Grade 6 School Supplies
September 2017-18
Brookside Junior High School student fee plan will cost $25.00.
It includes the following:
1. Locker lease 5.00
2. Combination lock 5.00
3. Special Events/Assemblies 15.00
Total = $25.00
Total $50.00
The following is a suggested list of supplies a grade 6 student will need for September:
1 IMPORTANT: Math set - protractor, compass, and ruler, and 30 cm ruler
2 IMPORTANT: Calculator
3. 1 or 2 Large Zippered Binders
4. Package of loose-leaf reinforcements (optional)
5. 1000 sheets of loose-leaf
6. Pencil Case – 3 packages of good quality wooden pencils, 6 pens, erasers and high-lighter
7. One package of colored pencils
8. 2 Glue sticks
9. Scissors
10. LaRousse or Collins pocket French-English Dictionary (over 80000 Translations)
11. Package of 5 duotangs
12. Pocket folder
13. 2 Packages of subject dividers
14. Package of graph paper
15. Phys Ed clothes (sneakers, t-shirt, shorts or sweats).
16. Crayons
17. Package of fine-tip Black Sharpies
18. Ruler
19. Thesaurus
Have a safe and wonderful summer vacation.
The Grade Six Teachers