(904) 537-7435 cell


Related Experience

Director of Forensic Education

CSI Academy of Florida Presently employed

Adjunct Faculty

University of Florida, College of Pharmacy Presently employed

Training Consultant

University of Tennessee, National Forensic Academy June 2013-Feb 2014

Police Officer, Detective

Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office

Patrol/Task Force 1999-2002

Crime Scene Unit 2002-2013


M.S. in Pharmacy/Forensic Science, University of Florida GPA: 3.93 2010

B.A. in Criminal Justice, University of North Florida GPA: 3.77 2007

Professional Associations/Nominations

National Fraternal Order of Police Nominee for the White House Subcommittee on Forensic Science, 2009

International Association for Identification, # 22249

FL Division of the International Association for Identification, #2760

International Association for Bloodstain Pattern Analysts (provisional)

American Psychology-Law Society

American Academy of Forensic Sciences (applicant)

Honors and Awards

‘Six Pillars of Character’ Award, Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office 2010

8 Commendations for Investigations 2005-2012

Respect for Law Award, Arlington Lion’s Optimist Club 2009

Testimony, Homicide Trials

Fourth Judicial Circuit Court, Jacksonville, Florida

State v. Bryant, State v. Banks (life and capital), State v. Foss, State v. Lane, State v. Mosley, State. v. Winn, State v. Ramirez, State v. Alvarez, State v. Peterson, State v. Hang, State v. Erazo, State v. Drake, State v. Walker, State v. Lukaj, State v. Ramirez (Appellate), State v. Reeves, State v. Yacob, State v. N.Walker, State v. Johnson, State v. Houston, State v. Joseph, State v. Wright, State v. Dolorbe, State v. Wilkerson, State v. Jackson, State v. King, State v. Overton, State v. Williams, State v. King, State v. Bratton, State v. Dunn, State v. Fuller.

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Testimony provided regarding basic crime scene investigation procedures, photography, latent print processing, collection and preservation of evidence. Technical testimony regarding the alternative light source, latent print development and recovery techniques, bloodstain pattern analysis, leucomalachite green presumptive blood testing, luminol/Bluestar applications, amido black protein stain, bullet trajectory reconstruction, DNA collection and preservation.

Testimony Accepted as Expert Witness

State v. Thompson: Crime scene and bloodstain analysis of a multiple-scene homicide. In progress.

State v. Fuller: Bloodstain analysis in a vehicle and on related clothing.

State v. N. Walker: Bloodstain analysis on the suspect’s clothing.

State v. Joseph: Analysis of bloodstains in situ, on the victim’s person and on the suspect’s clothing.

State v. Wilkerson: Analysis of bloodstains in situ and on the victim’s person.

State v. Williams: Analysis of bloodstain patterns on evidentiary items and clothing, observation and collection of hairs previously overlooked by the state laboratory.

State v. Washington: Bloodstain pattern analysis, bullet trajectory reconstruction and latent print evidence recovered.

State v. Kirkpatrick: Bloodstain pattern analysis, blunt force trauma homicide.

Case Analysis/Reconstruction

August, 2007:

Request by Los Angeles County Homicide Detective S. Eguchi to process murder suspect John Burgess’ pickup truck for evidence in the disappearance of 19 year-old Donna Jou.

October, 2011:

Request by Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office Cold Case to locate possible touch DNA on clothing and jewelry from a 2006 homicide investigation involving a possible known assailant. Case pending.

June, 2011:

Request by JSO Cold Case to locate possible blood evidence of a struggle or death in an abandoned house from a 1988 homicide. Case pending.

March, 2012:

Request by JSO for bloodstain pattern analysis of a blunt force trauma homicide in situ.
Case pending.

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August, 2012:

Request by JSO Traffic Homicide for analysis of bloodstain patterns in a DUI

manslaughter. Bloodstain patterns on clothing and the recovery of anagen phase hairs led to the placement of the suspect in the driver’s seat and charges to be filed by the State Attorney’s Office. Case closed.

