Planning for Academic Success
Instructor: Mentor:
Office Phone: Phone:
E-Mail: Email:
Office hours:
Course Purpose & Goals: This course will focus on academic planning and the transition to college. We will explore issues relevant to you as a new student at URI. When you complete this course you should have a better understanding of the University of Rhode Island, its academic requirements, resources, and the various opportunities available to you. We will explore issues important to the URI community and your own academic goals. Major and career exploration will be central themes of the class. Most importantly, you will have experienced working collaboratively in a group, and will have developed some essential skills for your academic success.
· Practice collaborative learning skills in the learning community
· Explore academic, co-curricular, and career options
· Know yourself as a learner in the context of your discipline while enhancing your academic skills
· Encourage leadership via service learning through the Feinstein Enriching America Service Project
· Provide a safe and fun place to ask questions where you will gain valuable information
Learning Communities: Your URI 101 course is part of a learning community. Most students in this class are also enrolled in XXXXX and XXXXX. To make the most of this community, you are encouraged to form study groups, discuss course materials, and get to know your peers and faculty.
Online Text: http://web.uri.edu/newstudent/uri101/ See weekly assignments for readings, homework, etc.
This is a one-credit class and we will assign work accordingly. You will get credit for the work you do in class, as well as the preparation, and meeting times out of class. You are expected to do all assignments on time.
Course Requirements
Attendance is important in this class. To earn full credit for each class, attendance and participation is required. We expect you to contact us if you have an emergency and cannot attend class. Unexcused absences will result in a lower course grade.
Beginning September 18thst through October 13th, you will complete the MAP-Works Transition Survey. This survey is found at http://uri.map-works.com. It will provide instant feedback about how you are doing at URI, prepare you for the challenges that lie ahead, and highlight some of the services that are available to help you meet those challenges. MAP-Works will be a tool that you, your academic advisor, and I will discuss. *A Check-Up Survey at the end of the semester will provide extra credit points.*
MAJORS & MINORS FAIR: attendance and reflection (10 points)
Wednesday, October 8th, 2014 from 3:00-4:30pm – Memorial Union Ballroom.
Join faculty from all academic departments to learn about majors and minors at URI. A reflection on your experience and your thoughts on potential classes for the Spring 2014 semester are due by XXX. This is great opportunity for all students to learn about URI majors, even if you already have one! In your reflection you should answer these questions:
· What courses will I take in this major (general education, major requirements, room for electives?)?
· What milestones do I need to be aware of to be sure to stay on track (specific requirements, GPA, etc)?
· What skills do I need to be successful in this major?
· What should my course plan look like to graduate in four years?
· What type of job(s) will this major prepare me for?
· Should I plan to continue my education after receiving my bachelor’s degree?
Joining a campus club or organization is a great way to meet other people on campus who share similar interests, strengthen your resume, and help you learn time management skills. For this assignment you must attend a meeting or join a campus group that interests you. You will create a flyer providing important information about the group. You can find information about campus clubs and organizations at www.uri.edu/studentorg, or at the Student Organization Fair, September 17 from 11am – 3pm outside the Memorial Union. Due XXX in class: To share what you experienced, please prepare a flyer to distribute to the class that addresses:
- Name of organization - Meeting times/location
- Describe the organization - What are the attendance requirements? (continued on next page)
- What are meetings like? - How do you feel about this organization?
- What are the rules for joining? - Would you recommend others join? Who? Why?
TYPEFOCUS (10 points)
A large part of URI101 is exploring your interests, skills, and goals as they relate to major choice. To help in this process we will use a personality assessment called TypeFocus. To access the personality assessment visit www.typefocus.com. You will create your own account. Our access code is uri47. Under the “Self Assessments” tab, complete Personality Assessment, and the Success Factors Questionnaire. Print your results and bring them to class on XXX.
Studying and learning successfully in college requires that you develop new skills and approaches as a student. Like anything, developing new skills takes time and trial and error. In URI 101 you will have two assignments that will help make learning much easier: how to prepare for an exam, monitor your progress, and analyze exams you’ve taken to determine how to improve your performance. Your instructor will assign due dates for these assignments in class.
