San Antonio Young Lawyers Association
27th Annual Courthouse Tour and Judicial Reception
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Donor Information:
Name of Donor and/or Organization:
(Please print the name exactly as you would like it to appear in the program)
Sponsorship Levels and Benefits:
Entitles your firm to display a firm banner at the Judicial Reception; twelve (12) tickets to the tour and reception; your firm name on the event sign and program; and a representative from your firm presenting the award at the event.
B.______UNDERWRITERS $1,500
Entitles your firm to display a firm banner at the Judicial Reception; twelve (12) tickets to the tour and reception; your firm name on the event sign and program; and your corporate name announced at the event.
C.______SPONSORS $1,000
Entitles your firm to six (6) tickets to the tour and reception; your firm name on the event sign and program; and your firm name announced at the event.
D. ______HOSTS $500
Entitles your firm to three (3) complimentary tickets to the tour and reception and your firm name on the event sign and program.
E. ______CONTRIBUTORS $300
Entitles your firm to two (2) complimentary tickets to the tour and reception and your firm name on the event sign and program.
You can also submit your sponsorship online at
If you have any questions regarding the event, sponsorship or individual tickets, please contact Nick Guinn via email at or Rene De La O via email at . Please make checks payable to San Antonio Young Lawyers Association. To ensure your donation is properly recognized on signage, please return this form along with your donation by October 8, 2014, to:
Nick Guinn
Gunn, Lee & Cave, P.C.
300 Convent, Suite 1080
San Antonio, Texas 78205
Tel :(210) 886-9500 Fax: (210) 886-9883
San Antonio Young Lawyers Association