SNMMI-TS Membership Committee

Hilton Bayfront, San Diego

June 10, 2016


Members in attendance: Dmitry Beyder, MPA, CNMT, (Chair), Norman Bolus, MSPH, CNMT, FSNMMI-TS, Edward Melvin, CNMT, Crystal Botkin, MPH, CNMT, PET, Anthony Knight, MBA, CNMT, RT(N), NCT, FSNMMI-TS, Charlie Flores, CNMT, Margaret Doonan, MS, CNMT, MBA, Leesa Ann Ross, CNMT, PET, RT(N)(CT)

Members not in attendance: Vasken Dilsizian, MD, Kasha Balestrieri, CNMT

Staff: Joanna Spahr, Kaitlin Solomon

Welcome and Call to Order

Dmitry Beyder, MPA, CNMT, Chair called the meeting to order at 10:00am and a quorum was established.

Approval of Minutes

Dmitry Beyder (Chair) asked the committee to review and approve the minutes from the May 17, 2016 conference call.

A motion was made to approve the minutes from the May 17, 2016 SNMMI-TS Membership Committee call.

It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the minutes of the May 17, 2016 SNMMI-TS Membership Committee call.

Membership Update
Joanna Spahr updated the committee on the latest membership numbers. As of May 24, 2016 there are 8,220 Technologist members compared to 8,674 this time last year. This includes 202 students that transitioned from the free trial program and 162 transition members that have upgraded. The transition members are at 84% of their budgeted goal; however, it is only approximately 28% of the total eligible students. Also, as of May 24th there are 1,189 free trial students.

Survey Results

Joanna Spahr reviewed the McKinley executive summary with the committee. SNMMI partnered with McKinley Advisors to conduct recurring surveying over a three-year period to better understand member needs to ensure ongoing value in the future. As members of the Protocol for Association Research (PAR) program, SNMMI is streamlining its research efforts, can compare itself to others by benchmarking key performance metrics, and will have all of its data in one, accessible place. The program launched in January 2016 with data collected from five different surveys. Four separate, topical themed surveys (needs assessment, lapsed members, new members and professional issues) were conducted to recognize member needs and perceptions as they relate to SNMMI’s programs and services and one education survey was conducted to capture member sentiments on SNMMI educational offerings. Research was conducted through separate surveys in order to protect any individual SNMMI member or former member from being exposed to multiple or long survey research requests.

Key Findings from all surveys:

· SNMMI has a Net Promoter Score of 15, a formula where a positive number indicates likely word of mouth recommendation for the organization. More members (42%) are deemed “promoters” of the organization, likely to recommend membership to colleagues, than detractors (27%) who hold negative opinions of SNMMI. SNMMI has growth potential, ranking 17th out of 20 associations. Our goal is to increase this number since SNMMI is currently reporting a lower NPS score (15) than the industry average (31).

· Education, training, and professional development opportunities consistently showed up in the results as an important benefit for members. Respondents identified these opportunities as not only a top benefit but the top major factor for maintaining SNMMI membership. Positively, 95% of SNMMI members reported satisfaction with these opportunities.

· Overall satisfaction with SNMMI is higher than industry average. When asked about satisfaction with their SNMMI membership, 83% of respondents reported satisfaction (“very satisfied” and “somewhat satisfied”). 4% reported dissatisfaction with the organization. When benchmarked against other associations, SNMMI ranks fourth out of fourteen associations, reporting a higher percentage (83%) than the industry average (75%). Different from measuring the likelihood of recommendation, this question refers to an individual member’s expectations with SNMMI.

· Both overall lapsed members and physicians reported that cost was the biggest inhibitor to maintaining SNMMI membership. Lapsed members reported that membership dues were too high for what they get in return or that their organization doesn’t pay for membership as the top two reasons for not renewing. Despite this reason, 72% of overall lapsed members said they “definitely” or “probably” would rejoin SNMMI, compared to only 55% of physicians

· Overall the perceived value of SNMMI membership was “equal to the cost of dues.” When comparing SNMMI to other associations, the perceived value was lower than other associations. Specifically, in the healthcare field, 30% of association members perceive the value of membership to be greater than the cost of dues, whereas only 16% of SNMMI members feel the same. Note: In the case of SNMMI, 80% of members are responsible for paying their own membership dues and related education expenses.

Dmitry asked the committee to review and start a community discussion.

Open discussion looking forward, 2016-2017

Dmitry held a discussion and asked the committee to review go for next year goals and projects to focus on. It was recommended that the Chairs of the Educator’s committee be part of the membership committee. Tony Knight and Jeanne Dial are the co-chairs to the Educator’s committee. The group tasked staff with the following:

Action item - How many program directors are members?

The committee continued the discussion regarding a multi-year membership and the possibility of auto renewal (PCI compliant). The committee agreed to move forward with a multi-year membership, including a 5% discount on two years and a 10% discount on three years.

Action item: Review the database infrastructure and logistics so that it can be presented during the September meetings.

Action item: Dmitry asked staff to created work plan once the committee goals are established. Other items to include are the educator advocate project as well as the multi-year membership and the value of being a member.

Action item: Staff to review the recruitment campaign that launched in August to possibly repurpose the campaign and include the videos.

Dmitry asked staff to schedule the committee’s next conference call and include Dusty York, chair of the nuclear medicine week task force one month from this meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 11:00am.