Fifth Grade Native Americans and Explorers

Lesson 4

Title: African Life Before the 16th Century

Grade Level: 5

Unit of Study: Native Americans and Explorers



Use maps to locate the major regions of Africa(northern Africa, western Africa, central Africa, eastern Africa, southern Africa).


Describe the life and cultural development of people living in western Africa before the 16th century with respect to economic (the ways people made a living) and family structures, and the growth of states, towns, and trade.


Describe the convergence of Europeans, American Indians and Africans in North America after 1492 from the perspective of these three groups.

Abstract: In this lesson, students will learn about the life and culture of west African life.

Key Concepts:

Sequence of Activities:

This website is amazing! Go to

Do Module 1.

Learning Modules: Ancient West African History.


Instructional Resources:


Student Resources

Teacher Resources

Calhoun ISD Social Studies Curriculum Design Project