Scott County School District 2

School Board of Education Meeting

Central Office Board Room

375 East McClain Avenue

Scottsburg, IN 47170

Board Minutes

December 2, 2015

Executive Session - 5:00 p.m.

I. IC 5-14-1.5-6.1 (2) For discussion of strategy with respect to: (C) The implementation of security systems; (3) For

discussion of the assessment, design, and implementation of school safety measures, plans and systems; (6) with

respect to any individual over whom the governing body has jurisdiction; (9) To discuss a job performance

evaluation of an individual employee.

The Executive Session started at 5:00 p.m. with all members present along with Dr. Slaton. There was no subject discussed other than that specified on the agenda. The meeting adjourned at approximately 6:00 p.m.

Public Meeting - 6:00 p.m.

(I.C. 20-26-5-4.3)

I. Call to Order

President Kendall called the Public Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

II. Consideration of Superintendent’s Contract

Mr. Kendall asked if there were any comments or questions concerning the Superintendent’s contract. SMS Principal

Kristin Nass voiced her support for Dr. Slaton. There were no other comments.

III. Adjourn

Mrs. Roberts made a motion to adjourn the Public Meeting at 6:04 p.m. Mr. Mays seconded and motion carried 5-0.

Regular Board Meeting - Immediately Following Public Meeting.

I. Call to Order

President Kendall called the Regular Meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Recognition of Visitors


IV. Superintendent’s Report

A. SMS Student Council

Dr. Slaton congratulated the SMS Student Council and Sponsor Mrs. Amber Zeigenbein for being named an

Honor Council at the Fall Leadership Jamboree in Indianapolis. Mrs. Zeigenbein stated that the SMS

Student Council had been an honor council for 20 years which is the third longest in the state. She

introduced some of the middle school Student Council members who shared their experiences at the

jamboree, told the requirements to being named an honor council, and what they did over the past year

to earn this award. One requirement was creating an honor book documenting their activities which they

presented for the Board’s review. Students who spoke were Jaylah Mays, Katelynn Langley and Logan


B. Assistant Principal of the Year - Mrs.Tiffany Barrett

Dr. Slaton announced that VFES Principal, Mrs. Tiffany Barrett was named the Indiana Assistant Principal of

the year at the IASP conference in November. He stated that this is quite an honor for anyone, but

is exceptionally rewarding considering the short time Mrs. Barrett has been in administration and all she has

accomplished in that short time. He added that Scott 2 is very fortunate and proud to have Mrs. Barrett as

an administrator.

C. Virtual School Report

Dr. Slaton provided the Virtual School Report for review.

V. Consideration of Modification to the Agenda and Approval

Dr. Slaton asked permission to add: 1) Resignation of Michelle Craig as School Nurse & posting for School Nurse;

2) FileWave Renewal; 3) Resolution of Board; and 4) Administrator/Director Contract Renewals for 2016-17.

Mr. Mays made a motion to approve the modifications. Mrs. Roberts seconded and motion carried 5-0.

VI. Consideration of Board Minutes

Mrs. Roberts made a motion to approve the minutes from the November 17, 2015 Board meeting as presented.

Mrs. Soloe seconded and motion carried 4-0. (Mr. Mays was not in attendance at the November 17 meeting.)

VII. Financial Considerations

A. Expenditure Summary

B. Payroll Claims 11-19-15

C. Regular Claims

1. November 9-13, 2015

2. November 16-20, 2015

D. Permission to Prewrite Claims through December 31, 2015

Mr. Mays made a motion to approve all claims and prewriting claims through the end of 2015. Mrs. Soloe seconded and motion carried 5-0.

E. Permission to Purchase/Renew

1. ISBA Membership Dues $4,100

2. Paper Corporation $2,592

3. FileWave Renewal - added 12-2-15

Mr. Mays made a motion to approve purchases and renewals. Mrs. Soloe seconded and motion carried 5-0.

F. Permission to Accept/Award Quotes

1. Camera Quotes (Comparison of Quotes) (Camera Quote Chart)

a. Conzer Security Inc.

