NAME __________________________________

Shark Tale Perception Worksheet

1) What is Oscar’s image (the way OTHERS see him) at the beginning of the movie?

2) What is Oscar’s image after he “kills” Frankie?

3) W hen we see or talk to a person we have a rough idea or impression of this person. This impression , in turn , guides our expectations and interactions. H ow , then, does Oscar use impression management (the process through which people try to control the impressions other people form of them ) to KEEP his new image?

4) Why does Oscar perceive fame and fortune as so important?

5) How does OUR world validate that importance as well?

6) What is Lola’s perception of him at first?

7) How and wh y does it change?

8) Why is it hard for Oscar to realize that Lola was not sincere?

9) Why is it so hard for Oscar to see how Angie felt about him—and how he felt about her?

10) Sometimes people can have a hard time feeling accepted and loved for who they are. Lenny experi ences this feeling with his “family.” Was his perception right or wrong and why?