1. True or False: Smoking is the second- most preventable cause of death in the U.S.

Smoking is the single MOST preventable cause of death in the U.S...causes moer than 438,000 deaths each year, including ~38,000 deaths from secondhand smoke. (This is more than people with AIDS, alcohol, drug abuse, car crashes, murders, suicides, and fires—COMIBINED!!)

2. Every day, _____4,000______ teens smoke their first cigarette.

About 1,140 of these teens will become regular smokers. Approx. 8% of middle school students in the country are current cigarette smokers.

3. __70__% of smokers want to quit, but only __40__% actually attempt to each year


4. True or False: A preservative for dead frogs is one of the substances found in cigarette smoke. Formaldehyde

5. Nicotine ____raises___ your heart rate and causes your blood vessels to get ____smaller_____. Nicotine reaches the brain in 10 seconds after smoke enters lungs—releases dopamine to excite pleasure centers of brain

6. True or False: Chewing tobacco is safer than smoking cigarettes.

7. True or False: Young people who start smoking at an earlier age are more likely to develop an addiction than people who start later.

Both younger and older people can become addicted. In adults, is linked to amount & frequency of tobacco used; in teens, linked to length they have been regular users.

8. 1 of ___5___ deaths in the U.S. results from the use of tobacco.

9. Tobacco contains over _250__ chemicals known to be toxic; including more than _50__ that can cause cancer.

10. True or False: Nicotine is just as addictive as heroin and cocaine.

Meets criteria for addictive substance: User’s behavior is largely controlled by a substance that causes mood change, primarily because of the substance’s effects on the brain; will continue to use the substance, putting it before other priorities; develops a tolerance for drug, so increasing amounts needed to create same effect; withdrawal symptoms occur if person does not use drug; strong tendency for relapse exists after quitting

11. True or False: A pregnant woman who smokes during pregnancy can harm her baby in many ways. Including low birth weight babies, premies, SIDS, pregnancy complications, and stillbirth.

12. On average, people who smoke live __13-14___ years less than those people who do not smoke.