Table of Contents - "S_300_349.doc"__
S-300. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding misc. correspondences from supporters & detractors
S-301. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding crystal growth in space
S-302. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding UIC-MPL research prior to UNITEL
S-303. from Andrew Potter upon receiving the promotional edition of the Aero book
S-304. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding an essay on UFOs by Gary Voss of TAP-TEN
S-305. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL reporting he received the books
S-306. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding an e-mail to Yosharini Minami regarding the Aero book
S-307. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding afterthoughts on the promotional Aero edition
S-308. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL regarding the "Holo-1" Quantum Computer book
S-309: from Lori Cordini regarding Carol Rutz' unfortunate experiences with "Black Ops" programs
S-310: from Andrew Potter regarding a virus that appeared to target UNITEL
S-311: from Andrew Potter forwarding an e-mail from Larry Maurer that "the rest of the world has caught up to UNITEL"
S-312: from Andrew Potter regarding complex quantum computer simulations
S-313: from Andrew Potter regarding proposed change in UNITEL marketing strategies
S-314: from Jack Sarfatti regarding the physical Hyperspace and the quantum-Mental Multiverse
S-315: from "Adam" regarding 'psychoactive' materials in UFOs
S-316: from Bruce Maccabee regarding UFO science and origins
S-317: from John Schnurer (JNL Labs) regarding quantum-based "theories"
S-318: from Jack Sarfatti regarding his archive of previously-lost UFO-physics documents
S-319: from T. Akin rgarding Quantum Theories of Gravity
S-320: from John Schnurer (of JNL Labs) regarding the Aspen Effect
S-321: from Bob King regarding "Timeline of Secret Government Projects" essay at Cassiopaea site
S-322: from Jack Sarfatti regarding Zero-Point Fluctuation Geodesic Motion
S-323. from Wayne Mitchell regarding "Project Ghost"
S-324. from John Schnurer regarding the Apsen Effect
S-325. from Mark Solis regarding "speeds" of light
S-326. from Andrew Potter forwarding physics discussion between Larry Maurer & Edward Halerewicz
S-327. from Andrew Potter forwarding correspondence from Larry Maurer on writing UNITEL's HOLO-1 and "Flying Colors" books
S-328. from Dr. Jack Sarfatti regarding dark energy and gravity waves
S-329. from Dr. Max Tegmark regarding his Scientific American "Parallel Universes" article
S-330. from Andrew Potter regarding new photonic crystals bend light to ANY frequency
S-331. from Andrew Potter forwarding correspondence from Larry Maurer (UNITEL) regarding room-temperature superconductors
S-332. from Tom Bearden regarding the Aharnov-Anandan and Berry phases
S-333. from Dr. Velimir Abamovic regarding 'Time' in physical and biological systems
S-334. from Andrew Potter forwarding Edward Halerewicz, Jr.'s comments about UNITEL's book
S-335. from Andrew Potter forwarding Q&A between Ed Halerewitcz, Jr. and Larry Maurer
S-336. from Dr. Velimir Abramovic regarding his "snail" & web addresses
S-337. from Andrew Potter regarding Internet rumors on UNITEL
S-338. from Tom Skeggs regarding the "basics" of the Montauk Project
S-339. from NIDS regarding UNITEL's proposals
S-340. from Dr. Reginald Jaynes regarding adding <link> from his website
S-341. from Thomas Skeggs regarding remote-viewing Montauk
S-342. from Edward Halerewicz, Jr. regarding UNITEL, Bob Lazar, Edward Teller, Andrei Sakharov
S-343. from Thomas Skeggs just "touching bases"
S-344. from Thomas Skeggs regarding writing a book about his Montauk-related research
S-345. from Thoams Skeggs regarding the Montauk Project and MK-ULTRA
S-346. from Thomas Skeggs regarding time-travel experiments in former missile silos
S-347. from Thomas Skeggs regarding remote-viewing Plattsburgh AFB
S-348. from Thomas Skeggs regarding "shielding" remote-viewing
S-300. from Larry Maurer of UNITEL forwarding misc. correspondences from supporters & detractors
From : Larry Maurer <>
To :
Subject : Fwd: Is this guy for real?
Date : Mon, 15 Jul 2002 16:33:52 -0700
> To:
> From: Larry Maurer <>
> Subject: Is this guy for real?
> Gary:
> This guy Sarfatti is really bordering on a Libel suit. Where does he get off dedicating himself to bad mouth us? Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black! I just do not understand him. How can we that bad, being called morons, crackpots, etc., when we have patents (especially our Japanese patent that took 8 years because they are much more thorough in their patent scrutiny), along with our esteemed associates, subcontractors/manufacturers (certainly UIC is one of the most respected world-class organizations) and on and on? Is he working for the Taliban or our large established corporate competition? Throughout this whole ordeal of Sarfatti's rantings the past few years, Sarfatti has not come up with one iota of proof of what part of our proposed aerospace propulsion design that he finds fault with. I really do not think he is bright enough to understand our design. He only wants to be one of the naysayers in hopes that we will be wrong which will make him appear to be the guy to go to for getting approval for any new designs. How sick is this fellow?!
