Shared Reading Lesson Plan
Harry McFarr’s Clunker Car by Jill Eggleton
Literacy Topic(s): Print Awareness-punctuation and intonation
· The students will recognize exclamation points, periods, commas and quotation marks.
· The students will read with expression using punctuation as cues.
Grade Level: Beginning of First grade
TEKS: LA: 1.1E, LA: 1.1D
Time: 3 days, 20-40 minutes a day
Materials Used: Big Book, Harry McFarr’s Clunker Car, small books matching Big Book, sentence strips, pointer, paddles, markers
Vocabulary: clunker, splutter, motor
Day 1 (Whole Group)
Before reading:
The teacher will:
· Place all kinds of items on table and ask students if they have or have had an object that they truly loved and did not want to get rid of. Talk about items as clutter then give ways to reuse it.
· Ask students if anyone knows what “clunker” means.
· Introduce title, author, and illustrator. Ask what they think the story will be about. (Prediction) Does this remind you of something? (Connections to self, world)
· Take a picture walk.
During reading:
The teacher will:
· Say, “There are times when I am going to read sentences in different ways with more expression. Pay attention and see if you can tell when I do this.”
· Read the story. Stop on pages 8, 16, 18 for a prediction. “What do you think will happen next?” or “The bumper fell off. What do you think will fall off next?”
After reading:
The teacher will ask the following questions:
· Who is this story mainly about?
· Why do you think Harry loves his car so much?
· Do you think that Harry should have left his car in the yard? Why or why not?
Assessment: The teacher will use observation of student response to indicate if students met the objective.
Day 2 (Whole group)
20 minutes
The teacher will:
· hold up cards with punctuation marks and discuss each one. Show different intonations for each cue.
· Ask students to come up and point to punctuation marks in book, Harry McFarr.
· Reread the story and ask students to raise their hands when a part of the story is read in a different voice.
Assessment: The teacher will use observation of student response to indicate if students met the objective.
Day 3 (Whole group/Small group/Individual)
The teacher will: (Whole group) 10 minutes
· Cover up some of the marks, then reread the story and try to identify which punctuation mark should be there.
· Call several students up and have them read using pointer.
· handout little books to all students and will read aloud together (choral reading)
(Small group) 15 minutes
· Divide students in small groups, hand each a set of cards with different punctuation marks and have them share a sentence with a partner using proper intonation for each mark.
(Individual) 10 minutes
· Have students read individually to teacher from selected sentences for assessment of fluency and punctuation.
Assessment: The teacher will use fluency assessment in to evaluate mastery of objectives.
Literacy Centers: Independent/partner activities will be done every day in centers. All will be related to the Big Book, Harry McFarr’s Clunker Car.
· (Partner) Students take turns reading the book to each other and have several sentences from the book on sentence strips with missing punctuation. Students will place punctuation cards in proper places and read with expression.
· (Small group) Students will put strips of sentences in sequential order following story events.
· (Individual) Students will write a sentence using different punctuation cards.
Assessment Rubric
Student Name ______Date ______
Fluency Assessment for Small Group Guided Reading
5=Mastery of Skill 3/4=Developing Skill 1/2=Needs Improvement
Little to None Sometimes Always
Intonation 1 2 3 4 5
Punctuation- 1 2 3 4 5
Literacy Center 1 (low)
. / ! / “ ” /,
Fill in the blanks with the correct punctuation marks.
He loved it like ants love jam
Harry McFarr had a clunker car
Harry McFarr, we love this car!
Literacy Center 2 (average)
Cut and paste sentences in correct order of the story.
Harry McFarr loved his clunker car!The car lost its wheels.
The car rests in his yard and can’t move.
The car made lots of noise and smoke.
The mice would say, “We love this car!”
Literacy Center 3 (high)
Name: ______
. / ! / “ ” /,
Write a sentence using each punctuation mark shown in the boxes above.