Students should complete this application to apply for research and travel funds. Complete electronically and submit as a hard copy, along with relevant attachments and a completed Faculty Recommendation Form, to the Office of Student Research (OSR), Library 142 by September 5, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. All applicable fields must be completed. The maximum research award is $500. The maximum travel award is $500. PLEASE PRINT THIS APPLICATION SINGLE-SIDED. DO NOT STAPLE.

STUDENT INFORMATON: Complete co-researcher information if applicable. The first person listed will be the contact person for the group. This person should submit the application form.

Department / Email
Co-researcher #1
Department / Email
Co-Researcher #2
Department / Email
Faculty Mentor / Email
Title of Project
How did you find out about student funding?


Total amount of budget (Proposed Budget Total)
Total amount requested from OSR (max $500)
Funding difference
If there a funding difference, please explain how you will fund the difference for your project (i.e. personal funds, department funds, college funds)
Have you received student funding from the Office of Student Research this academic year? / ___ Yes / ___ No
Are you asking for materials that only your department can order? If yes, the department will be responsible for purchasing all materials requested by the student in the itemized budget, up to the amount of the award. / ___ Yes / ___ No

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, PERMISSIONS AND ATTACHMENT CHECKLIST: Failure to complete and attach relevant documents will result in an incomplete application, which will not be reviewed by SRAC.

I confirm that I am undertaking student-initiated research, where the student 1) develops a research question or is substantially involved in developing a research question, 2) conducts an inquiry or investigation using sources as evidence and 3) shares the results. Research includes creative activities and projects in professional disciplines, including business and education. Only student-initiated research is eligible for funding. / _____
I understand that, if funded, I am required to deposit a form of my research funded by OSR into Digital Commons, Longwood University’s publically accessible institutional repository. Deposit in Digital Commons is a condition for receiving funding from OSR. / _____
Have you attached your faculty recommendation? / ___ Yes / ___ No
Does your research involve human subjects? If yes, attach Institutional Review Board approval. / ___ Yes / ___ No
Does your research involve animal subjects? If yes, attach documentation of Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee’s decision (cover sheet only). / ___ Yes / ___ No
Are you seeking funds to present at a scholarly conference? If yes, attach copy of submission to conference or abstract information. / ___ Yes / ___ No
Have you completed the Itemized Budget for this application? If yes, attach documentation for the cost of all expenses in Itemized Budget? / ___ Yes / ___ No
Do you give your permission to use information from this form in a release as well as promotional materials for OSR? / ___ Yes / ___ No
Signature of Student Researcher / Date
Signature of Co-Researcher #1 / Date
Signature of Co-Researcher #2 / Date

PROPOSAL INFORMATION: All answers must use language suitable for a reader outside your discipline.

Project Title
Are you applying for funding for research or travel? / ___ Research Funding / ___ Travel Funding / ___ Both
If you are applying for funds to support travel to a conference, please provide the following information:
Name of Conference
Conference Location
Conference Dates
1. Purpose of project: What is the research question or purpose of the project for which you are seeking funding? How does it relate to your research interests? How will you go about undertaking the project (i.e. what method or approaches will you use? Answer must use language suitable for a reader outside your discipline. (150 words max)
2. Background: What have other scholars/artists/writers said about your topic? Answer must use language suitable for a reader outside your discipline. (150 words max)
3. Significance: What does your project bring or add to the existing work on the topic? Answer must use language suitable for a reader outside your discipline. (150 words max)
4. Preparation: List relevant courses you have taken and explain how they have prepared you to undertake the project. Answer must use language suitable for a reader outside your discipline. (150 words max)
5. Benefits: What you will get out of undertaking this research? Answer must use language suitable for a reader outside your discipline. (150 words max)
6. Rationale: Explain why you need funding for this project. Give specific reasons. Answer must use language suitable for a reader outside your discipline. (150 words max)


Students are strongly encouraged to consult their faculty mentors and/or the Office of Student Research when constructing their budgets.

Students must use:

·  Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) Breakdown to calculate meal expenditures:

·  State guidelines when calculating mileage:;-Business-Rate-to-Rise-in-2015.

Itemized Budget: Please list all items and costs for the project. These costs may exceed the award if the student plans to use other sources to fund the project (see Funding Request Summary). Students must attach copies documenting the cost of all items, including meals and mileage. Printouts of screenshots of websites that contain information and pricing costs are acceptable.

Category/Item / Information/Explanation / Requested
Amount / Source (i.e. OSR or name other source
Total Cost / $


Rev 5 Jun 2017