> I know he has contacted Dr. Terence Barrett, Dr. Sivananthanon, and several others to put them on the spot and bad mouth us. I've threatened to sue him before and he agreed to cease his meandering dark comments against us so I did not pursue the law suit. Now, I am going to be so upset if he convinces our publishers to not publish our book. Oh brother!
> Anyway, thought I would bring this matter to your attention. Please let me know what you think as I want to send you one of the promotion books. This is so depressing Gary. Too many people have put in so much work for us over the last 20 years or so and they do not deserve such ill-mannered treatment. I sure hope there are enough individuals that support our theory and design to email or write Sarfatti to let him know a piece of their mind!
> Regards,
>Larry Maurer
>> Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2002 16:48:24 -0700
>> From: Jack Sarfatti <>
>> Subject: RE: American Antigravity Photon Confirmation {New Cover Photo from Wired Magazine?}
>> To: Alan Parker <>, Brother Blue <>, "DarkEditor@aol. com" <>, Ron Pandolfi <>, , , , , , , , , , , , Gary Voss <> Cc: "Amara@Kurzweilai. Net" <>, "Alw@Peaceinspace. Com" <>, "Awret@Erols. Com" <>, APOLLINAIR <>, Brumac <>, Congressman Dana <>, Daniel Sheehan <>, David Crockett Williams <>, David Gladstone <>, "Decker@Ufomag. Com" <>, Edgarmitchell <>, Eldon A Byrd <>, Eric Davis <>, Fernando Loup <>, "Gary G. Ford" <>, Foggy Writer <>, Frank Lauria <>, GeorgeWeis <>, Glen Lindenstadt <>, Henryward <>, Henry Monteith <>, Ibison <>, JagdishM <>, Jeffrey Mishlove <>, Jfwoodward <>, John Dering <>, Kim Burrafato <>, Klaskey <>, Koen J Van Vlaenderen <>, Mata Hari Von Brownie <>, Michael Sarfatti <>, Michael Nisgore <>, Mike Coyle <>, MindForms <>, Mike Rossman <>, Nicole Tedesco <>, Paul Zielinski <>, Robbins <>, Russell Targ <>, Saul Paul Sirag <>, "Skrippner@Saybrook. Edu" <>, Stan Tenen <>, Steve New Wolff <>, Steven Greer <>, Tim Ventura <>, Timdeeg2002 <>, UFO Files <>, "Vecker@Ufomag. Com" <>, "Visions@Ntlworld. Com" <>, Wcri <>, Wes Thomas <>, Yokatta <>
>> Reply-to:
>> X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook IMO, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2911.0)
>> Importance: Normal
>> X-RCPT-TO: <>
>> This is all Crackpot Cargo Cult Pseudo-Science Flim-Flam Flap-Doodle for technical morons by morons. The blind leading the gullible down the primrose path to disaster.
>>> Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2002 08:45:21 -0700
>>> To: Gary Voss
>>> T.A.P.-T.E.N. Research
>>> <>
>>> Email Replies To: <>
>>> From: "Xtreme Xpeditions Team" <>
>>> Subject: Xpeditions Magazine - Travel Edition
>>> ******** "Have you written a book and need a publisher?" *************
>>>E-mail Carol Adler at Dandelion Publishing:
>>>Best Wishes
>>> ---Jerry & Kathy Wills
>>> Editors, Xpeditions Magazine
>>> (Somewhere in America...)
>>> Thanks :)
>>> [Xtreme List Administrator]
>>> "If you or someone you know has information about any ancient site and would like us to investigate it, please contact us (e-mail) with the details or call 602 243 9092. All correspondence is strictly confidential."
>>> ************You may find the following of "Newsworthy" Great Interest!
>>> Check out the new "Lifter" Photo at our online "Photos" section!
>>> Doug Starfield & Friend Clive, (Reporter for Wired Magazine] posing in front of "The Lifter" (Special Thanks To "Tim Ventura" and "Larry Maurer" for submitting this jpg!)
>>> Posted: 14-Jul-2002 by vosstech - Resolution: 480 x 360
>>> Thumbnail: 2 KB | Screen Size: 56 KB | Full Size: 124 KB
>>> Note: You will need to select the feature "Show All" on the top of the photo album's front page in order to view all thumbnail photos on a single page.
>>>> Latest News Flash on the "Lifter" ---
>>>> This has yet to be released to the General Public!!
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject: Future Mission Objectives & New Developments...
>>>> Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2002 02:40:30 -0500
>>>> "Hello Again Larry!
>>>> Just plugging in to get updated on what's ahead for UNITEL and what your latest interests are focused on pertaining to future developments & mission objectives.