. b. Security Pros

Mr. Mays made a motion to approve quotes. Mrs. Roberts seconded and motion carried 5-0.

Dr. Slaton asked permission to spend up to $78,000 with Security Pros for camera software

and hardware upgrades. Half of the expense would be paid with the FY15 Safety Grant and half from the 2013 Bond remaining balance. Mrs. Roberts made a motion to approve the Security Pros quote. Mrs. Soloe seconded and motion carried 5-0.

2. SHS Refrigerator Quotes

a. HPS $7,040.53

b. National Equipment $7,430.72

Mr. Mays made a motion to approve the quotes. Mrs. Roberts seconded and motion carried 5-0.

Dr. Slaton recommended HPS to replace the broken refrigerator unit at SHS. The food services

department had budgeted $8,000 for this replacement. Mr. Mays made a motion to approve,

seconded by Mrs. Soloe. Motion carried 5-0.

3. SES Salad Bar Equipment $5,197.50

Mrs. Peterson recommended purchasing salad bar equipment for a pilot at SES with the USDA

Equipment Grant which was awarded in the amount of $5,338. Mrs. Roberts made a motion to

approve, seconded by Mr. Mays. Motion carried 5-0.

4. Scottsburg Middle School Fishbowl Learning Space Redesign

a. Tierney Brothers $4,712.14

b. Creative Images $4,879.28

Mr. Mays made a motion to accept quotes for the redesign of the SMS fishbowl learning space.

Mrs. Roberts seconded and motion carried 5-0. Dr. Slaton noted that this expense will be covered

from a grant and Media Center funds and recommended Tierney Brothers. Mrs. Soloe made a

motion to approve, seconded by Mr. Moore. Motion carried 5-0.

G. Boatman Road Property

Ms. Sparkman recommended renewal of the farm lease between SCSD2 and Mr. Dave Darlage, who has farmed the property since 2007 and has proposed to pay the same amount as 2015 ($18,914) for a one year lease. Mrs. Roberts made a motion to approve seconded by Mr. Mays. Motion carried 5-0.

VIII. Operations

A. Personnel Recommendations

1. Retirement(s)

a. Doris Marcum - JES Principal

Dr. Slaton announced that JES Principal Mrs. Doris Marcum has decided to retire after 45

years with Scott 2. She was hired in 1971 and has been principal of Johnson Elementary

School since 2000, teaching kindergarten there for most of the years prior to that. He

added that when you think of Johnson Elementary, you think of Mrs. Marcum. She is

known to love her students and staff and has always gone above and beyond for Johnson

Elementary. He thanked Mrs. Marcum for all of her years of service to Scott 2 and wished

her many wonderful years to spend time with family and for her travel adventures. He

stated that Mrs. Marcum will be missed and not just for the great homemade desserts she

often provides during the administrator meetings!

b. Al Rabe - SCSD2 Athletic Director

Dr. Slaton announced that Mr. Rabe has also decided to retire at the end of the 2015-16

school year. He has served as athletic director since the fall of 2012 and also taught P.E.

classes and coached varsity baseball. Dr. Slaton thanked Mr. Rabe for coming out of his

first retirement to help Scott 2 and wished him the very best in his second retirement. He

added that we hope both Mrs. Marcum and Mr. Rabe will attend the banquet in May to

allow us to officially honor them and show our appreciation for their service to Scott 2.

Mrs. Roberts added that they wanted to thank both of them for their service and time and

made a motion to approve both retirements. Mr. Mays seconded and motion carried 5-0.

