Algebra 2
Renee Stevens
SM West Room 109
993-7883 or
I am excited to begin my 11th year at Shawnee Mission West. I have been teaching for about 20 years in various capacities as a middle school /high school teacher in public and parochial schools, tutor, substitute, and adjunct instructor at Avila University. I love Math and love working with teenagers. I am the head coach of the SMW Bowling Team.
Algebra 2 includes many new topics not covered in previous classes. It will be challenging. Your child will be successful in Algebra 2 by doing the homework, completing the projects, and studying for the tests. I am a believer in the quote:” He who does the work learns!” Harry Wong (teacher and author).
By taking notes, doing the guided practice problems in class, working collaboratively with other students, your student should be able to complete the homework independently. I am available in room 109 during seminar and before and after school for assistance. The book is also online and your student will be able to access that with a password I will give them.
Homework policy: Homework completed by the beginning of the next class period will receive full credit. Late work is accepted until the unit test and will receive ½ credit. Grading will based on completion. Students must show their work for credit.
A 4 point system will be used:
4 means it is complete
3 means more than ½ was completed
2 means ½ was completed
1 means less than ½ was completed
0 means no effort
Quizzes: Students will be allowed to use their notes and homework on some quizzes. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced. They will be graded based on work and correct answers. It will cover material we studied in class that day along with material previously covered in the unit
Tests and other assessment tools: Tests and/or projects will be given to assess learning. They will be graded based on work shown and correct answers.
Calculators: All students should learn to use a graphing calculator this year. We have a limited number of calculators available for use in class. They may be rented for use at home. Your student may ask you to purchase a graphing calculator. I would recommend a Texas Instruments TI84 or 84 plus. A TI83 or 83plus would be fine. The TI 84 series is the updated replacement for the 83. It is faster, has more memory, and updated software such as the periodic table (chemistry) and some great graphing software. They may not use the powerful TI 89 in class. It solves too many problems for them. You may purchase another brand, but unfortunately, I am only familiar with the keystrokes of the TI series so my help operating those brands would be limited.
Your student does not urgently need the calculator. The best price occurs at back to school time which is about a $20 savings. Later, they will be full price. Office Max, Office Depot, Target, Wal-Mart and other electronic stores sell them. The cost is $75 - $129.
You may also rent a calculator from SMW. The cost is $20. There is a link to the form on my web backpack.
The calculator will be useful in math and science class and it has business applications on it, too. Please discuss with your student their future plans regarding math, science, and college before purchasing a graphing calculator. You may find it to be an unnecessary expense.
Students can download and share video games on these calculators. This makes them attractive to other students. Be sure to mark the calculator with a sharpie or paint marker so that your student can identify the markings in case the calculator is lost, or there is a dispute over ownership.
It is a temptation for students to play games when they should be working. My policy is that they should be mature enough to know when it is time to work and when it is time to play. If it becomes a problem, I will take the calculator away during instruction and return it at the end of class.
Make-up Work and Extra Help: It is the student’s responsibility to obtain, complete and turn in make-up work in a timely manner. I am available before or after school and during seminar in room 109 for additional assistance.
Quarter Grades Homework and in class activities: 33%
Quizzes, Tests and projects: 67%
Final Grade: Each of the two quarter percentages count for 42.5% of the semester grade and the final counts for 15% of the semester grade.
I look forward to working with your child this year. If you have any questions, you can reach me by phone at 993-7883. Pleases leave a name, number, and time you can be reached after 2:40 or before 7:40 and I will return your call as soon as possible. You can also email me at . I also have a web backpack page.
Lastly, please take a few moments to help me get to know your child’s needs by filling out the attached form and returning it with your child. Please discuss the form with your student and sign the appropriate blanks.
Thank you,
Renee Stevens