1.0 Preamble

1.1 In these rules:

1.1.1 ‘FINA’ shall mean Federation Internationale de Natation;

1.1.2 ‘ASA’ shall mean the Amateur Swimming Association;

1.1.3 ‘Region’ shall mean the ASA East Region;

1.1.4 ‘County’, ‘Association’ or ‘County Association’ shall mean

Cambridgeshire Amateur Swimming Association, unless the context indicates to the contrary;

1.1.5 ‘Club’ shall include all affiliated associations, bodies, leagues and organisations unless the context indicates to the contrary;

1.1.6 the term ‘Member’ or ‘Member Club’ shall refer to all associations, bodies, leagues and organisations affiliated to Cambridgeshire Amateur Swimming Association;

1.1.7 the term ‘swimmer’ shall include diver, synchronised swimmer and water polo player unless the context indicates to the contrary;

1.1.8 words importing the masculine gender shall include the feminine and vice versa unless the context indicate to the contrary;

1.1.9 words of the singular shall include the plural and vice versa unless the context indicates to the contrary.

1.2 Any deviation from any provision of these rules shall not invalidate any procedure or decision unless that deviation raises a material doubt that the procedure or decision has been so affected by it as to prejudice the good management of the Association.

2.0 Association name and colours

2.1 The Association shall be called The Cambridgeshire Amateur Swimming Association, hereafter referred to as the Association. (The Association colours shall be gold on light blue). Amendment 2011-The association colours shall be black on light blue (This change reflects the changes that have been made when the County logo was updated)

3.0 Association address

3.1 The Association address for all correspondence shall be that of the Secretary.

4.0 Objects of the Association

4.1 The objects of the Association shall be those as defined by the Amateur Swimming Association (ASA), and in furtherance of these objects:

4.1.1 the Association will endeavour to promote and encourage the teaching and practice of diving, life saving, open water swimming, swimming, synchronized swimming, water polo and in particular to promote the Association’s championships and competitions;

4.1.2 the Association will endeavour to produce, develop and implement policies to carry out other activities relevant to the Association;

4.1.3 the Association will endeavour to raise public awareness of the sport and stimulate public opinion in favour of providing suitable facilities and accommodation;

4.1.4 the Association is committed to treat everyone equally within the context of his or her activity regardless of sex, ethnic origin, religion, disability or political persuasion, on any grounds;

4.1.5 the Association shall implement the Equal Opportunities Policy of the ASA.

5.0 Affiliation

5.1 The Association shall be affiliated to the ASA East Region and shall adopt and conform to the rules of the Region and to such other bodies as the Association may determine from time to time.

6.0 Administration

6.1 The business and affairs of the Association shall be at all times conducted in accordance with the laws and technical Rules of the ASA (‘ASA Laws’) and, in particular:

6.1.1 all competing swimmers shall be eligible competitors as defined in ASA Law;

6.1.2 the Association shall, in accordance with ASA Laws, adopt and comply with the ASA Child Protection Procedures;

6.1.3 member clubs of the Association shall, in accordance with ASA Laws comply with the ASA Child Protection Procedures;

6.1.4 the business affairs of the Association shall at all times be conducted in accordance with the Laws and Technical Rules of the ASA.

6.2 By virtue of the affiliation of the Association to ASA East Region, all members of the Association acknowledge that it and its clubs are subject to the laws, rules and constitutions of:

6.2.1 the ASA East Region and

6.2.2 The Amateur Swimming Association (including the ASA/Institute of Swimming Code of Ethics) and

6.2.3 British Swimming (in particular its Doping Control Rules and Protocols and Disciplinary code) and

6.2.4 FINA, the world governing body for the sport of swimming in all its disciplines.

6.3 Collectively Rules 6.2.1 to 6.2.4 shall be “the Governing Body Rules” and in the event that there shall be any conflict between any rule or by-law of the Association and any of the Governing Body Rules then the relevant Governing Body Rule shall prevail

7.0 Membership

7.1 All amateur swimming, water polo, diving, synchronized swimming, life saving clubs, associations and leagues affiliated to the ASA East Region or to the ASA directly and whose headquarters are situated within the Association’s boundaries shall be eligible for membership of the Association.