September, 2012:

Request by JSO homicide to reconstruct a domestic murder-suicide in situ. Reconstruction determined that the husband fired the fatal shot to his wife prior to ending his own life. Case closed.

October, 2012:

Request by JSO homicide for bloodstain pattern analysis of a blunt force trauma homicide. Case pending.

November, 2012:

Request by JSO traffic homicide for analysis of bloodstain pattern evidence on a multiple-rollover SUV crash and clothing worn by the suspect. Analysis revealed the suspect’s shirt had been worn inside out, the suspect had indeed been driving and caused the ejection and death of the female passenger. Case closed.

November, 2012:

Request by JSO homicide to investigate an abandoned trailer for evidence of a blunt-force trauma homicide. Analysis revealed copious amounts of cleaned up blood and impact spatter patterns, leading to the arrest of two defendants. Case pending.

December, 2012:

Request by JSO homicide and the State Attorney’s Office for analysis of bloodstain pattern evidence on and around the victim of a homicide. Case pending.

February, 2013:

Request by JSO homicide and the State Attorney’s Office for analysis of bloodstain patterns on a vehicle, clothing and weapon. Case pending.

October, 2013:

Request by Knoxville Sheriff’s Office to review a 1991 case and attempt to reconstruct bloodstain patterns from the scene via the case file. Case pending.

March, 2014:

Request by defense counsel on behalf of the Eighth Judicial Circuit Court to review crime scene and bloodstain pattern evidence in a homicide. Case pending.

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Professional Training

2002 Photography for Crime Scene Investigations

Northeast Florida Criminal Justice Training Center 40 hours

2002 Alternate Light Source Applications

Northeast Florida Criminal Justice Training Center 16 hours

2002 Latent Print Recovery and Processing Workshop

Northeast Florida Criminal Justice Training Center 40 hours

2003 Major Case Crime Scene Detective Training

Northeast Florida Criminal Justice Training Center 80 hours

2003 CMS Field Training Officer

Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission 40 hours

2003 Cold Case Homicide Investigations

Naval Criminal Investigative Services 16 hours

2003 Bullet Trajectory Reconstruction

Northeast Florida Criminal Justice Training Center 40 hours

2004 CMS Instructor Techniques

Northeast Florida Criminal Justice Training Center 80 hours

2004 Homicide Investigations

Institute of Police Technology and Management 40 hours

2004 Bloodstain Pattern Analysis and Reconstruction

Northeast Florida Criminal Justice Training Center 40 hours

2004 Symposium: The Pursuit of Truth; Forensic Investigation

Speakers: Prof. Barry Scheck, Dr. Ann Burgess,

Dr. Michael Baden, Dr. Henry Lee, Dr. Cyril Wecht.

Florida Coastal School of Law 10 hours

2005 Kinesic Interview Techniques

Northeast Florida Criminal Justice Training Center 24 hours

2006 Digital Photography for Law Enforcement

Northeast Florida Criminal Justice Training Center 24 hours

2007 LTI Laser Angle Encoder-Crime Scene Mapping

Northeast Florida Criminal Justice Training Center 24 hours

2008 NIMS Response to WMD, Louisiana State University

Florida Department of Law Enforcement 40 hours

2008 Investigative Interviews

Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission 40 hours

2009 I.A.I. Annual Symposium, Tampa FL (Various courses)

Advanced Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Methods 40 hours

2010 Crime Scene Processing

Institute for Police Technology and Management 40 hours

2010 Advanced Homicide Investigations

Institute for Police Technology and Management 40 hours

2010 Crime Scene Reconstruction

Institute for Police Technology and Management 40 hours

2010 Advanced Bloodstain Pattern Analysis

Institute for Police Technology and Management 40 hours

2011 Buried Bodies and Surface Skeleton Investigations

Institute of Police Technology and Management 40 hours

2013 UV/IR Photography

Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office 8 hours

2014 University of Tennessee, Anthropology and Death

Investigations 40 hours

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Lecture and Teaching Experience

