Sams Valley Elementary
Welcome to Sam’s Valley Elementary School
Welcome to the 2009-2010 school year. Whether you are a new or returning family to our school, we extend a warm welcome.
Please do not hesitate to call or come by to visit Sam’s Valley Elementary. The staff is looking forward to working with you in providing the best education possible for your student. All licensed teaching staff and Title I Aides meet the requirements of NCLB as “Highly Qualified”.
Watch for school news and events in our school newsletter. This newsletter will be sent home once a month.
Again, welcome to an exciting new school year.
Christine Beck, Principal
The staff at SVE with the support and cooperation of parents is dedicated to helping students reach their full potential as productive, responsible citizens. Our students will have the opportunity to gain skills, knowledge and attitudes to be prepared for the challenges of the 21st Century.
Each child that comes through the doors at SVE has unique qualities and learns in his/her own way. Students vary widely in their individual development, how quickly and easily they pick up information and in the interest, motivation and background they bring to the classroom. Our main goal is to provide an educational program that meets the individual needs of our students so they each will be academically and socially successful. Our classrooms require problem solving and critical thinking skills, as well as the learning and applying of factual knowledge. Student testing and assessment provide the basis for planning appropriate lessons for each child and for the development and improvement of our overall educational program.
Central Point School District provides accommodations and special programs for qualified disabled students. These activities are provided through Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Your child, or a child of your acquaintance, may be eligible for accommodations or special programming. The District maintains assessment resources to determine eligibility for these resources. If you are aware of a child with a potential disability, including children that may require speech and language services, please notify your building principal or Samantha Steele, Director of Special Programs, at 494-6241.
Christine Beck Anna Griffin
Kym Drake Karen Weiseth
1st GRADE 1sr/2nd GRADE
Charity Schmitt Jeff Marrocco
Beau Brown Pauline Ziemann
3rd/4thGRADE 4th/5th GRADE
Charles Hadleyy Trey Jenkins
Marcie Janz Claudia Tuman
Heather Hutton Candy Bucey
Jeff Saltmarsh/Josh Osborne FOOD SERVICE ASSISTANT Karen Leonard
Lindsay Heard
Renee Bewley Holly Morgan Amy Reed
Kari Butler Kris Bridgeman Candace Jaeger
Billie Jo Osborne Paula Wilcox Misty Ziegler
Ruth Quilliams Melanie Saling Tammera Mullings
Tori Carson Anna Gray Stacy Dungey Kasey Kanahele
Office: 494-6870
Transportation: 494-6930
Kindergarten – 2nd Tuesday thru Friday 7:45 – 2:10
3 – 5 Grades Tuesday thru Friday 7:45 – 2:15
Supervision on the school grounds begins at 7:20 AM. Students should NOT arrive before that time because there are no adults on duty, and children will be unsupervised.
Once students arrive at school, they are not permitted to leave the grounds until dismissal time except by special permission. If you need to pick your child up during the school day, please come into the office to check them out. If you would like to call ahead of time, we can have your child ready to go on your arrival. Upon dismissal for the day, students are expected to go directly home. If you wish to change this routine in any way, we MUST HAVE WRITTEN permission PRIOR to dismissing your child.
If it is necessary to close school because of inclement weather, dangerous road conditions or any other emergency which might arise, a “NO SCHOOL” announcement will be broadcast over the following stations: KRWQ, KMED, KISS, KLDZ, KAKT, KBOY, KCMX, KTMT, KTVL, KBOI and KDRV. The announcements will be made between 6:00 AM and 7:00 AM. In case of emergency dismissal, an announcement will be made over the same broadcast systems. It is very important that parents talk with their children about what to do in case of school closures ahead of time so children will know what to do.
In case of emergency dismissal, an announcement will be made over the same broadcast systems. We will make phone contact with parents or emergency contacts listed on the registration forms prior to sending a student home.
If it is deemed unsafe for students to be at school the After School Program will close as well. Please have an alternate plan we can help your students with.
Fog days or late starts will be announced over the same broadcast systems as listed above. On these days school will start 2 hours later than the regular schedule. School buses will run their regular route two hours later.
Please use the District 6 website as another informational outlet. The address is
The telephone number for the SVE office is 494-6870. The school phone is a business phone. Except in case of emergency, we DO NOT call students or teachers from classes to talk on the phone. Children must have office permission to make calls. They are NOT to arrange for parties or to secure permission to visit another child after school. Notes should be used for this purpose. Except in an emergency, we ask parents NOT to call to tell a child to go elsewhere after school or ride a different bus. This causes anxiety in many children.
The school registration fees for this year are $10.00 for each student with a $20.00 limit per family.
Cafeteria Prices: Student lunch w/milk $1.75
Reduced Lunch .40
Student Breakfast w/milk 1.25
Reduced Breakfast .30
Milk .50
Adult Breakfast 1.50
Adult Lunch 2.75
Office personnel do all cafeteria money collection. Lunches and/or breakfasts may be purchased daily, weekly or monthly. Money is collected each day in the cafeteria from 7:40 AM to 8:00 AM. Cafeteria checks must be separate from other school fees and made payable to SVE Cafeteria.
Special lunch rates are available to children in need. If you didn’t receive a free/reduced lunch application you can pick one up in the school office. This confidential form will be reviewed and you will be notified of your qualification for this program. Since approved applications do not carry over, you will need to fill out new forms each year. Please take a moment to fill out these forms even if you think you might not qualify. Our school benefits from these forms being completed.
