[Rensselaer Polytechnic Insitutue Ambulance] / December 8, 2010
Meeting Minutes – Officer Board




Hannah Strobel, Danielle Norton, Matthew Willet, Michael O’Keefe, Brandon Graham, Jovan Cruz, Ted Reimann, William Schmitt, Edesse Lamb, Collin Sowinski, Elizabeth Leimer


RPI Departement of Public Safety


1.  Coordinators

a.  Snacks

i.  Olivia Torre

b.  Officer Reviews

i.  Still looking for someone

2.  First Aid for Res Life

a.  Nobody responding to emails, working on it

3.  New Members

a.  Danielle and Hannah will do all new member paperwork.

i.  OSHA will happen next semester

4.  EMT Class

a.  New members may be sponsored provided they filled out the proper paperwork, signed the contract regarding nights required, and are “Active” member

5.  Power Point for General Meeting

a.  Email discussion topics


1.  Coordinators

a.  AED

i.  Collin Sowinski

2.  E-PCRs

a.  More expensive than thought, getting quotes

i.  One person speaking with in Albany is a former Captain of RPIA

3.  Field house issues

a.  Regarding how events are run

b.  Women’s hockey would also like our coverage

c.  Too many events

d.  Brandon and Matt will meet with Norris and mention that it is RPI’s responsibility to find an ambulance to cover the event doesn’t have to be RPIA

i.  May start charging for events

ii. Possibly to help find ways to create incentives for CCs and EES

1.  Going to begin rewriting SOPs regarding it

2.  Got ok from Rick Hart for this

4.  Training Committee

a.  Will meet once more before end of the semester

5.  Register for EMS Conference and Hotel

a.  Philadelphia

b.  Feb 25-27

c.  Early Registration Jan 15 – Personal Member $75/person ($260 for the conference)

d.  EMT skills competition, practice ahead, and then show off.

i.  Looking for members

Vice President

1.  Met with Cameron she will be searching for a couch over winter break.

a.  Need to give her maximum dimensions for couches that can fit within the house.

i.  We are really lacking budget for this

ii. Look to have donated

2.  Mattresses have arrived!

a.  Looking into mattress covers, pillow cases, and comforters

b.  Throwing out old mattresses

3.  Going to do a bulk office supply order through the union from staples

a.  Officers, please email me anything you would like me to add to the list.

4.  Activities Fair

a.  Saturday February 5, 2011 in the Rensselaer union from 12-2PM.

b.  Set up will begin at 11:00AM

c.  Need to order publicity/give away items (Pens, Carabineers, etc)

i.  Ask Martha where we did this in the past

5.  Brandon is collecting radios

6.  Working to purchase plaque for “92 College Ave”.

7.  Cabinet in Kitchen will be cleared for personal storage (for frequent flyers).

8.  Holiday Gift Exchange will be Saturday at 1400 in the Office

1st Lieutenant

1.  Coordinator

a.  Inventory and Rig Checks (will be formalizing this system)

i.  Mark O’Donnell

2.  02 supply system has a leak

a.  Have AEV (manufacturer of ambulance) look at over break

b.  Turn off O2 when not in use

3.  Interest in riding other places than RPI to try to catch calls and for training

a.  Looking to put together a crew every so often at RVA

i.  RVA welcoming new members

ii. Will contact RVA to create an agreement for members in good standing with RPI to ride at RVA

4.  CEVO

a.  George forwarded his portion

b.  Will be running class next semester

5.  Scheduling

a.  Attendant and Observers next week

i.  Only going to allow people to ride who are looking to be promoted.

b.  Will go out of service the first night we cannot fill a crew

6.  Attendant Defaults

a.  Will be continuing the same system as earlier this semester

i.  You can sign up at the General Meeting for a spot.

7.  Washed Rig

2nd Lieutenant

1.  Hockey Game has changed from 1900 to 1530.

a.  Be up there at 1430PM

b.  Class A’s – it will be nationally televised

2.  Getting quote for large medical order

a.  Found good prices for O2 bags (EMS warehouse)

  1. Collecting Radios
  2. 12/9 at 1900 at the General Meeting

b.  12/14 from 1800 to 1900 in the Office.

4.  Removed temperature sensitive items from ECAV

5.  Cards for Trauma Bags

a.  Has contents written on it and where

6.  Tour of Houston Field House New Construction

a.  Tuesday 12/14 at 1700

7.  Creating a document for ECAV and HFH that will summarize events.

8.  Bringing items up to HFH

9.  Upcoming Events:

a.  National Junior Hockey Game 12/19

i.  Looking for crew



Next General Meeting December 9th, 2010 at 8:00 PM.

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