7.2 Individual schools, colleges and Universities within the Association’s boundaries who are affiliated to the ASA East Region shall be eligible for membership of the Association.

8.0 Affiliation fees and handbooks

8.1 The affiliation fee for the ensuing year shall be set by the Executive Committee and advised to the member clubs in advance of the Annual General meeting.

8.2 Rights of representation and voting at the Annual General Meeting are conferred on members by payment of the affiliation fee.

8.3 The affiliation fee payable by the member clubs of the Association shall be by ASA membership category based on the declared membership of each club. The Executive Committee shall determine the fee payable to the Association for each category as required to be declared by the member clubs on their annual membership declaration to the ASA.

8.4 Handbooks shall be provided as follows, one to the President, one to each Honorary Vice President, Officers, members of the Executive Committee and member clubs Secretaries. Additional copies, if available may be purchased, as may be determined by the Executive Committee.

Proposed amendment to 8.0& 8.4 June 2015

Removal of reference to handbooks, therefore 8.0 will read Affiliation Fees and 8.4 will be removed.

9.0 Management of the Association

9.1 Management

9.1.1 The management of Cambridgeshire ASA shall be by the member clubs, through their delegates and the County Officers. This management shall be exercised through the Annual General meeting and on a “day to day” basis through meetings of the Executive Committee.

9.1.2 Representation at the Annual General Meeting shall be by the current Executive Officers, Committee members, delegates elected by their clubs, The President and Honorary Vice-Presidents.

10.0 Annual General Meeting

10.1 Date and Representation

10.1.1 The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall normally be held in late October each year. The date of the Annual General Meeting shall be fixed by the Executive Committee. Amendment 2011- The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall normally be held in July each year. The date of the Annual General meeting shall be fixed by the Executive Committee. (This change reflects the current practice of other associations to allow for the election of Officers to East Region Board and annual fees to be ratified at the AGM before the East Region Board meets in September each year).

10.1.2 Representation of individual member organizations is made through their delegates appointed in accordance with Rule 13.1.2.

10.2 Purpose

The purpose of the Annual General Meeting is to transact the following business:

10.2.1 To receive the reports of the Honorary Officers of the Association.

10.2.2 To receive and consider the accounts of the Association for the previous year.

10.2.3 To receive and consider the Treasurers report as to the financial position of the Association.

10.2.4 To either elect or authorize the Executive Committee (who are the authorized party under rule 13.1.8) to appoint the independent examiner (who must not be a member of the Executive Committee or a member of the family of a member of the Executive Committee).

10.2.5 To decide on any resolution which may be duly submitted in accordance with Rule 10.2.8 and have been seconded either before or at the meeting by a delegate from another member club.

10.2.6 To elect as a Life Vice-President any person the Executive Committee recommends as being an individual whose services to the Association justify such recognition.

The President and Vice Presidents may attend and take part in any meetings, but shall not have the power to vote.

Proposed change June 2011.The President, President Elect and Vice Presidents may attend and take part in any meetings, but shall not have the power to vote. (Change to include reference to new role of president elect).

10.2.7 Nominations for election of The Executive Officers shall be made in writing by the proposer member club to the Secretary not later than 21 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting. The nominee shall be required to indicate his willingness to stand for election.

10.2.8 Notice of any resolution proposed to be moved at the Annual General Meeting shall be given in writing by the proposer member club to the Secretary not later than 21 days before the date of the meeting.

10.2.9 To elect the Officers of the Association and other members of the Executive Committee for the ensuing year.

11.0 Special General Meeting

11.1 A Special General Meeting may be called at any time by the Executive Committee. A Special General Meeting shall be called by the Secretary within 28 days of receipt of a request in writing from the (Executive) Committees of not less than 2 member clubs of the Association, stating the purpose for which the meeting is required.

