Great Card Ideas from SOC Distributor Ben Fitts
1. Differentiate, top of mind awareness marketing
2. Customer thank you (with gift) is overlooked today and is unexpected
3. Staff appreciation
4. Customer training
5. Employee training
6. Just Because or Thinking of You shows you care. Joe Girard, who holds Guinness World Book of Records for best salesman, built his auto sales with “I appreciate you” cards.
7. Touching someone’s heart vs. touching someone’s wallet. Don’t make the sale join the Witness Protection Program…never to be heard from again.
8. People are buying YOU, not your product/service. They can buy your product/service from someone else.
9. Your true inventory is people. They buy if they know, like and trust you. It’s less expensive to keep/sell existing clients rather than acquiring a new customer from scratch.
10. Campaign cards – you need multiple exposures/touches
11. Personal announcements
12. Birthday cards – birthdays are posted on Facebook or you can ask for their birthday. SOC keeps track of birthdays and anniversaries and reminds you when the date is near.
13. Anniversary (home closing, insurance policy, one year as your client, etc.) Use your SOC anniversary field in your Contact Manager to remember.
14. Holiday cards – be the first they receive, use memorable pictures, and they will display it throughout the season (great for top-of-mind awareness and potential referrals)
15. Recognition – when you recognize your client for their awards, accomplishments, they’ll give you more referrals
16. Nice to meet you – when you receive their business card
17. Confirm an appointment – emails get deleted
18. Coupon cards – postcards are so affordable
19. Thank you for the referral – generates even more referrals and has a negative response if you don’t thank them
20. Before and After photo cards - great for top-of-mind awareness and potential referrals
21. Welcome cards (to the community, etc.) Put the value on your client, not your advertising.
22. Motivational/Inspirational
23. Change of Address
24. Introduction cards
25. Pre-emptive cold call cards – card before you call or stop in – “I’m going to be in your area”
26. Getting past the gatekeeper – card to receptionist to befriend and thank (send brownies)
27. Events invitations – reminders/save the date/customer appreciation day
28. Event thank you (include photo’s) – people look for themselves and like to see that they’re in the photo
29. Reminder of product/service
30. Touch the family of your clients
31. Ask for referral
32. One on one – invite another businessperson in the area for coffee to find out about their business
33. Exit surveys – (find out why your client cancelled their service and win them back. Cards work well since they may have blocked your email or unsubscribed.) Offer coupon to come back.
34. Photo cards - a picture is worth a thousand words!
35. Video cards with QR code – works especially well with younger audience
36. New baby, sympathy, get well, encouragement – is your client going through a rough time? Stand out as a human being, not as a salesperson.
37. Reverse thank you – appreciate a customer service rep when they assist you rather than complaining
38. Buddy cards – offer a special discount for their buddy