Russell Eric Spicer

8639 Riverbend Drive

Portland, MI 48875

Phone/Fax: (517) 647-2584



Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan

Master of Arts Degree June 2004

Educational Technology

Educational Technology Certificate Program January 2001

Bachelor of Science Degree August 2000

Major: Child Development

Elementary Education

Minor: Geography

Brighton High School, Brighton, MI June 1991


Middle School Technology Teacher August 2000 - Present

Belding Middle School

Belding, Michigan

Supervise, manage and direct 140 motivated learners daily; work with many ADHD, emotionally impaired, and mainstreamed LD students; plan fun and challenging lessons in the

area of technology. Students in my classroom work on many projects ranging from music CD

burning, web page design, video editing, news broadcasting, instant messaging and graphic design.

Elementary School Technology Teacher August 2002 - Present

Belding School District

Belding, Michigan

Supervise, manage and direct technology classes for grades one through six at two parochial schools located in the Belding School District.

Adult Education Technology Teacher August 2001 - Present

Belding School District

Belding, Michigan

Supervise, manage and direct students in an introductory computer class. Explore many different software applications to ultimately create a portfolio that includes a professional resume.

Third Grade Teacher September 1999 - May 2000

(Student Teaching Experience)

Okemos School District

Okemos, Michigan

Planned and implemented units in all subject areas while maintaining a classroom community that ensured equitable access to important knowledge and skills. Used appropriate

assessment strategies and helped students develop personal and social responsibility.

Elementary After-School Computer Club November 1999 - May 2000

Okemos School District

Okemos, Michigan

Supervised, managed and directed 20 students in computer technology; focused on having fun while learning to use many different hardware devices and software applications. The students worked on many projects - some that related to their classes and others that were related to individual or small group interests. PowerPoint Presentations, Math Blasters, webpage design, digital photography and internet research were some of the skills that this club provided for its students.


Middle School Leadership Team 2004 – Present

Attend monthly committee meetings to discuss and make school-wide decisions in the area of scheduling, curriculum, policies and procedures. Responsible for reporting back to staff on decisions made, and relay messages to each grade level as appropriate.

District Bargaining Team 2002 – Present

Attend meetings to discuss and make district-wide decisions related to teacher contracts. Work with a team of staff and administrators to negotiate contracts.

District Technology Team 2000 – Present

Attend monthly committee meetings to discuss and make district-wide decisions in the area of technology. Responsible for reporting back to staff on decisions made, and relay messages to each grade level as appropriate.

District Curriculum Team 2000 – Present

Attend monthly committee meetings to discuss and make district-wide decisions in all areas of curriculum. Organize guest speakers for teacher training workshops on curriculum alignment and technology.

Middle School Instructional Technology Coordinator 2000 – Present

Attend monthly committee meetings and discuss best practices for utilizing technology in the Middle School. Organize and lead technology workshops for staff. Responsible for annual spending of technology department monies.


Winter 2005 9th Annual Michigan Campus Contact Institute on Service Learning,

Sally Berman, Alex Kotlowitz and Dr. James McDonald

Winter 2005 Kent County Collaborative Core Curriculum Workshop,

Ruth Maxin and Susan Landigan

Fall 2004 6 Traits + 1 Training, Kathy Gilbert

Fall 2003 Palm Educational Training Coordinator Program

2002 – Present Annual Public Relations & Public Negotiation Conferences

2002 – Present Annual Curriculum Mapping Inservices, Dr. Renee Scott

Summer 2002 Ameritech Technology Academy (ATA) Technology-Curriculum

Integration Program

Fall 2001 The Foundations of Literacy, Stephanie Harvey

Winter 2000 Best Practices for Teaching Michigan Students Grades 4-8,

Michigan Middle Grades Educators

Fall 2000 Begin with the Brain – Orchestrating the Learner-Centered Classroom, Martha Kaufeldt

1999 – Present Annual Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL) Technology Seminars


After-School Computer Club 2003 – Present

Belding Middle School

Work with students on developing their computer skills in areas of video editing, web page design and gaming as well as providing after school computer access for students to finish classroom projects.

Destination Imagination Judge 2004 – Present

Regional Competition

Judge elementary school, middle school and high school Destination Imagination Teams in annual competition.

Eighth Grade Girls Volleyball Coach 2000 - 2003

Belding Middle School

Organized practices, team plays, communication with parents and families as well as making sure the students kept up proper academic expectations and demonstrated good sportsmanship.