University of North Florida (Women in Policing, Crime in America,

Crime Scene Investigations, Murder in America) 2005-2011

I.T.T. Institute School of Criminal Justice 2006

Florida State College “C.S.I. Summer Camp” 2006-2009

AHDI Jacksonville Conference 2008

AHDI State Conference, Kissimmee, Florida 2009

Basic Crime Scene, CT State Police Academy for IPTM 2010

4th Judicial Circuit Asst. State Attorneys, DNA training 2011

AEquitas: Florida Prosecuting Attorneys Association, Symposium on

Domestic Violence/Homicide, Altamonte Springs, FL 2011

Basic Crime Scene Investigations (40 hours), NFCJTC 2011

Crime Scene Photography (16 hours), NFCJTC 2011

National Crime Writers Conference, Orlando, FL 2012

Florida Coastal School of Law, Crime Scene Investigations 2012

Injury and Death Investigations, NFCJTC 2012

Forensic Anthropology (with Dr. Heather Walsh-Haney), NFCJTC 2012

Courtroom Testimony, 4th Judicial Circuit 2012

Bloodstain Pattern Analysis, Crime Scene Management

CSI Academy of Florida 2012

CLE Florida Bar Association: Fourth Judicial Circuit Training 2013

National Forensic Academy, Crime Scene Management (Lead) 2013

National Forensic Academy, Bloodstain Pattern Analysis (Assist) 2013

National Forensic Academy, Photography (Assist) 2013

Tennessee Highway Patrol Citizen’s Academy 2013

Crime Scene Management for First Responders 2014

Curriculum Development

Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office Crime Scene Unit 2008-2013

Basic Crime Scene Investigations

Forensic Anthropology

Bloodstain Pattern Analysis and Reconstruction*

Crime scene photography*

Bullet trajectory reconstruction utilizing lasers*

Latent print processing*

Luminol and Blue Star applications/documentation*

Alternative light source applications*

Shoe wear and tire tread impression casting*

Electrostatic dust lifting techniques (DELK)*

Amido black protein dye use and application*

Macro photography of enhanced blood prints*

LTI laser/angle encoder crime scene mapping/diagramming*

Courtroom testimony and report preparation*

Crime scene investigation theory/scientific methodology*

Death Investigations*

University of Florida 2014

Crime Scene Laboratory, 10 modules

Graduate Degree Program, Forensic Science

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University of Tennessee, National Forensic Academy 2013

Crime Scene Management

CSI Academy of Florida 2014

Crime Scene Management for First Responders

Latent Print Techniques

Introduction to Crime Scene Investigations

Grant Writing and Management

Principal Investigator on Department of Justice grant in the amount of 1.2 million dollars, 2011-DP-BX-K049.

National Science Foundation grant written and submitted (NSF 14-512):

Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers, Strategies Project

*Courses taught as the training coordinator for the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office Crime Scene Unit as part of CALEA standards training hours, intra-unit.


How Sherlock Changed the World, Love Productions, UK Nov 2013

Featured interview and demonstrations of bloodstain pattern analysis and case reconstruction. Features Dr. Henry Lee, Dr. Michael Rieders. Director: Paul Bernays.

Distribution to U.S. and European markets via PBS, National Geographic Channel, BBC Worldwide and Channel 5.

‘The Osgood File’ syndicated radio program Dec 17, 2013

Featured interview regarding work on “How Sherlock Changed the World.”

Sleuthfest Mystery Writer’s Conference, Orlando, FL March 2012

Guest speaker in addition to prosecutor Jeff Ashton and Medical Examiner Dr. Jan Garavaglia; authors Charlaine Harris and Jeffery Deaver.

National Highway Transportation and Safety Board, DUI Training video June 2012

Field sobriety exercises, traffic stops and courtroom testimony demonstrations designed to train police officers.

Distribution throughout the U.S. and Canada via NHTSB