12.0 The President

12.0 Proposed change June 2015- The President and President Elect

12.1.1 The Association may appoint a President, whose duties will be purely ceremonial.

12.1.2 The President shall be appointed to serve one year only and is to be nominated in rotation by the member clubs of the Association. Proposed Amendment June 2015 - The president shall be appointed to serve one year only aligning with the competitive calendar. (This change reflects the bringing in line with other associations of appointment for the president role and removal of rotation selection. Appointment herewith will be by a democratic selection process).

12.1.3 The nomination shall be confirmed to the Executive Committee and then reported to the Annual General Meeting. Proposed Amendment June 2015- Nominations shall be accepted by the Executive Committee. Nominations shall be proposed and seconded and a statement of suitability shall be provided by the nominee aligned to the role description. Appointment shall be confirmed and agreed by voting members at the Annual General Meeting. (This change reflects removal of rotational selection process).

12.1.4 A list of member clubs shall be drawn up annually from clubs affiliated to the Association during that year, and listed alphabetically. The rotation shall be the next club listed alphabetically on the list after the club who nominated in the previous year. Amendment June 2015- deletion of point 12.1.4(Reason for change is that the process will no longer be in place).

12.1.5 To establish the rotation for nomination of President, the first member club to nominate after the adoption of this constitution (adopted 21st April 2009) shall be City of Ely Swimming Club. Amendment June 2015- deletion of point 12.1.5(Reason for change is that the process will no longer be in place).

12.1.6 In the event of a club being unable to provide a nominee for President in any one year the Executive Committee may appoint a President for that year. Amendment June 2015- deletion of point 12.1.6(Reason for change is that the process will no longer be in place).

12.1.4 Proposed amendment June 2015- The Association may appoint a President Elect, whose duties will be purely ceremonial deputising for the President where appropriate. (Reason for change is to reflect the new Presidency structure)

12.1.5 Proposed amendment June 2015- The President Elect shall be appointed to serve one year only. Thereafter the President Elect shall take up the role of President for the following year. (Reason for change is to reflect the new Presidency structure)

12.1.6 Proposed amendment June 2015- Nominations for the role of President Elect shall be accepted by the Executive Committee. Nominations shall be proposed and seconded and a statement of suitability shall be provided by the nominee aligned to the role description. Appointment shall be confirmed and agreed by voting members at the Annual General Meeting or EGM. (Reason for change is to reflect the new Presidency structure)

12.1.7 Proposed amendment June 2015- Appointment of a county president will be annually. (Reason for change is to reflect the new Presidency structure)

12.1.8 Proposed amendment June 2015- Appointment of a president elect will be annually. (Reason for change is to reflect the new Presidency structure)

13.0 Executive Committee

13.1.1 The elected Executive Committee should consist of a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer (together the Executive Officers of the Association) and the nominated representatives from member clubs of the Association, all of whom must be members of the nominating club. The Association shall have a welfare officer (who must not be, or be a relative of, the Executive Officers, a County Coach or any other committee member). All Executive Committee members must be not less than 18 years of age.

13.1.2 The Executive Officers shall be elected in accordance with the appropriate provisions contained in rules 10.2.7, 10.2.9, 14.1.4 and the further provisions of rule 13.1.2. Member clubs of the Association shall confirm in writing their two representatives for the Executive Committee for the following year. Member clubs shall be allowed to change their representatives during the course of the year by giving such written notice to the Association Secretary. Any Executive Committee vacancy, occurring for whatever reason, may be filled by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for determining any procedure that may be required to fill any vacancy. All members of the Executive Committee shall have the right to remain in office until the election of Officers at the next Annual General Meeting; at which point they shall retire. Retiring members of the Executive Committee shall be eligible for re-election/re-appointment.

13.1.3 The Executive Committee may decide upon the appointment of such Honorary Secretary’s and representatives of the Association as may be required, and shall include, but not be limited to:

Championship Secretary;

Disability Representative;

Diving Representative;

Education Secretary;

Facilities Secretary;

Fixtures Secretary;

Life saving Representative;

Masters Representative;

Officials Secretary;

Records Secretary;

Swimming Representative;

Synchronized Swimming Representative;

Team manager;

Trophy Secretary;

Water Polo representative;

Proposed amendment June 2015- to review and update list as above in line with our current role requirements.