2. Certified Staff Recommendation(s)

a. SCSD2 School Attorney (Effective 1-1-16)

3. ECA Staff Recommendation(s)

a. Tony Carter - SMS Asst. Wrestling Coach

b. Patrick Mendez - SMS Wrestling Coach

c. Jason Clancy & Jacob Dunn - Freshman Basketball Co-Coaches

4. Professional Leave Request(s)

a. Caroline VanGosen - CASE Institute, Lexington, KY, June 19-29

5. Field Trip Request(s)

a. SHS Special Ed - State Special Olympics Competition, Terre Haute, IN, June 10-12

b. Intensive Special Ed Students - Lights Under Louisville, Louisville, KY, Dec. 10

6. Permission to Accept & Post Retirements/Resignations through January 12

7. Resignation - Michelle Craig - SCSD2 Nurse - Added 12-2-15

8. Permission to Post

a. JES Principal

b. SCSD2 Athletic Director

c. SCSD2 School Attorney (Effective 1-1-16)

d. Destination Imagination Coach (2)

e. SCSD2 School Nurse - Added 12-2-15

9. Resolution of Board-Non-Renewal Administrative Contracts - Added 12-2-15

Mrs. Soloe made a motion to approve Items 2 - 9. Mrs. Roberts seconded and motion carried 5-0.

10. Administrator and Director Contract Renewals 2016-2017 - Added 12-2-15

Dr. Slaton recommended approval of the following administrator contracts for 2016-17 noting that the only change to the contracts was the reduction in the number of days worked to offset vacation days being taken away.

Ric Manns 230 Days/$95,880 Keri Hammons 210 Day/$72,450

Kristin Nass 220 Days/$95,326 Jacob Johanningsmeier 210 Days/$62,508.97

Chuck Rose 200 Days/$79,537 Note: Tiffany Barrett, Dustin Marshall and

Deb Yost 200 Days/$79,332 Jordan Warner are not included because their

Kevin Smith 210 Days/$73,440 contracts are through 2016-17.

Mrs. Roberts made a motion to approve administrator contracts. Mrs. Soloe seconded

and motion carried 5-0.

Dr. Slaton recommended approval of the following administrator contracts for 2016-17.

Bobby Riley 260 Days/$71,887

Scott Borden 260 Days/$81,947

Leigh Anne Peterson 251 Days/$57,000

Melinda Sparkman 240 Days/$97,000

Heather Crites 190 Days/$41,083.70

Bobby Doriot 220 Days/$66,010.49

The Board voted on each director separately with no changes. Mr. Mays made a motion

to approve Mr. Riley, seconded by Mr. Moore. Motion carried 5-0.

Mr. Mays made a motion to approve Mr. Borden, seconded by Mrs. Soloe. Motion

carried 5-0.

Mrs. Soloe made a motion to approve Mrs. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Kendall. Motion

failed 2-3 with Mr. Mays, Mrs. Roberts and Mr. Moore voting against.

Mr. Mays made a motion to approve Ms. Sparkman, seconded by Mrs. Soloe. Motion

carried 5-0.

Mr. Mays made a motion to approve Mrs. Crites, seconded by Mrs. Roberts. Motion

carried 5-0.

Mr. Mays made a motion to approve Mr. Doriot, seconded by Mrs. Soloe. Motion carried


IX. Other Business

A. Thank You Note(s)

Dr. Slaton shared an email received from Mr. L.L. Lowry thanking the Board for waiving the fees for the

Sunnyside Reunion to be held at JES. Dr. Slaton wanted to publicly acknowledge the great work this group

does for our students, stating that they presented 3 mini-grants to teachers at JES for a total of over $1,000

during American Education Week.

Mr. Moore remarked that the show choir performed at a recent girls’ basketball game and did a great job.

Mr. Mays asked what everyone thought about the new sound system in Meyer Gym. It was agreed that it does sound better but the quality seems to depend on the size of the crowd and the announcer. Training the announcers was mentioned along with the possibility of paying a professional to announce and/or having Mr. Avery attend a game to assess how the system is working.

X. Adjourn

Mrs. Roberts made a motion to adjourn at 6:35, seconded by Mr. Mays. Motion carried 5-0.


Jason Kendall, President


Christy Roberts, Vice President


Josh Mays, Secretary


Ron Moore, Member


Andrea Soloe, Member

Board Minutes - December 2, 2015 - Page