1 The club shall be known as WADHURST BOWLS CLUB (herein referred to as the Club) whose objectives are to foster and encourage the game of bowls for people of all ages and either sex within the local and surrounding community. The club is an associate member of BOWLS ENGLAND and is affiliated to SUSSEX COUNTY BOWLS.

Officers of the Club

2 The officers of the club shall consist of a President, Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Green Co-ordinator, Saturday Captain, Sunday Captain, Mid-week Captain, Match Secretary, Competition Secretary, Club Child & Vulnerable Adults Officer, County Representative and Hall & Field Representative.

3 An individual, who is a member of the Club and is elected to be an Officer, shall not hold more than two positions as defined in 2 above.

4 The Officers and any additional members (maximum of 2) elected to committee shall retire at the Annual General Meeting and shall be eligible for re-election during that meeting subject to their not having exceeded three years in their current position. Should a member have completed 3 years continuous service holding the same position, then he or she will not be eligible to stand for that same position until one year has elapsed. However, should no nominations be received for that member's replacement, the Annual General Meeting may approve an extension of the 3 year period, providing the retiring member agrees. The exceptions to the above conditions are the positions of President, Green Co-ordinator and Club Child & Vulnerable Adults Officer who are ex. officio members of the Committee and are exempt from the eligibility criteria. Any Officer is permitted to stand-down from an elected position at any time within their allotted tenure.

5 The Committee shall consist of the Officers of the Club with up to 2 additional members elected at the Annual General Meeting.

6 A list of the current Officers of the Club and any additional members (maximum of 2) elected at the Annual General Meeting shall be displayed in the Clubhouse.

Finance and Accounts

7 The Financial Year shall run from 1st October to 30th September each year. The Honorary Treasurer will be responsible for the preparation of the annual accounts of the Club and these shall be submitted to the Annual General Meeting.

The Accounts will be certified by an appropriate independent person as agreed by the Club’s committee.

Categories of Membership

8 The membership shall consist of the following categories:

· Full Male Membership

· Full Female Membership

· Honorary Life Membership

· Junior Membership (i.e. under 18 years of age on 1st May of the applicable season)

· Friends of WBC

The number of members with their names and their category of membership plus the various subscriptions payable (see Rules 16 & 17) shall be displayed in the Clubhouse. Changes to these as agreed at the Annual General Meeting shall not constitute a change in the Rules of the Club.

General Meetings

9 The Annual General Meeting shall be held not less than nine months and not more than fifteen months from the previous Annual General Meeting. At least fourteen days’ notice shall be given of such a meeting.

10 A quorum at an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting shall consist of not less than one quarter of the fully paid-up members in the first four categories in 8 above.

11 All fully paid-up members shall be permitted to attend and speak at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting but only fully paid-up members from the first four categories in 8 above shall be allowed to vote. A member from these categories unable to be present may request in writing that a proxy be appointed on that member’s behalf but proxies may only vote on a poll. All resolutions shall be passed by a simple majority of votes. If it is thought necessary to invite a person other than a member to address the Club, the Committee shall call a special meeting solely for this purpose. At such a meeting all members, proxies and invited individuals may address the club but no motion or vote shall occur.

12 Alterations to the Rules can only be made at the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting called for the specific purpose. Proposals for alterations of the Rules of the Club can only be made by members in writing to the Secretary no later than one month prior to the next Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting.

13 Any items to be raised by a member under Any Other Business at an AGM or EGM should be notified in writing to the Honorary Secretary no later than seven days prior to such a meeting.

Committee Responsibilities and Meetings

14 The Committee shall transact the ordinary business of the Club; shall regulate the opening and closing of the green; shall arrange matches and competitions; shall decide handicaps; and shall have the power to co-opt.

15 For a Committee Meeting to be held a quorum shall consist of no less than 50% of elected members.

16 The Committee shall recommend any changes to the size of the membership of the Club at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting.

17 The Committee shall recommend any changes to the annual subscriptions, match fees, roll-up fees or any other charges at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting.

18 Any matters of dispute will be referred to the Committee whose decision is final.

19 The Committee shall have the power to expel any member(s) whose conduct shall, in its judgement, bring the Club into disrepute and the following procedure will be followed:
(i) The Committee will appoint a Panel of three members (only one of whom will be a Committee Member) to hear the case.
(ii) The accused member(s) will be invited to answer the charge either in person or writing and if the former, may choose to be accompanied by a ‘friend’.
(iii) If the panel finds the case proven, the member(s) concerned have the right of appeal to the full Committee. Any Committee Member who also served on the Panel shall not have a vote on the appeal.
(iv) Any undue delay in the above procedure by the Club shall in itself constitute grounds for an appeal.
If as a result of the above procedure member(s) are expelled, they may not enter into the Club’s premises nor be introduced as a visitor, nor attend any activity or meeting of the Club.

