Romare Bearden


NAME: Lori Polite DATE: October 17th-November 4th CONTENT AREA: Art
TIME: All classes. Students will create a collage inspired by the artwork of Romare Bearden. Elementary and Middle School classes will create a collage based on an image of a house. High School and Transition-level students will create a collage based on an image of the Charlotte skyline.
NC Arts Education Essential Standard: V – Visual Literacy, CX – Contextual Relevancy, CR – Critical Response:
Elementary: Grade 2, 2.V.3.1: Use a variety of tools safely and appropriately to create art. 2.V.3.3: Use the process of drawing, painting, (or weaving, printing , stitchery , collage, mixed media, sculpture, and ceramics) to create art. 2. CR.1.2: Evaluate personal work, while in progress and at completion.
Middle School: Grade 6, 6.V3.3: Create in different media using various techniques and processes. 6.V.3.1: Use tools and media appropriately to maintain a safe and orderly work space. 6.CX2.4: Understand the role of art in creating digital images, technological products and design. 1.01 Expand knowledge for organizing and creating work 2.03 Learn various techniques and processes for working with each material.
High School and Transition: B.V.2.1: Understand the role of planning in solving artistic problems. B.V.3.1: Understand the appropriate and safe use of tools, media and equipment. B.CX.1.3: Understand how art is used to document human experience. B.CR.1.2: Use teacher-generated criteria to evaluate personal art.
OBJECTIVE: The student will be able to…
Lesson 1:
1.  View lesson from SmartBoard on the artwork and life of Romare Bearden.
2.  Manipulate and create a collage using the “Collage Machine” on the National Gallery’s website.
3.  Begin a basis for collage in the style of Romare Bearden.
4.  Use yarn to create an outline as a basis of collage.
5.  Stamp wet tissue paper onto white paper to create a painted surface to be used in collage.
Lesson 2:
1.  View information on Romare Bearden the park that is scheduled to be built near downtown Charlotte.
2.  Use scissors to cut various collage materials into small shapes.
3.  Squeeze glue bottle to apply glue to individual sections of artwork.
4.  Begin creating a collage in the style of Romare Bearden.
Lesson 3:
1.  Use scissors to cut various collage materials into small shapes.
2.  Squeeze glue bottle to apply glue to individual sections of artwork.
3.  Complete collage.
4.  Record reflections in art journal.
LINKS TO PRIOR LEARNING: Lesson 1: Discuss the artwork we created in a previous class and the techniques we used to create leaves in an artwork. Lessons 2 and 3: Discuss the collages we began in last lesson. Review the technique we used.
MATERIALS/TECHNOLOGIES NEEDED: Lesson 1: Smartboard to examples of artwork by Romare Bearden and collage machine, alphabet patterns, shapes, scrap paper, glue and paper. Lessons 2 and 3: Collages from last lesson, scrap paper, scissors, glue, art journals.
Lesson 1:
1.  Show students artwork by Romare Bearden on Smartboard.
2.  Ask students to create a collage on “collage machine” on Smartboard.
3.  Define collage for students as an artwork that involves different materials (fabric, paper, markers, etc).
4.  Explain that today we will begin a collage by creating an outline with yarn.
5.  Demonstrate how to: 1. Place glue on drawn lines. 2. Lay yarn over drawn lines on paper. 3. Hold a clothespin that is attached to wet tissue paper. 4. Stamp wet tissue paper on paper.
Lesson 2:
1.  Return collages to students from last lesson.
2.  Review the steps we took to begin collage.
3.  Explain that today we will continue to create our collages.
4.  Demonstrate how to: 1. Use scissors to cut various collage materials and painted paper from last class into small pieces. 2. Use glue to apply collage pieces.
Lesson 3:
1.  Return collages to students from last lesson.
2.  Review the steps we took to begin collage.
3.  Explain that today we will complete our collages.
4.  Demonstrate how to: 1. Use scissors to cut various collage materials into small pieces. 2. Use glue to apply collage pieces.
Assessment will be through observation of students’ art products. Have students created a collage in the style of Romare Bearden and demonstrated the following criteria:
·  Implement proper technique for gluing, using scissors or other activity, with assistive devices if needed.
·  Explain the process used to create artwork through words, pictures symbols or objects.
·  Identify vocabulary through words, picture symbols or objects.
·  Evaluate personal work and make an expressive opinion (I like, dislike).