Charging of lunches is discouraged, but when necessary will be allowed for a maximum of 3 days. If longer periods of charging become necessary, please contact the school office.
Regular attendance is VERY important. It is vital that your child is at school each day in order to participate in and fully benefit from the activities and instruction provided by the teacher. No amount of make-up work can replace the interaction between your child and their teacher. Excessive absences contribute to poor academic performance. Oregon law allows a student to be absent for illness, family emergencies and religions reasons. When an absence is necessary, please send a note with the date and reason for the absence and your signature.
Irregular attendance is defined as five or more absences in one month or 20 or more days for the school year. Students with irregular attendance may be kept at that grade level for a second year.
All visitors MUST check in at the main office when entering the school to ensure that we know who is on the school grounds and for what reason. Student visitors are NOT permitted.
Parent-teacher conferences will be held at least twice during the year and additional conferences may be scheduled whenever the need arises. The first conference will be a goal-setting conference held early in the school year. Other conferences will be held during the year to review student progress. Parents may also request to meet with the teacher, the principal or child development specialist for a conference anytime during the school year. Feel free to contact school personnel through e-mail at at any time.
Parents and family are a child’s first and most important teachers. We need and value your partnership. To best encourage your child’s learning and to help them be the most successful in school, we recommend to following:
1. Encourage your child to go to school EVERY day.
2. Talk to your child about their school day and what they learned.
3. Be involved in your child’s education. Get to know their teacher, the staff and the principal. Participate in school activities.
4. Spend 15 – 30 minutes a day reading with your children.
5. Set a reasonably early bedtime.
6. Set up a regular, quiet time and place for kids to study.
7. Try to limit television, movies and video games on weekdays.
Volunteers are needed at SVE to work in classrooms, help teachers with projects and to generally help out around the school. Your assistance at our school is a valuable and appreciated service. If you would like to volunteer at school, let us know. If you have any ideas on how you want to be involved in the school, please share them with us! We welcome your input.
At SVE newsletters are sent home to inform parents of school happenings. They include information about students and programs. A calendar of upcoming events is always included. Please watch for this newsletter once a month.
The Sam’s Valley Elementary Parent Teacher Association meets throughout the year. It has sponsored many school functions and fundraisers to help with playground equipment, computers and needed school support, supplies and equipment. Watch for meeting dates and become an active member in this very important group. Your ideas are important!
It has been the custom at SVE to have 3 classroom parties per year: Halloween, Christmas and Valentine’s Day. These parties are planned by the class and the teacher. Parent volunteers usually obtain and serve the refreshments. (ALL REFRESHMENTS MUST BE STORE-BOUGHT; NO HOME BAKED GOODIES). Please do not plan to honor your child’s birthday by planning a special observance at school. Because of several heartbreaking private party arrangements, NO PARTY INVITATIONS are to be distributed here at school. This includes birthday, slumber and any other party held in a private home for personal or family reasons.
Persons are not to use the school grounds between the hours of 7:30 AM and 4:00 PM for anything other than approved or school related activities. Requests for SVE facilities for outside activities should be made on the regular School District 6 forms available in the school office. All school activities are scheduled before outside requests are considered. Skates, skateboards, bicycles, tobacco, alcohol and drugs are NOT allowed on school grounds.
Alternative education program options have been established to meet the individual needs of students. These programs will be made available to students who are unable to succeed in regular programs because of erratic attendance or behavioral problems and/or students who have not met or who have exceeded all of Oregon’s academic content standards. Parents may request additional in-district alternative educational programs by submitting written requests to the principal.
A part-time Child Development Specialist is available to assist students with personal concerns, including such areas as social, family, emotional or behavioral problems. The CDS may also make available information about community resources to address personal concerns.
If your child needs to take medication at school, you need to discuss the matter with the school secretary. ALL medication is stored in a locked cabinet and distributed by the school office. School personnel may NOT dispense or administer medication of ANY kind to a student without written instructions and a signed request from the parent or physician. Medication MUST be in its original container. Medication is to be brought to the school office by the parent. You will be asked to fill out a form with all the information needed to accurately administer the medication. Your corporation in this important matter is appreciated.
A student who becomes ill or is injured at school must notify his/her teacher or another staff member as soon as possible. In case of serious illness or injury, the school will attempt to notify parents according to information provided on emergency forms. Parents are encouraged to update this information as often as necessary.
Accident insurance will be available to those students wishing to purchase it. Information is included in the registration packet or it can be picked up in the office.
State law requires that children entering Oregon schools for the first time be immunized against measles, mumps (Rubella), polio, diphtheria, whooping cough, chicken pox, Hepatitis B and tetanus. Immunizations may be obtained through your doctor or at the Jackson County Health Department. Immunization requirements do change occasionally due to availability of vaccines and changing state laws. Check with the office if you have any questions and for the most up-to-date information.
Students who are sick should stay home from school. Generally if they are vomiting or running a temperature, they need to stay home. If you know your child has a communicable disease, like chicken pox, it is very helpful if you let the school know. We can then send a letter to the families in the same classroom alerting them to the exposure. Students who are running a fever will be sent home.
The following are established policies to satisfy the requirements for school exclusions from the director of the Jackson County Health Department:
Chicken Pox
Incubation period 14 – 21 days
Isolation period until temperature free
Incubation period 10 -14 days
Isolation period 7 days from appearance
Incubation period 12 – 16 days
Isolation period until all fever & swelling is gone
Scarlet Fever/Strep Throat