Sample Letter to Pediatrician, Family Practitioner or Primary Health Care provider

Dear Doctor,

Many of our youngest patients, within the first year of life, are missing an essential component of well-baby care. The American Public Health Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Ophthalmology, and American Optometric Association call for provision of professional eye and vision care to America’s infants. Meeting this need is the motivation for the AOA’s creation of the InfantSEE™ program. Enrolled members of the American Optometric Association will provide one-time comprehensive eye and vision assessments to infants six to twelve months at no cost.

By providing a no-cost eye and vision assessment, we have the opportunity for early detection for the risk of potential eye and vision problems. Through the InfantSEE™ program, we hope to prevent and help reduce the threat of serious vision impairments. It also educates the American public about the importance of eye care at all stages of life.

The InfantSEE™ assessment is not designed to compete with or be a substitute for the well-baby infant examinations you provide, but rather is a useful adjunct to traditional pediatric care. Each infant patient's family will be informed about the infant’s InfantSEE™ assessment results. The family physician or pediatrician will also be informed of the clinical findings of the assessment so that this information will become part of the infant patient's medical record.

Please visit for more information. We appreciate your support of this important program. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at XXX-XXXX.

We look forward to working with you.


Dr. Save Sight