“The Necklace
Short story terms:
Setting – remember time, place, mood
Protagonist – the main character
Antagonist – remember this can be man vs. self, another, or something (or more than one person or thing)
Point of view – 1st, third limited or third omniscient
Climax – what and when
Theme – remember this is the author’s message to his or her readers, not the subject of the story
A. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. Why did M. Loisel expect his wife to be pleased to receive the invitation from the Minister of Education?
2. Describe Mme Loisel’s reaction on reading the invitation.
3. Compare and contrast the life of Mme Loisel before and after the disappearance of the necklace.
4. Why was Mme Loisel anxious to hurry away from the ball?
5. What efforts were made to find Mme Forestier’s necklace?
6. Describe in your own words how the Loisels’ life changed after they had paid for the new necklace.
7. How did Mme Forestier recognize Mme Loisel when they met in the Champs-Elyssees?
8. What was Mme Forestier’s reaction when the necklace was returned?
Inferential – Always give reasons for your answers:
9. Do you think Mme Loisel recognized good quality jewelry?
10. Why was Mathilde unhappy with her life at the opening of the story?
11. Do you think M. Loisel enjoyed the ball?
12. Why were the Loisels allowed to buy the new necklace for less than the asking price?
13. Before the last few lines of this story, are there any clues given by the author which hint at the true cause of the baby’s appearance?
14. Why do you think Mme Forestier never contacted Mme Loisel after the ‘return’ of her necklace?
15. Do you think M. Loisel was content with his life before the ball took place?
16. How did M. Loisel contribute to the cost of the new necklace?
Evaluative – Always give reasons for your answers:
17. Do you agree with the author that “women have no caste or class”? Today, surely, the same applies to men?
18. Write a different end to the story, assuming that either Mme Loisel never lost the necklace or that she found the necklace.
19. How far do you think force of character affects our lives? Do you think it would be easier for a young, married woman to fulfill her dreams today?
20. Discuss whether the Loisels chose the right course of action when they found the necklace was missing? What other choices were open to them and why were these not chosen?
21. Do you think there is a moral to this story? Explain
Extension work:
22. Write a play based on this story.
23. Create a board game based on this story.
24. Draw a strip cartoon representing the moment Mme Loisel noticed Mme Forestier in the Champs-Elysees to the moment they parted.