Geospatial Technical Support

Module 1 – Metadata Editor

User Acceptance Testing

Instructions and Test Cases

Department of Water Resources

Sacramento, CA

Version 0.1

March 19, 2012

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Metadata Editor Test Cases Approval
Role / Name / Signature / Date
DWR Project Manager / Michelle King Byrd
Program Manager
Lead SME / Ruppert Grauberger
Preface: / This is a set of instructions that will be used to instruct end-users on how to perform User Acceptance Testing (UAT). The results of this testing will document the end-user verification that the system performs the required business of the system as set forth by the Business Requirements and/or Solution documentation. The user acceptance test further documents the successful acceptance of system functionality which ensures the solution meets the program requirements set forth by the program customers.
Author: / VESTRA Resources and DWR
Distribution: / This document is for DWR Internal Use Only.
Document Location: / SharePoint

Document History

Date / Version / Update Log /
03/19/2012 / 0.1 / Initial draft version

Introduction and Instructions:

This document contains testing instructions, referred to as test “scripts”, for the first round of User Acceptance Testing (UAT) for the Metadata Editor phase of the Geospatial Technical Support project. Each script presents step-by-step instructions for testing a particular aspect of the Metadata Editor. For efficiency, please follow the scripts as they are written, so that any defects can easily be identified within the context that generated the error. There will be ample opportunity to “play around” with the system once the testing period has been completed. However, you will need to follow the scripts in order to track & report in detail exactly what you were doing if/when you find a bug.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) for the Metadata Editor phase of the Geospatial Technical Support project will be conducted the week of [insert date]. At the end of the week, please enter all comments on the attached Word file and return them to [DWR representative] at [email address] as soon as you have completed testing. If you prefer,you may print the test scripts and write all comments on a hard copy of the documents, and hand deliver them to [DWR representative].

Please include your name, telephone number and email address on each of the worksheets so the team can easily identify the source of the testing results and know who to contact if any follow up is necessary. Any bugs discovered after each testing cycle will be investigated and fixed (dependent upon program review).

As you go through the test scripts, please check the “OK” box whenever a step is completed successfully. If the step hasn’t been completed successfully, please note in the comments section the result or error you encountered. If all tests for a script are OK, check the “Passed” checkbox at the bottom of the script. If one or more tests for a script are not OK, check the “Passed with Issues” or the “Failed” checkbox based on the criteria and severity standards shown below:

Passed – A test script will be considered “Passed” when no issues have been logged. Likewise the scenario will be considered passed when all scripts have been set to the passed status.

Failed – A test script will be considered “Failed” when one or more issues have been logged with a priority of showstopper, critical or high. Likewise the scenario will be considered “Failed” when one or more scripts have issues of high or medium severity.

Passed with Issues – A test script will be considered “Passed with Issues” when one or more issues have been logged with a medium or low severity. Likewise the scenario will be “Passed with Issues” when one or more scripts have issues of medium or low.

Severity Standards

Severity Level / Definition /
Showstopper / §  Issues for which no work-around exists. Showstopper defects would prevent the product from being released; these bugs cause the system to crash or completely disrupt service.
Critical / §  Defect results in severely impaired functionality. A work around may exist but its use is unsatisfactory.
§  This bug would prevent the product being released.
High / §  Issues which impact day-to-day business processes and for which no work-around exists (e.g., the inability to save information after it’s input)
§  Issues that will distort user perception (e.g., unable to move onto the next page within a wizard flow)
Medium / §  Issues for which practical work-around exist and do not impact day-to-day business processes
§  Cosmetic issues that impact the look and feel of the application (e.g., a button is slightly off the center on a data screen, or the problem is purely cosmetic and not easily recognizable)
Low / §  Enhancement request or design issue. These should probably be reported as Suggestions.

Please add any pertinent additional notes that help describe the error you found. Adding notes is optional. If you encounter any errors that cannot be adequately described in the comments or notes section of each script, please take a screen shot, and attach it to the document or send it separately to Headquarters. Include the test script number and line in the file name (e.g. TC-06_Script 1_line 5), and include it with your results. If you have several screen shots, please include a list to easily correlate the screenshots to the issues identified during the testing.

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TC-01 – Create / Edit / View UWMP

Script 1- Start a UWMP report – Filling in Basic Plan information

Test Objective. Verify that an administrator or contributor can initiate a UWMP report and fill in the Basic Plan information page.

Prerequisites: None

S / Directions / Data / Expected Result / OK? / Comments
1.  / Log into UWMP system / Login as Public Agency / System logs the user in.
2.  / Click “Create UWMP Data” Button / System allows user to start a new UWMP report and prompts the user to enter the “UWM Plan Details”
3.  / Fill out information in the “Basic Plan Information” Section / Use any real or fictitious data as long as it is in a valid format, and not omitting any required data field / System allows user to enter information.
4.  / Fill out information in the “UWM Plan Details” / Use any real or fictitious data as long as it is in a valid format, and not omitting any required data field / System allows user to enter information.
5.  / Click on “Save Plan Details” / System saves the information entered in the “Basic Plan Information” section, displays the document details section.
6.  / Click on “Exit to home Page” button / System takes the user to UWMP Plan home page and the entered plan details can be seen in the Existing UWM Plans section.
7.  / Click on View link / Click on the view link for the plan entered in step # 3

Passed Failed Passed with Issues. Notes:

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