Please sit with colleagues from your grade level band:
K–1, 2–3, 4–5, 6–8.
Goal: To deepen our knowledge of the textbook programs.
Three Filters
(1) What we believe is important in the teaching and learning of mathematics.
(2) What knowledge our students have to demonstrate on the WKCE.
(3) What experts are asking us to consider.
Vision: What is the vision for our students in mathematics?
What the question is really asking us to think about is...
What do we believe is important in the teaching and learning of mathematics?
Now let’s think about what knowledge our students have to demonstrate on the WKCE.
Format of the WKCE:
(1) Higher levels of thinking
(2) Constructed response
(3) Balance of math content questions
Are textbooks Important?
89% of U.S. eighth graders report doing mathematics from their textbook
75% of eighth grade teachers in the United States report using their textbook on a daily basis
66% of middle grade teachers indicate that they use one math textbook all or most of the time
66% indicate that they cover at least ¾ of the textbook in a given year.
Developed by the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership (MMP) with support by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0314898.