Scientific Revolution Webquest


-Your Resources for this Web Quest are this website, these questions, a piece of paper and something to write with
-Use only the websites that are linked below, NOT Google or other search engines
-The questions are divided into sections with websites for each section
-You do not need to follow other links on the sites below, everything will be on the first page
-DO NOT get stuck trying to read everything on the page, QUEST for the answers to your questions
-Whatever you do not get a chance to fill out in class, you must complete for homework

Section One: New Views of the Universe

1. What was the old (incorrect) Ptolemic view of the universe?
2. Summarize Copernicus’ heliocentric system.

3. What new invention did Galileo perfect and what did he use it to prove?
4. How did the Catholic Church respond to Galileo’s findings?

Section Two: The New Scientific Method

5. What is the real goal of science?
6. Describe the Inductive (Scientific) Method in your own words.

Section Three: Newton Pulls it all Together

7. How did Newton picture light (Part II)?
8. What is Newton’s definition of gravitation (Part IV)?
9. How did Newton view Christianity and God (Part VII?)

Section Four: Exploration Advances

10. How does an astrolabe work?
11. How might the astrolabe help explorers?

12. How did maps change during the Age of Exploration?
13. What made maps so valuable that they would be kept secret?

14. What made caravels so great?

Section Five: Other Scientific Advances

15. What was Vesalius known for?

16. What did Boyle emphasize and what is he the founder of?

17. How did Boyle feel about the relationship between Christianity and science?

Final Question Summary (5 to7 sentences): How did the scientific discoveries of the 1700s apply to the understanding of the world?