DATE: November 30, 2010

LANDOWNER: Catherine McMullen


LOCATION: Monroe County

TOTAL ACRES: 14 acres

COST SHARE INFORMATION: Not to exceed 50% cost share at $300 per acre. For this project, CRP funding would cover _________($300/acres) and the landowner would be responsible for the rest.


· To provide:

o Habitat (nesting and cover) and seed/fruit production for a wide range of wildlife in all seasons of the year.

o A potential source of future economic outputs, such as nut production and wood fiber.


The site is 18 acres total, with 14 acres in CRP and 4 acres in riparian woodland consisting primarily of elms and silver maple. The current CRP contract expires in 2011, and, because the landowner wants to diversify the available habitat and to establish a future source of income through wood products.

TREE AND SHRUB SPECIES AND SPECIFICATIONS: Check DNR State Forest Nursery for availability and prices.

Planting specification

• 2.6 feet between shrubs, 8 feet between rows.

• 8 feet between trees and 10 feet between rows

Selection specification


•species of trees

•justification for selecting each species

•number of each species

•cost of each species


•species of shrubs

•justification for selecting each species

•number of each species

•cost of each species

Total cost of trees and shrubs

Other recommendations would you make for improving habitat:

Landscape: describe the habitat that you see in the photograph, particularly the amount, shape and location of woodlands, and propose some ideas for improving habitat at this broader landscape scale.

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