Catholic Biblical School
Year 3
2015-16 Summer Reading Assignment:
“Run with the Horses” by Eugene Peterson*
Name: ____________________________ Class Location: _______________ Date: __________
Instructions: After reading Run with the Horses, please answer the questions below. Your responses may be typed (preferred) or hand-written.
*Please note: Eugene Peterson is not a Catholic author. The Denver Catholic Biblical School does not agree with everything he writes in this book or the way he presents it. Due to the difficulty finding trustworthy Catholic authors on the prophets, we use Peterson’s work. His style of writing is easily suited to a summer reading assignment and he succeeds, through the lens of Jeremiah, in trying to capture the essence of what is entailed in receiving a prophetic call and mission.
1. The book of Jeremiah opens with a series of personal names. What insight does this give us about the significance of naming? (Chapter 1-2)
2. What 4 verbs are used in Jeremiah’s call and what do they suggest about his vocation? (Chapter 3)
3. According to Peterson, what is the work of a prophet? (Chapters 4-7)
4. What does Jeremiah teach us about prayer? (Chapter 8)
5. The word “persistently” (haskem) is repeated throughout the book of Jeremiah. How does this word sum-up Jeremiah’s life? (Chapter 9)
6. According to Peterson, what is Scripture’s task? (Chapter 10)
7. “Run with the Horses” is a quote taken from Jeremiah 12:5. How does Jeremiah’s life encourage you to respond to the challenges in your own life?
Please bring your completed assignment to the first day of class.
REMINDER: Please check online at
for the time and place of Prayer Day. 2 (rev. 7/17/15)