Name: _____________________________________________Per. _____Date: ______

Science Ohio Achievement Assessement Review

Topic 3-Forms of Energy and Energy Transformation

If you are not succeeding in achieving a 75% on these quizzes, what can you do to improve your chances of success on quiz #3? One strategy is to prepare your study guide with a few days to spare. That will give you enough time to study each learning target and ask your science teacher questions about things that you did not fully understand. Again, your job over the next week is to visit the following websites for each learning target and be prepared to take the review quiz _________________on the topic. This assignment is not optional and is worth 50 homework points. Good luck!

Getting into School Pointe

Go to Harmon Webpage, Click on Teacher Webpages, Angela Frankmann, 8th Grade Science, click on the OAA Review Folder. Then click on the OAA Topic #3 Folder.

Learning Targets-Energy Forms and Transformation

Watch the BrainPop videos on Kinetic, Potential,and Nuclear Energy.

#1-Define energy.

#2 Define potential energy. Two types of potential energy are Stored Mechanical Potential energy and Gravitational Potential energy. Define both of these then give one example of Stored Mechanical Potential energy and Gravitational Potential energy.

#3-Define Kinetic Energy. Give 2 examples of an object or substance with kinetic energy.

#4-Give two examples where potential energy is changing into kinetic energy.


(Scroll to Active Energy vs. Stored Energy)


a) Define each form of energy (Chemical Energy, Radiant Energy, Thermal Energy, Electrical Energy, Sound Energy, Nuclear Energy) and give 1 example of each.

b) For Nuclear Energy, define the process of fission and fusion.

c) Determine which forms of energy are kinetic energies and which are potential energies (Chemical Energy, Radiant Energy, Thermal Energy, Electrical Energy, Sound Energy, Nuclear Energy).

#6- Define the Law of Conservation of Energy.

#7-Be able to identify the energy forms at each step when energy is transferring from one form to another. Give at least 5 different examples of energy changing from one form to another. (Ex. Television set= electrical energy to light, heat, sound).

(scroll to CHANGING ENERGY in the middle of the page)

#8-Define renewable and nonrenewable resources. Give examples of renewable and nonrenewable sources of energies. Give one benefit and one consequence that each may have on Society.

Practice-Take the quizzes to test your energy knowledge. Click “Play This Game”

Energy Conversions

(Click on Catraption activity then click A, B, C, D, E)