>>>> Lots of exciting things happening within TAP-TEN, you should take a look at this website, Larry! [UNITEL is mentioned there.] I think you will have many questions after you had a moment to absorb the videos & data files."
>>>>*American Antigravity Website:
>>>>> From: Larry Maurer <>
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Subject: Fwd: Wired Magazine Interview
>>>>> Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2002 13:48:45 -0700
>>>>> Hi Gary:
>>>>> I am forwarding you an email from Tim Ventura of a photo of our VP Doug Starfield and the Wired magazine writer Mac, who they are writing a story that includes UNITEL.
>>>>> I am getting 20 promo copies of our Aerospace Propulsion book we are talking to McGraw-Hill, Barnes & Noble. I will send you a copy if you like. Stay tuned, my friend! Harold McGee, Austin, TX is trying to buy a machine shop to construct and test our various prototypes that fits right in with what you mention herein. Talk to you soon!"
>>>>> ---Larry
>>>>> *UNITEL Inc.
>>>>> UNITEL Inc. is a technology development company that owns a generic patent with ten (10) claims both in the U.S. (No. 4,817,102, March 28, 1989) and in Japan (No.1,864,717, August 8, 1994), with patents approved but not yet received in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Korea, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom (No. 89906639.3, September 11, 1990) on a system with multiple applications. This generic quantum electronics system design applications include computing and aerospace propulsion. UNITEL is prepared to build a prototype quantum computer system entitled HOLO-1. HOLO-1 uses a specially-designed crystal laser lens to store, retrieve, and process data using light instead of electricity.
>>>>>> **********From: Larry Maurer <>
>>>>>> To:
>>>>>> Subject: Fwd: "Wired Magazine Interview"
>>>>>> Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2002 13:48:45 -0700
>>>>>> From: "Tim Ventura" <>
>>>>>> To: "Larry Maurer" <>
>>>>>> Subject: Wired Magazine Interview
>>>>>> Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2002 22:09:29 -0700
>>>>>> X-RCPT-TO: <>
>>>>>> Dear Larry:
>>>>>> I can't give you a guarantee that it will make the article, but Doug Starfield was here today with myself and the reporter from Wired Magazine he did a really good overview of the UNITEL idea, so the reporter should be definitely briefed on your project & goals.
>>>>>> I've attached a photo of Doug & Clive posing in front of the Lifter if this makes the magazine, then you are completely set."
>>>>>> Thanks;
>>>>>> --Tim Ventura
>>>>>>> --- In tapten@y..., "Tom" <ftadefy@h...> wrote:
>>>>>>> Research into Lifters has been carried out in France for some time at the JPN by Jean-Louis Naudin. and dozens of locations around the world.
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>> From: vosstech
>>>>>>> To: tapten@y...
>>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2002 5:05 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: [tapten] Re: ....... American Antigravity Photon Confirmation ........
>>>>>>> This is indeed truly amazing work, and I implore you all to take a look at the video's and data on Tim Ventura's American Antigravity website! WoW! I can't wait to get the funding resources to start building these here in San Diego! of course we will invite those who are involved to join us & assist us with our joint projects when we are ready.
>>>>>>> Thanks for sharing with us Bill, let's be sure to email Tim an invite to join our group and share more with us here at our message boards to discuss his ideas with us.
>>>>>>> ---T12 of TAP-TEN
>>>>>>> American Antigravity Website:
>>>>>>>> --- In tapten@y..., Bill Butler <worldspaceman@y...> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Great Work Tim...!!!
>>>>>>>> Thanks Man, Bill@WST
>>>>>>>>> To: space-elevator@y...
>>>>>>>>> From: "tventura6" <tventura6@a...>
>>>>>>>>> Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 02:20:57 -0000
>>>>>>>>> Subject: [space-elevator] American Antigravity -
>>>>>>>>> ###################################################
>>>>>>>>> Dear Group -
>>>>>>>>> I'm a new member involved with Biefeld-Brown and other electromagnetic propulsion research, and I manage the website
>>>>>>>>>> The website covers in detail Lifter technology and several other areas of EM Propulsion, including:
>>>>>>>>>> - Lifter technology (video, photos, explanations)
>>>>>>>>>> - Lifter tech complete plans and parts guides
>>>>>>>>>> - The Hutchinson Effect
>>>>>>>>>> - Mark Tomion's StarDrive
>>>>>>>>>> - Hovertech's Ion-Containment Device
>>>>>>>>>> - UNITEL NW's MQT StarDrive Device
>>>>>>>>>> - Deseversky's 1950's Ionocraft Tests
>>>>>>>>>> - Applied Electrogravitics Beamship Tests
>>>>>>>>>> - Prof. Fran De Aquino's System-G Gravity-Shield
>>>>>>>>>> - Betavoltaic Isotopic Power-Cell Devices
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks;
>>>>>>>>>> Tim Ventura