I. Course Number: INT 5133
II. Title: Total Quality Systems
III. Credit: 303
IV. Course description: Study of principles, practices, tools, techniques and systems for total quality management in industrial or service organizations.
V. Objectives of the Course:
a. To study principles and practices of total quality management;
b. To study tools and techniques of total quality management;
c. To learn contemporary systems standards for total quality management;
d. To improve leadership, problem solving and communication skills dealing with quality management.
VI. Textbook: D. H. Besterfield, C. Besterfield-Michna, G. H. Besterfield and Mary Besterfield-Sacre, Total Quality Management (3rd edition), Prentice-Hall: NJ, 2003.
VII. Outline of the Course:
A. Class Discussion (Instructor facilitated): Week
1. Introduction 0.5
2. Leadership and Teamwork 1
3. Focus on Customer Satisfaction 1
4. Employee Motivation 1
5. Continuous Process Improvement 0.5
6. Supplier Partnership 0.5
7. Performance Measures 0.5
B. Class Discussion (Team-member facilitated)
8. Benchmarking 1
9. Computer Technology 1
10. Quality Management Systems 1
11. Environmental Management System 1
12. Quality Function Deployment (QDF) 1
13. Quality by Design 1
14. Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FEMA) 1
15. Product Liability Self study
- Total Productive Maintenance 1
- Decision Making or Problem Solving Tools Self study
C. Development of Total Quality System (Team Project)
D. Presentation on Team Project 2
VIII. Instructor: Peter Ping Liu, Ph D, PE, OCP, CQE and CSIT
School of Technology
(217)5816267 (office and voice mail)
Office: 4032 (304 D) Klehm Hall
10:00-11:00 AM, M and W
1:00-3:00 PM, F
IX. Approaches and Policy:
1. The course will practice the principles of total quality management systems, emphasizing teamwork and overall involvement. Class participation is required for every meeting. Pre-approval is required for any excuses.
2. Class exercises will be given at proper time. There will be no make-up of the missed class exercises for non-emergency-related absence.
For excused absence, student is responsible to discuss with the instructor immediately to make arrangements of making up. Generally, students are required to submit a satisfactory content summary on the missed chapter.
3. Students will learn through discussions and interactions. There will be no formal lecture for this class. During the first part of the semester, the instructor will facilitate the discussion. On the second half of the semester, each team will facilitate and lead the discussion.
4. Teams will be organized at the first meeting of the semester.
5. Each team will be assigned to research on a specific subject on total quality system tools among items 8 to 15 in the content section.
6. Each team will lead or facilitate the discussion for the entire class on the assigned subject.
7. Each individual student will write a research paper on the assigned subject based upon the research results. Please notice that the writing is the responsibility of individual student.
8. Each team will develop a systematic total quality management manual for a specific company or operation of team’s choice. Please see the details under the project of total quality system development.
9. Homework will be assigned at proper time and the deadline will be announced at the time of assignment.
10. Policy on assignments: Any assignment is due before the beginning of the class at a specified date. Twenty five (25) points will be taken off each day after the due time if late submission occurred.
11. Exam policy: close book, notes and handouts.
X. Total quality system development project:
Each team will develop a systematic total quality system manual for a specific company or operation. Major tasks will include the following:
1. Identify an organization or operation, preferably a company involved marketing, research and development, design, procurement, productions, sales, customer services.
2. Develop an organizational chart.
3. Develop quality statements (including vision, mission and quality policy statements) for the organization.
4. Develop quality guidelines for at least three most important departments in the organization.
5. Develop standard operation procedure (SOP) for the above three departments.
6. Presentation of quality systems and manual.
At every step of the development project, each team will be required to submit a report for the step. Grade will be given for each step. Late submission will result in losses of 25% every day after the deadline.
At the end of the semester, each team is expected to submit a total quality system manual. Another grade will be given based upon the overall quality of the manual.
XI. Evaluation of students achievements:
A total score for each student will be computed based upon the following proportions:
Class Exercise and Participation 15%
Home Work 10%
Team-facilitated discussion 10%
Research paper on team topic 15%
Team work on quality system development 10%
Quality system manual by team work 10%
Presentation on total quality system 10%
Mid term test 10%
Final exam 10%
Performance evaluation on grade is based on the total score in the class:
Total >= 90 A
80 <= Total <90 B
70 <= Total < 80 C
60 <=Total < 70 D
Total< 60 F
XII. ADA statement: If you have a documented disability and wish to receive academic accommodations, please contact the Coordinator of the Office of Disability Services (581-6583) as soon as possible.
XIII. Course Web Resources:
XIII. Course Schedule
Week /Content
/ Required Reading (Textbook) / Tasks to Complete (Possible Points) / Due Date1 / Instructor facilitated: Introduction / Chapter 1 / Organize teams. Assign research topic for team-led discussion. (5) / 01/15/04
2 / Instructor facilitated: Leadership and Teamwork / Chapter 2 / Identify an organization or operation (10) / 01/25/04
3 / Instructor facilitated: Focus on Customer Satisfaction / Chapter 3 / Develop an organizational chart. (10) / 01/29/04
4 / Instructor facilitated: Employee Involvement, Continuous Process Improvement / Chapter 4 and 5 / Develop quality statements (including vision, mission and quality policy statements) for the organization (15) / 02/05/04
5 / Instructor facilitated: Supplier Partnership and Performance Measures / Chapter 6 and 7 / 02/12/04
6 / Team-facilitated: Benchmarking / Chapter 8 / 02/19/04
7 / Team-facilitated: Computer Technology / Chapter 9 / Develop quality guidelines for at least three most important departments in the organizations. (30) / 02/26/04
8 / Team-facilitated: Quality Systems / Chapter 10 / Mid Term / 03/04/04
9 / Team-facilitated: Environmental Management System / Chapter 11 / 03/11/04
Enjoy the Spring Break
10 / Team-facilitated: Total Productive Maintenance / Chapter 12 / 03/25/0411 / Team-facilitated: Quality by Design / Chapters 13 / Develop standard operation procedure (SOP) the above three departments. (30) / 04/01/04
12 / Team-facilitated: Product Liability / Chapter 15 / 04/08/04
13 / Team-facilitated: Management Tools / Chapter 17 / Research paper due (on team topic) (100) / 04/15/04
14 / Team Presentation: Quality System Development: Experience and Insights / Quality system manual for each team due. (100) / 04/22/04
15 / Team Presentation: Quality System Development: Experience and Insights / 04/29/04
Final Exam / 05/06/04