Sacopee Valley High School

TV2 2009-2010 Course Syllabus

Instructor: Mr. Sanborn


General Course Description

General Course Objectives


Filming Video

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2009-2010 Course Syllabus (cont.)

Course Expectations

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2009-2010 Course Syllabus (cont.)

Project Guidelines

All projects need to include:

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2009-2010 Course Syllabus (cont.)

General Course Outline

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2009-2010 Course Syllabus (cont.)

TV2 Grading system

A / Produces markedly superior work and consistently demonstrates a high understanding of the objectives of this course.
B / Masters skills thoroughly, usually demonstrate a good level of understanding of objectives of the course.
C / Demonstrates satisfactory achievement of the course objectives. Shows satisfactory understanding of course objectives.
d / In a few situations, a passing grade of “D” will be awarded. Demonstrates some understanding of course objectives, attendance/behavior hindering performance.
f / Course work is unfinished. Student has not completed all required work for this course and/or demonstrates little or no understanding of the course objectives. Attendance/behavior hindering performance.

TV2 Grading Weights

10% / Daily attendance/participation – See “Expectations Contract”
10% / Notebooks/Workspace – Section for each of the following:
Handouts, Program Proposals, Storyboards, Scripts, Quizzes and Tests
30% / Quiz & Test Scores
20% / TV2 Production Participation/Community Service
30% / Projects/Assignments – This includes all aspects of a project including but not limited to the program proposal, storyboard, script, and log sheet. If any part is missing you will lose points from your final project grade.

Deadlines are a very important element in tv and video production. If you miss an assigned deadline you will lose ten points (one letter grade) for every class that the assignment is not turned in, after 3 school days late, there will be a 0 entered for the assignment.

Various information adapted from ERHS

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