Risk Assessment - Pets
Type of pet being considered?Residential Aged Care (RAC) Facility /
Home Care service / program:
This form is to be completed prior to commencing a “Pets as Therapy” program or prior to purchasing a pet for a RAC facility.
For each answer in the negative complete an “Assess the Risk” (see page 2), and identify the controls that will be used, designate who is responsible for the control and the time frames.
§ Is there evidence of consultation with clients prior to implementing a “pet therapy/activity” program or purchasing a pet? / Yes No
§ Is there evidence of consultation with employees prior to implementing a “pets therapy/activity” program or purchasing a pet? / Yes No
§ Has responsibility for the pet been designated? / Yes No
§ Will a designated person always be on site if the pet is purchased? / Yes No
§ Has the site been assessed for providing shelter for the pet? / Yes No
§ Has the site been assessed for ensuring the security of the pet e.g. fenced? / Yes No
§ Is there a Local Work Instruction (LWI) documented procedure for treating a sick pet? / Yes No
§ Are there contact details of a vet willing to assist with care for the pet available? / Yes No
§ Has the pet been checked for health, vaccinations and micro chipping (if required)? / Yes No
§ Does the pet shed fur or feathers? / Yes No
§ Does the pet have a gentle manner? Not excitable or aggressive? / Yes No
§ Is the pet likely to contribute to a trip or slip hazard? / Yes No
§ Will the pet be able to avoid food offered outside set meal times? / Yes No
§ Does the pet have a grooming protocol? / Yes No
§ Has the pet undergone temperament testing through an accredited organisation and is there documented evidence of the testing? / Yes No
§ Is there information available regarding any client or employee animal allergy? / Yes No
§ Is there a secure area available for the pet? / Yes No
§ Is the pet trained and is it able to self toilet in a designated location? / Yes No
§ Is there a Local Work Instruction (LWI) for the care of the pet which includes vaccinations, worming, tick and flea treatments, washing, grooming and the immediate cleaning up of droppings? / Yes No
Complete a copy of this page for each identified risk on Page 1 – i.e. each item assessed as “No”.
Severity of actual or possible consequences (Includes Staff/Clients & Hazards)
How likely is it to happen?
/ SevereDeath
Service closure / Major
Major service loss / Moderate
Lesser injury
Disruption / Minor
Minor first aid
Slight disruption / Minimal
Inconvenience only / Refer to risk severity tables if necessary
weekly/monthly /
/ H / M / M / Risk ScoreHazard to be controlled
2-10 per year / E /
/ H / M / L / E – ExtremeImmediately
every 1-2 years / E / H / H / M / L / H – High
As soon as possible
every 3-10 years / E / H / M / L / L / M – Medium
As soon as possible
> 10 years / H / M / M / L / L / L – Low
As appropriate
Description of Identified Hazard (What, Where, When)
Determine Prevention / Control Options & Consult with Employees (How, Who, When)
Not applicable / Action / Who / When / Review
Eliminate the hazard
Substitute the hazard
Modify the Environment
Administrative Controls
Personal Protective Equipment
Pet suitable Yes No
Assessment completed by:Signature: / Position: :
Date of initial assessment: / / Review date: : /
Owner / Scope / Status / Last Reviewed: / Relates to P&P / Doc Control No. / Page
GM Residential / Residential & Home Care / Final: 15/11/2011 / 15/11/2011 / BCS-BCS-00338 / BCS-F00288 / 1 of 2