Diversity Week, (September 29 – October 3) celebrates the importance of diversity and inclusion in higher education, in the workplace, in the URI community, and in the global arena. You are welcome to attend as many events as you like. For this assignment, you must choose at least 1 event to attend and report your reflections of the event. This reaction is due XXX. A detailed schedule of Diversity Week activities can be found at: http://www.uri.edu/mcc/
The 2014 Common Reading is The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch. A social media conversation will be taking place this semester through #DreamBigURI. Be prepared to turn in and discuss your assignment for 5 points due on XXX. (Instructors: choose an assignment from http://web.uri.edu/newstudent/uri101/)
Since 1994, the Feinstein Enriching America Program (FEAP) has provided URI 101 freshman the opportunity to serve the community, providing an average of 10,000 hours of service each fall. To complete this assignment, go to www.uri.edu/volunteer, to sign up for a project, login to RhodyNet, http://web.uri.edu/experience/rhodynet/. There are over 75 service projects to choose from. Please register for a service project that interests you. To receive full credit, you must attend your selected project and complete the reflection assignment, due in class not later than XXX.
Reflection Assignment: What? So What? Now What?
· What? What happened during service project? How was the day structured? Did anything critical happen? What type of service was done? Who was present?
· So What? What did you learn during your project? What difference did this service project make? Did anything surprise you during the project? How did those you were serving react to the service? What did you notice about how your classmates worked together?
· Now What? How can this project relate to your major choice? Career choice? What is the root issue at hand? What are some of the causes of that issue? Can the causes be addressed? How can you stay engaged in the future? If you do not serve again with this agency or issue, with what agency would you consider volunteering?
Grading PolicY:
Attendance and Participation 30 points Studying in College 10 points
MAP-Works and one on one 10 points Diversity Week event & reflection 10 points
Majors Fair attendance & assignment 10 points Common Reading blog post 5 points
Campus Involvement & flyer 5 points Civic Engagement Project and reflection 10 points
TypeFocus assignment & reflection 10 points MAP-Works Check-Up Survey bonus points
A = 94-100 A- = 90-93 B+ = 87-89 B = 84-86 B- = 80-83 C+ = 77-79
C = 74-77 C- = 70-73 D+ = 67-69 D = 60-66 F = Below 60
ADDITIONAL POLICIES AND INFORMATION (Applicable to all your courses)
CLASS ATTENDANCE- The course catalogue (8.33.13) states “Students who are absent from the first and second class meetings of a course and who do not notify the course instructor of their intention to attend future class meetings may be dropped from the class.” In other words, go to class or you may be dropped so that other students may enroll during the add period.
ACCOMMODATIONS/SERVICES: Any student with a documented disability is encouraged to contact their professor early in the semester to work out reasonable accommodations to support your success in your courses. Students should also contact Disability Services for Students, Office of Student Life, 330 Memorial Union, 401-874-2098.
ACADEMIC HONESTY: All submitted work must be your own. If you consult other sources (class readings, articles or books from the library, articles available through internet databases, or websites) these MUST be properly documented, or you will be charged with plagiarism and will receive an 0 for the paper. In some cases, this may result in a failure of the course as well. In addition, the charge of academic dishonesty will go on your record in the Office of Student Life. If you have any doubt about what constitutes plagiarism, visit the following website: http://gervaseprograms.georgetown.edu/hc/plagiarism.html, the URI Student Handbook, and UNIVERSITY MANUAL sections on Plagiarism and Cheating at http://www.uri.edu/facsen/8.20-8.27.html - cheating
ANTI-BIAS STATEMENT: Each Member of the University community has the responsibility to foster an environment of acceptance, mutual respect and understanding. If you are a target or a witness of a bias incident, you are encouraged to contact the URI Bias Response Team www.uri.edu/student_life/brt where you will find people and resources to help.
