NOTE: The Toastmaster and Chief Judge will determine when exactly the contests will begin. The contest should NOT begin unless the Toastmaster has the names of all the contestants for both contests and speech titles from all the contestants. Also, double check with the Chief Judge that all contestants have turned in their eligibility form.

Area & Division Directors – make sure ALL judges have been briefed by the Chief Judge. You should have a written list of who all the functionaries and contestants are.

Sergeant-at-Arms …………… Calls contest to attention, leads pledge, and introduces Area Governor

Area Director ………………….... Welcomes, acknowledges dignitaries, and introduces Toastmaster

Toastmaster ……...……… Warms up the audience (2-4 minutes) and then introduces the Chief Judge

Chief Judge ……………………………………………………. Explains the important contest rules, reminds audience to turn off cell phones and beepers, no flash photography, and not to get up during the contest except during the one minute of silence between speakers. The Chief Judge states, “Mr./Madame Toastmaster, all the judges and functionaries have been briefed. Let the contest begin.”

######################### if the first contest is Table Topics ############################

Toastmaster …………….Gives speaking order of the contestants and ask the SAA to escort all but the first contestant outside the room. Introduces each contestant by “name name”. Repeat the question twice. (No other remarks are made.) This procedure is repeated for all contestants. Remember the one minute of silence between contestants. When all contestants are finished, Toastmaster asks for silence until the Judges have finished their ballots and the Chief Judge and Ballot Counters have left the room.)

The SAA will bring the next contestant back to the room when the contestant finishes. Make sure it’s fair that all contestants start at the same position.

######################### if the first contest is Evaluation ##############################

Toastmaster …………….Gives speaking order of the contestants. Introduce the test speaker by

“name, title of speech … title of speech, name.” (No other remarks are made.)

[Test speaker gives the speech]

Toastmaster …………….Ask the SAA to escort all contestants outside the room. Introduces each contestant by “name name”. (No other remarks are made.) This procedure is repeated for all contestants. Remember the one minute of silence between contestants. When all contestants are finished, Toastmaster asks for silence until the Judges have finished their ballots and the Chief Judge and Ballot Counters have left the room.)

The SAA will bring the next contestant back to the room when the contestant finishes. Make sure it’s fair that all contestants start at the same position.

##################### if the first contest is Humorous/Tall Tale ##########################

Toastmaster ……………. Gives speaking order of the contestants and introduces each contestant by

“name, title of speech … title of speech, name.” (No other remarks are made.) This procedure is repeated for all contestants. Remember the one minute of silence between contestants. When all contestants are finished, Toastmaster asks for silence until the Judges have finished their ballots and the Chief Judge and Ballot Counters have left the room.)


Toastmaster ….………………………………….. Asks for a round of applause for all contestants, and then interviews each in the order of participation. Gives each contestant a certificate of participation.

Toastmaster ……………Asks if there are any announcements or district update/Introduces Opportunity Drawing Master

Opportunity Drawing Master ………………………….. Promotes drawing and announces tickets are available for purchase until end of break.

Toastmaster ………………………………………………………………………..… Announces break

Sergeant-at-Arms ……………. Calls contest to attention after break and introduces the Toastmaster

# The International Speech Contest

Toastmaster …………………………………………………………..……. Introduces the Chief Judge

Chief Judge ……………………………………………………. Explains the important contest rules, reminds audience to turn off cell phones and beepers, no flash photography, and not to get up during the contest except during the one minute of silence between speakers. The Chief Judge states, “Mr./Madame Toastmaster, all the judges and functionaries have been briefed. Let the contest begin.”

Toastmaster ……………. Gives speaking order of the contestants and introduces each contestant by

“name, title of speech … title of speech, name.” (No other remarks are made.) This procedure is repeated for all contestants. Remember the one minute of silence between contestants. When all contestants are finished, Toastmaster asks for silence until the Judges have finished their ballots and the Chief Judge and Ballot Counters have left the room.)

Toastmaster …………………………………………. Asks for a round of applause for all contestants,

then interviews each in the order of participation. Gives each contestant a certificate of participation.

Toastmaster …………………………………………………. Introduces Opportunity Drawing Master

Opportunity Drawing Master …………………………………………………...… Conducts drawing

Toastmaster …………………………………...………... Thanks audience and calls on Area Director

Area Director ………. Presents certificates of appreciation to the Toastmaster and Chief Judge. Area Director then asks all other contest participants to stand for applause, and then introduces the Division Director for awards.

Division Director ……………………………..… Reminds everyone of next level of competition, then announces if there were any disqualification due to time, and presents awards (runner up, then winner). THERE SHOULD NOT BE ANY OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS AFTER THE WINNERS HAVE BEEN ANNOUNCED

Division Director …………...………………………………………….. Thanks audience and adjourns