Setting the Patient Agenda
Here is a project plan set in the PDSA format.
PLAN – discuss with staff that you are trying this on 10 patients. Pick a time when it is less crazy; such as a Wed morning.
The Form – make sure you like the questions on the form.
Front Desk – When Front Desk hands out the form, say
“Please take a few minutes to fill out this form. This is to make sure you get the most out of your visit today.”
Med Assistant– While rooming the patient, use the form to have a conversation with the patients. If the patient lists more than 1 item, ask which is the most important and circle it. See if any of the questions or refills can be done and taken off of the provider’s to do list (such as questions on vitamins). Give the form to provider.
Provider – Can use the form to guide patient conversation. For example,
“I see you have 4 items you want to discuss and high blood pressure is the most important. If we can’t get to all 4 items today let’s make sure we schedule another visit.”
DO – Hand out the form to 10 patients. Collect the form. Enter patient comments, if any, into the spreadsheet provided (Measurements). Not every patient will have a comment, but it will be helpful to see what suggestions they may have. Also ask Front desk, MA and Provider for feedback. Input feedback into the spreadsheet provided. There are 4 tabs in the spreadsheet, Patient, Front desk, Med Assistant and Provider. Send me the spreadsheet when it is filled out.
Study – Based on feedback, see if any of the questions could be tweaked.
ACT - Use updated form, repeat with 10 more patients until you have the form you want. It could take a few tries. Some practices revise the form by adding “Did you have a flu shot?” etc.