If the accused member still has grievances against the club or its members and the above procedures have been exhausted, there is an ultimate recourse available which is to follow the Bowls England procedures for those parties in dispute over disciplinary matters as delineated in BE Rule 9.

General Club Procedures

20 Each member of the Club shall (to the extent that such person is not entitled to recover under any policy of insurance) be entitled to be indemnified out of all funds available to the Club which may lawfully be so applied against all costs, expenses and liabilities whatsoever [reasonably] incurred by such person in the proper execution and discharge of duties undertaken on behalf of the Club arising there from, or incurred in good faith in the purported discharge of such duties.

Save in any such case where any such costs, expenses and liabilities arise in connection with any negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of trust and provided that any such member so indemnified has been properly authorised in relation to the duties undertaken on behalf of the Club by the General Committee.

21 The Club is committed to achieving a positive and effective health and safety culture throughout the organisation. The nature of the Club's activities present varied health and safety risks and members will be encouraged to develop a culture, which promotes a safe and healthy working environment.

22 The Club is mindful of bowlers’ fundamental right to participate in a doping-free sport and thus ensure fairness and equality in the sport of Lawn Bowls. In this respect we will bring to members' attention any relevant information and advice that we receive from Bowls England on this subject.

Membership & Members Conduct

23 Application for Membership of the Club shall be made in writing to the Treasurer whose reply will confirm membership and who will supply a copy of the Rules of the Club to the new member. The name of any approved member will be added to the list of members in the Clubhouse.

24 Annual subscriptions are payable by 1st May each year and entry fees for County Competitions are payable with the entry in the previous October. Non-payers will be excluded from all Club games.

25 Dogs, are not permitted to the area surrounding the Green or the Clubhouse unless under strict control.

26 Smoking is not permitted inside the Clubhouse and lean-to, on the green or on the immediate surrounds of the green.

27 Smoking is only allowed on the elevated part of the green immediately in front of the pavilion and lean-to.

28 Cars should be parked where directed and not between the Bowls and Cricket Clubhouses. Cars are parked at the owner’s risk and a notice indicating this is to be displayed in the parking area. Drivers must not drive around the outfield of the cricket ground whilst an over is in progress and when appropriate to proceed, should do so at a slow speed.

29 Non-members who are not taking part in a recognised competition or who are not playing for an invited visiting club may use the bowling facilities of the club if they have been introduced by an existing Member. The names of such individuals must be entered in the ‘Visitors Book’ and signed-in by an existing Member. Visitors are allowed to play a maximum of four sessions per season after which written application for Membership should be sought.

30 Members shall familiarise themselves and abide by the Rules of the Club and the Laws of the game of bowls and shall be responsible for the conduct of their guests in both these regards.

Regulations for use of the Green and Bowling Requirements

31 All equipment, except that which is the personal property of individual Members and Visitors, which is within the boundary of the Club (which includes the Green, the areas surrounding the Green, the Clubhouse, lean-to, and any shed or storage facility) shall be deemed the property of the Club. Such equipment is for the use of Wadhurst Bowls Club only and must not be removed without the Committee’s permission.

32 The Green shall be open for play when considered fit by the Green Co-ordinator or acting Green Co-ordinator and groundsheets must be used if so directed. Markers setting-out the boundary of each rink, or strings attached where appropriate, must be adhered to.

33 Priority as to rink precedence shall be as follows:

1) National & County Competitions; 2) League Matches; 3) External Competitions; 4) Club Competitions; 5) Friendly Matches; 6) Roll-ups

The drawing of rinks shall only apply to Club Competitions.

34 Dress Code:

FOOTWEAR – players will not be allowed on the Green if not wearing brown, grey or white bowls shoes or sandals - home or away.

CLUB COLOURS are permitted to be worn at all Club, National & County Competitions - home and away (with the away club or authority’s permission).

It is not compulsory to wear Club Colours and disciplinary action will not be taken if a Member declines.

SHIRTS/BLOUSES - for National and County competitions the complete rink is to wear either Club coloured or white shirts/blouses but not mixed as in accordance with Bowls England guidelines. White above the waist will be the default position if there is a dispute.

TROUSERS - Men must wear long grey or white regulation trousers – jeans are not permitted.

Women must wear grey, white or cream skirts, culottes, cropped or tailored trousers. Tights are not compulsory.

All the above shall be in accordance with Bowls England guidelines.

SHORTS can only be worn during Home Matches and Roll-ups and must be knee-length, white or grey in colour and of tasteful design.

CASUAL CLOTHES (non-bowls clothing) may be worn for Roll-ups but must be clean and tidy in appearance.

Dissolution of Assets

35 The Club is a non-profit making organisation and any surpluses arising will be used to maintain and develop the Club’s facilities. Should the Club cease to operate then no assets (cash or property) will be distributed to other than another non-profit making body.

Revision incorporating amendments adopted at the AGM on 22 October 2013

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