May 24, Final Oral Chapters A-5
NOTE: The above schedule is tentative, it might be modified to adjust to the dynamics of the group. The point evaluation might shift as well. However, the total points always will be 1000 and the material will be covered at the end of the course. Please keep track of your scores by making a notation when you receive your graded papers. For example:
Date paper score total
8/3 Quiz 2 25/30 25
I have read this syllabus and I agree to abide by the guidelines set forth.
Students signature ______Date:______
Name: (Please Print) ______