KATRA Board Meeting Minutes
Date of Meeting: 3/13/2017______
Location: Conference call______
BOD Present: Wendy Corman, Anessa Snowden, Dr. Michelle Gerken, Markeeta Wilkerson, and Tifany Perrine.
BOD Absent: Brittany Faucher, Chelsea Lane, and Brittany Fiero
Guests: None
Items / Topic / Action/Motion / Responsibility / Status
1. / Call to order
Establish Quorum
Waive Roberts Rules / Wendy called meeting to order
Anessa seconded the motion. Meeting called to order at 10:05am. / Wendy Corman / Carried
2. / Review/Approval of
Past Meeting Minutes / Do we need to file taxes? – Wendy to follow up with Chelsea.
Anessa made a motion to accept minutes
Michelle Gerken seconded / Anessa Snowden / Carried
3. / Treasurer’s Report / Currently have $1,340.00 in the account.
Anessa made a motion to accept minutes
Michelle Gerken seconded
Still waiting on KRPS membership back to KATRA / Chelsea Lane
Wendy Corman / Carried
4. / ----OLD BUSINESS----
4a. / Conference / KRPS/KATRA Conference Recap
· Lower attendance than in past year
· Only 5 people submitted CEU applications
Why low attendance? Location?? Inability to leave job site to attend. Need to send out through NCTRC / Wendy Corman / Ongoing
4b. / 2017 Fall Workshop / Fall Conference
· Date and location – EKU in November 17? (possible Friday)
· Presenter Ideas
Dynamic, will KATRA pay stipend?
Who do we reach out to that may attend?
Senior adults
Jill Farmer?
Cliff or Carrie McConnell?
Out of State presenters?
Licensure tie in?
Target date/speaker request by meeting in June / Dr. Michelle Gerken / Ongoing
4c. / Licensure / Licensure update
· Bill has passed in Senate and currently in House. It passed in consent in house and now waiting to be voted on in the house.
5. / -----NEW BUSINESS-----
5a. / KRPS website / KRPS has offered to have a KATRA tab on the KRPS home page.
Anessa and Wendy will work on this together and get information to Ross Leigh. / Wendy Corman/Anessa Snowden / ONGOING
5c. / Board nominations / The following positons will be voted on in June:
· President-Elect
· Treasurer
· Member at Large Psych
· Member at Large Community (currently vacant)
· Member at Large Student (currently vacant)
· Member at Large Rehab (currently vacant)
Offer training for upcoming people. / Wendy Corman / Email to go out and Nominations by next Board meeting for vote
5d. / Next Meeting / Next meeting date: June 23rd @ 1 pm at Dunbar Community Center. / All BOD / Carried
5e. / Final Adjournment / Anessa motion to adjourn. Markeeta seconded. / Wendy Corman / Carried
STRS Board Meeting Minutes