Loan No N/A
Project ID No: P099895-II, Contract No MIDP-CS-QCBS-3
“Construction Supervision and Engineer's Services for Completion of Civil Works for: Lot 1. Luda Yana Dam and Lot 2. Plovdivtsi Dam”
Expressions of interest
This Request for Expression of Interest follows the general procurement notice for this project that appeared in UN Development Business online on 8 February 2009, in paper form Issue No.745 of February 28, 2009 and on the web site of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works on 6 February 2009.
The Republic of Bulgaria has applied for financing from the World Bank towards the cost of the Municipal Infrastructure Development Project and it intends to apply part of the proceeds for payment under Contract No MIDP-CS-QCBS-3 for consulting services.
The Consultant shall administer the construction contract and exercise construction supervision on the overall construction of:
§ Lot 1. Construction Supervision and Engineer's Services for Completion of Civil Works for “Luda Yana Dam”.
The civil works comprise completion of Luda Yana dam, which is located in the central part of South Bulgaria, about 2 km north direction from the town of Panagyurishte. The Luda Yana dam is of the type ballast fill main dam with a central clay core. Works for the construction of the dam were started in 1986 and were stopped in 2000. By then almost 2/3 of the dam were constructed (about level 569.00) and in particular the injection gallery, the diversion tunnel, the upstream coffer dam, civil part of the water intake tower, part of the anti-filtration protection measures and other supplementary or temporary sub-sites were built.
§ Lot 2. Construction Supervision and Engineer's Services for Completion of Civil Works for “Plovdivtsi Dam”.
The works comprise completion of Plovdivtsi dam, located in Southern Bulgaria, at about 14 km from the town of Rudozem, south direction. The water supply system “Plovdivtsi” includes a main dam, upstream coffer dam (embedded in the wall), morning glory spillway with a water intake tower and bottom outlet, diversion gallery and potable water purification plant (PWPP). The Plovdivtsi dam is of the type rock fill main dam with an asphalt-concrete diaphragm. Works for the construction of the dam were started in 1998 and were stopped in 2001. By then about 17 m of the dam were erected (which comprises almost 30% of the whole dam) and the morning glory spillway with the water intake tower and the bottom outlet, the diversion gallery, the stilling pool at the end of the gallery, the bearing construction of the road to the PWPP, the water supply collector, the apparatus chamber and the access roads were fully completed.
The Consultant shall be required to:
(i) Act as “Consultant” according to the Bulgarian legislation pursuant to Article 166, 167 and 168 of the Spatial Development Act (SDA), (State Gazette of the Republic of Bulgaria, No. 1/2001 and the subsequent revisions), where the Consultant have to perform: (i) an assessment of the investment project's conformity and supervision of all construction parts and (ii) construction supervision in the capacity of the representative of the Employer for administration of the construction contract on behalf of the Employer;
(ii) Act as “Engineer/ Project Manager” in accordance with the contract conditions as they are specified in the World Bank Standard Bidding Documents /SBD/ for procurement of Works which are based extensively on FIDIC’s “Conditions of Contract for Construction”, where the Engineer is to (i) administer the construction contract as an agent of the Employer, and (ii) exercise construction supervision.
The Consulting services will be required for approximately:
§ Lot 1. Luda Yana Dam: 50 months from the commencement date during construction period and 12 months during DNP (Defects Notification Period); and
§ Lot 2. Plovdivtsi Dam: 44 months from the commencement date during construction period and 12 months during DNP (Defects Notification Period);
The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works of the Republic of Bulgaria now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services.
Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services:
§ Consultant’s profile - place and date of registration, license(s), overall experience in the field of the assignment, staff resources (general experience and qualification of the key personnel, number of years in the firm), financial capacity (annual turnover for the last three years);
§ Experience in Similar Projects and Performance of Similar Services. List of related contracts completed during the last 5 (five) years – brief description of the assignment including name of the Client, place, implementation period and value, etc.
§ Local Experience. Information for local and regional experience on similar projects. Past experience in co-operation with local consultants or implementing tasks similar to the assignment in the Country.
§ Proposed staff for the present task – list of specialists with appropriate skills including data concerning their qualification, legal capacity, experience in similar consulting services, years with the firm, etc.
§ References from previous Clients.
§ Quality Assurance. A short approach for the Consultant’s quality assurance measures for this project, which adequacy will be assessed.
In addition to the required information Consultants may provide brochures and other related documents.
Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications.
A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (current addition). Consultants will be selected based on quality and cost selection (QCBS).
Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address No 1 below from 09:00 to 15:00 office hours.
Expressions of interest in one (1) original and three (3) copies of the above information in English, preferably with Bulgarian translation, must be delivered to the address No 2 below by April 7, 2009 (14 days following the date of publication) and should be clearly marked “Expression of Interest for Construction Supervision and Engineer's Services for Completion of Civil Works for: Lot 1. Luda Yana Dam and Lot 2. Plovdivtsi Dam”, Contract No MIDP-CS-QCBS-3.
Address No. 1. For information:Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works
Water Supply and Sewage Directorate
Municipality Infrastructure Development Project
Attn. Kalina Nikolova Shopova, Procurement Specialist
17-19, Sv. Sv. Kirill and Metodii Street,
1202 Sofia, Republic of Bulgaria
Tel: +359 2 9405338
Fax: +359 2 9872517
Web site:
Working hours: 09:00 to 15:00 / Address No. 2. For submission of Expressions of Interest:
Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works
Room 220, second floor
Mrs. Kalina Shopova
17-19, Sv. Sv. Kirill and Metodii Street
1202 Sofia, Republic of Bulgaria
Tel: +359 2 9405338
Fax: +359 2 9872517
Working hours: 09:00 to 15:00