Board of Trustees

Regular Meeting of April 24, 2002

4:00 PM, Board Room, Administration Building


Time Estimate Attachment

2:30 PM 1. Ice Cream Social

4:00 PM 2. Convene Meeting

3. Approval of Previous Minutes: March 20, 2002 Special Meeting

March 14, 2002 Special Meeting

4. Open Comment Period

5. Presentation: International Education: Rotary Group Study TAB 1

Exchange, Inbound Team from Turkey, Paul Rucker

6. Action: Adopt Updated Washington Administrative Code TAB 2

(WAC 132G-104, “Meetings of the Board of Trustees—

Delegation of Board Responsibility”)

7. Action: Adopt Updates to Board Bylaws, Section 7000, TAB 3

Shoreline Community College Policy Manual

8. Report/Action: Resolution, “Delegation of Authority” TAB 4

9. Action: Adopt New Policy # 4127, “Unattended Children TAB 5

on Campus”

10. Report: Strategic Planning, Tom Curtis

11. Report: Budget Update, Keith LaBelle

12. Report: Self-Study, Carol Henderson

13. Report: Puget Sound Center for Teaching, Learning, and

Technology, Bill McMeekin

14. Report: College Foundation, Kae Peterson

15. Report: Faculty President, Karen Kreutzer

16. Report: Classified Staff, Peggy Lytle

17. Report: Student Body President, Tim Turner

18. Report: College President, Holly Moore


19. Report: Board Chair, Sarah Phillips

20. Executive Session, if necessary

21. Next Regular Board Meeting: May 22, 2002

6:00 PM 22. Adjournment