Starting Zemax:
function h = StartZemax(ZemaxFile)
%USAGE: h = StartZemax(ZemaxFile);
%Sets up a DDE connection to Zemax and loads
% the specified file.
%Note: With recent (2004) Zemax versions, an instance of Zemax
% must already be running to use DDE from Matlab, although
% a particular file need not be loaded.
% ZemaxFile: Zemax file name (and path) to be loaded
% If not entered, no file is loaded, but
% the channel handle, h, is still returned
% h: The DDE channel to zemax
h = ddeinit('zemax','notopic');
if h == 0
error('Zemax not started')
if nargin > 0
loadstr = ['LoadFile,' ZemaxFile];
rc = ddereq(h,loadstr);
if rc == -999
error('Zemax file load failed')
elseif rc ~= 0
error('Zemax update failed')
Getting a Zemax Analysis Text file:
function [A,Hdr] = GetZText(channel,Type,SetFile)
%USAGE: [A,Hdr] = GetZText(channel,Type,SetFile);
%Get 2-D text file from Zemax system
% channel: The DDE channel to the Zemax system
% (from "StartZemaxFile.m")
% Type: A string with the three-letter identifier
% indicating the Zemax analysis window to run.
% Examples:
% 'Fps' => Fourier Transform PSF
% 'Wfm' => Wavefrpmt map
% 'Mdm' => FFT Surface MTF
% SetFile: A string with the path and name of the configuration
% file to use for the Zemax analysis. Default is
% the last saved configuration for the analysis.
% A: The 2D array from the Zemax analysis
% Hdr: The header lines from the Zemax file
%Time to wait for Zemax (ms):
Tout = 90e3;
%Pass data through temp text file in current directory:
D = pwd;
F = [D '\PSFText.txt'];
if nargin == 3 %(Use Settings File)
reqstr = ['GetTextFile, "' F '" , ' Type ', "' SetFile '" , 1'];
else %(Use Default config file)
reqstr = ['GetTextFile, "' F '" , ' Type];
rc = ddereq(channel,reqstr, [1 0], Tout);
%Read text file into Matlab array:
[A,Hdr] = readZMX(F);
%Delete temp file to ensure against false data:
Changing Surface Data in Zemax:
function Pval = PutSurfData(channel,Surf,Type,Val)
%USAGE: Pval = PutSurfData(channel,Surf,Type,Val);
%Inserts surface parameter into Zemax surface.
% channel: DDE channel to a Zemax file
% Surf: the number of the surface to change.
% Type: The parameter type to change. Valid values are
% 'CURV', 'THIC', 'SDIA', and 'CONN' (same abrv. as Zemax)
% Pval: The newly set value. Might be slightly different
% from Val due to significant digit effects. It is up
% to the user to check to see if it is close enough.
%Set Accuracy of number insertion
% (depends on editor "Decimals" setting)
SetErr = 1e-3; %(coarse)
SurfStr = num2str(Surf);
reqstr0 = ['SetSurfaceData,' SurfStr ','];
switch Type
case 'CURV'
code = '2'; %Zemax data code for curvature
case 'THIC'
code = '3'; %Zemax data code for Thickness
case 'SDIA'
code = '5'; %Code for Semidiameter
case 'CONN'
code = '6'; %Code for conic constant
end %(switch)
reqstr = [reqstr0 code ',' num2str(Val)];
Pval = ddereq(channel,reqstr,[1 1]);
%Pval = str2num(Pval);
Er = ddereq(channel, 'GetUpdate',[1 1]);
Getting Surface Data from Zemax:
function X = GetParameter(channel,Surf,P)
%USAGE: X = GetParameter(channel,Surf,P);
%Gets values, X, from Zemax LDE parameter columns, P
% channel: Open DDE channel to Zemax (with file loaded)
% P: A vector indicating which parameters to get.
% X: A cell array with the requested data
%Set up the base DDE request string:
L = 'GetSurfaceParameter,';
S = [num2str(Surf) ','];
fmt = [1 0]; %Return numeric data
for ii = 1:length(P)
Pstr = num2str(P(ii));
%Set up the DDE request string:
reqstr = [L S Pstr];
%Get the parameter:
rc = ddereq(channel, reqstr, fmt);
X{ii} = rc;
end %(over size(P))