Week 1
September 3-9 URI 101, your home to Navigating URI:
Welcome and Introductions
· Knowing your 101 instructor and mentor – we are here to help you
· Student Profile – we want to know you!
Navigating URI
· Review URI 101 Syllabus and Assignments
· What is a learning community/LLC and study groups
· The Last Lecture #dreambigURI
Academic Check-In Assignments Due
· Planning your semester - Use syllabi to fill out planners with all assignments and dates
Week 2
September 10-16 Academics 101: Understanding your major and the Academic Map
· GPS – guided pathways to success – how to use your academic map
· Progress to Graduation
· Requirements (grades, courses) milestones
· Understand general education and elective courses
· Academic policies, glossary of academic terms (add, drop, withdraw, second grade option)
· Resources to support your academic progress ( University College website: academic advising, academic enhancement center, Center for Career and Experiential Education)
· Using the academic calendar
· What happens if you change your major
· Credit completion – Take 5 to finish in 4
Academic Check-In Assignments Due
· Find your map and note any milestones you want to be aware of
· Civic Engagement sign up at www.uri.edu/volunteer
Week 3
September 17-23 Knowing Yourself: “do what you are”
TypeFocus Discussion
· Identifying innate skills, values, motivations and personality strengths
· Connecting your assessment results with major
· Having a better understanding of yourself helps in working with others, choosing a career, finding your strengths
Academic Check-In Assignments Due
· Complete Map Works – How are you doing in and out of class?
· Complete TypeFocus and bring results to class, see instructions above
· Attend Involvement fair – what will you add to the campus community? September 17th
Week 4
September 24-30 Making College Count: Involvement and Inclusion
· Leadership and involvement opportunities to complement your strengths
o How are you spending your time?
o Who you are shapes your interests and involvement
· Growth mindset: you can learn anything
· What’s happening around campus, the event calendar
· Diversity week reflections – the power of inclusion
Academic Check-In and Assignments Due
· NOTE TO INSTRUCTOR: The five day test prep plan assignment is being developed and is intended to prepare students for exams. An “exam wrapper” activity to follow.
· Complete MAPWorks survey by next week
· Attend Diversity Week Sept 29-Oct 3
Week 5
October 1-7 Planning for Success in the Major:
Introduction to my Major
· Professors are people too – who are my professors fall semester
· Making the most of an office hour
· Major/Minor Fair – see questions above
· My degree granting college and major website: what is important?
Academic Check-In and Assignments Due
· Explore the site: What to do with a major in: http://www.mynextmove.org/ and http://whatcanidowiththismajor.com/major/; http://web.uri.edu/newstudent/files/Steps-in-Finding-a-Major1.pdf
· Reflection Exercise understanding major and map
· Majors and Minors Fair reflection questions due (October 8th)
· What are majors that interest me?
· What is a degree granting college and what are the differences
· Professors are people too – who are my professors fall semester
· Making the most of an office hour
· Major/Minor Fair – see questions above
· University College website: web.uri.edu/advising academic advising, resources, academic enhancement center
Academic Check-In and Assignments Due
· Study Plan exercise due
· Explore the site: What to do with a major in: http://www.mynextmove.org/ and http://whatcanidowiththismajor.com/major/;
Week 6
October 8-14 Preparing for Advising:
Spring Semester Awaits
· Make the most of the advising appointment time
· Review Academic Map to choose your spring courses
· Finding your registration day and time
· Checking on holds
· Which Fall classes most appealed to me and why
· J-term enrollment
Academic Check-In and Assignments Due
· Diversity Week Reflection due
· MAPWorks survey due by October 13th
· Bring Laptop to class
Week 7
October 15-21 Campus Health and Safety Presentation
Week 8
October 22-28 Library
Academic Check-In Assignments Due
· Review http://uri.libguides.com/start BEFORE class today
Week 9
Oct 29- Nov 4 Revisiting TypeFocus Results in Determining Career Path:
Consider workshops in UCAS to get you on the path