Repair History

3rd Grade
Regions are places that have different characteristics. / The Powhatan Indians lived in teepees.
The Sioux Indians were farmers. / The Pueblo Indians lived in houses made from bark and wood.
The Powhatan Indians lived in the Plains. / The Sioux Indians paddled canoes for transportation.
The Pueblo Indians were hunters, horsemen, and warriors. / The Sioux Indian’s main occupation was farming.
The Powhatan Indians lived in the Southwest. / The Pueblo Indians were fishermen, hunters, and farmers.
The way people live is the same from the way people lived long ago. / Community is a place where animals live, work, and play.
Population is the age of people living in a community. / Transportation is a way of keeping people and things in one place.
Changes in buildings, jobs, transportation, and populations in communities over time have been caused by climate. / Christopher Columbus was sponsored by the country of England.
Jacques Cartier was sponsored by the country of Spain. / Christopher Newport was sponsored by the country of France.
Juan Ponce de Leon was sponsored by the country of England. / Christopher Newport landed in St. Augustine, Florida.
Christopher Columbus explored the St. Lawrence River Valley in Canada. / Juan Ponce de Leon was the first to discover the “New World.”
An explorer is a person who likes to stay in one place. / A European is any person from the continent of Asia.
Christopher Columbus gave Spain claim to Florida. / Juan Ponce de Leon wanted to colonize Virginia.
Christopher Newport was the first European to discover a sea route to America. / Jacques Cartier hoped to discover riches and new lands to conquer.
Climate is the shape of the land’s surface. / Land is the kind of weather an area has over a long period of time.
Environment is a word to describe the colors of the Earth. / China is located in Australia.
Egypt is located in South America. / The Eastern Woodlands region has hot days, cold nights and little rainfall.
The Plains region has high flatlands and cactus. / The Southwest region has rivers, hills, mountains and coastland.
The Eastern Woodlands region is where you would find plains, prairies and rolling hills. / Forests and a variety of plant life can be found in the Southwest region.
Mild winters, hot and humid summers are kinds of weather you would find in the Plains region. / The Powhatan Indians farmed the land and lived in villages in adobe houses.
The Sioux Indians farmed, fished, hunted, used trees for homes and canoes, and gathered plants for food. / The Pueblo Indians moved around to hunt for buffalo, and used horses for transportation.
Hemisphere means a whole sphere. / The equator is an imaginary line that divides the globe into eastern and western hemispheres.
The prime meridian is an imaginary line that divides the globe into northern and southern hemispheres. / There are eight continents.
There are six oceans. / The equator and prime meridian are used to create the seven hemispheres.
The Pacific, Atlantic, Asian, and Indian are the names of the oceans of the world. / England is located on the continent of Africa.
France is located on the continent of North America. / Spain is located on the continent of Antarctica.
The region of San Salvador is located in Quebec, Canada. / The region of St. Augustine is located in the Bahamas.
The region of Jamestown is located in Florida. / A letter-number grid system is used to located planets in the solar system.
Scarcity means having all the things that you want to have. / A consumer is a person who makes goods or services.
A producer is a person who plays music. / People do not need to make economic choices because we can all have everything we want.
Natural resources are goods made by people and used to produce other goods and services. / Capital resources are materials that come from nature.
Human resources are things that people make to satisfy needs and wants. / Goods are activities that satisfy people’s needs and wants.
Services are things that people make or use to satisfy needs and wants. / Opportunity cost is the price tag on something that you want to buy.
Rules are things that people must not do. / Laws are choices that people make.
Governments are not necessary because they do not help people. / The purpose of government is to decide what jobs people should have.
Equality under the law means that all people speak the same language. / Basic principles are things that people must earn, and can be taken away.
George Washington was the third president of the United States. He wrote the Declaration of Independence. / Thomas Jefferson was the first President of the new nation.
Abraham Lincoln was the first African American justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. / Rosa Parks is believed to have sewn one of the first flags for our country.
Thurgood Marshall was born in a log cabin and was the President who helped free the African American slaves. / Pocahontas led the struggle to give women equal rights, including the right to vote.
George Washington Carver proved that electricity was present in lightning. / Benjamin Franklin developed hundreds of uses for peanuts, sweet potatoes and soybeans.
Helen Keller was an Indian girl who was a helper and friend to the settlers in Jamestown. / Susan B. Anthony overcame disabilities and worked to help others who were blind and deaf.
Jackie Robinson was an African American minister who worked hard so that all people would be treated fairly. / Martin Luther King, Jr. was the first African American player in the major leagues of baseball.
Betsy Ross is an African American woman who refused to give up her seat on a bus, and help to bring changes in laws for equal rights. / Veteran’s Day is a day for recognition and respect for those Americans who died in wars.
Memorial Day is a day of recognition for Americans who served in the military. / A republican form of government is called a monarchy.
2nd Grade
Ancient means things that are happening today. / Architecture is the height of buildings.
Contribution is the act of getting something. / Chinese writing is called hieroglyphics.
The ancient Egyptians had no written language. / The ancient Chinese built the pyramids.
The ancient Egyptians built the Great Wall. / The ancient Chinese invented paper made from papyrus, the 365-day calendar, and the clock.
The ancient Egyptians invented the compass, silk cloth, the kite, bronze, and fireworks. / A direct democracy is a government in which people elect small groups of citizens to make laws for everyone.
A representative democracy is a government in which people vote to make their own rules and laws. / Columns and arches were used in the construction of buildings by the people of the empire of Mali.
The Parthenon can be found in Rome. / The Colosseum and the aqueducts can be found in Greece.
Greek and Roman mosaics, sculptures, and paintings were displayed mostly in the streets of cities. / The birthplace of U.S. democracy was developed in ancient China.
The republican form of government was developed in ancient Egypt. / The Olympic games of today are modeled after the games of ancient Rome.
Mali was one of the poorest empires in Africa. / Mali traditions were passed on through written stories.
Mali remained one of the smallest of the empires of West Africa. / The Kings of Mali traded expensive cloth for building materials.
The people of the desert used pepper to trade for gold. / China is a land of hot dry deserts, and the flooding of the Nile River.
Egypt is a land of seasons, forests, hills, mountains, deserts and a great variety of plant life. / The ancient Chinese were mainly hunters.
The ancient Egyptians grew their food in the mountains. / Ancient Greece and Rome were located on land near the Indian Ocean.
The empire of Mali was located in the eastern region of the continent of Africa. / Ancient Greece was surrounded by land on flat dry ground.
Ancient Rome was located next to the forest with few hills and much rich soil. / The empire of Mali was located near lakes with silver mines nearby.
The James River is in England. / The Rio Grande River is in New York.
The Mississippi River is in California. / The Appalachian Mountains are found in Alaska.
The Rocky Mountains run through Florida. / The Great Lakes are in Texas.
The map title shows directions on a map. / The map legend tells the name or kind of map.
A compass rose is a list of shapes and symbols used on a map. / Hammers, computers, trucks, lawn mowers and factory buildings are types of natural resources.
Water, soil, wood, and coal are types of human resources. / Farmers, miners, builders, and painters are types of capital resources.
To barter is to exchange goods and services with the use of money or checks. / Coins, paper bills and checks are used in the exchange for goods without the use of money.
Economic specialization is two or more people depending on each other for goods and services. / Economic interdependence is focusing on one product or service.
1st Grade
Change is something that happens to make things the same. / Time lines show the sequence of events occurring in the future.
Columbus Day is a day to remember when America became a new country. / Presidents’ Day is a day to remember Christopher Columbus.
Independence Day is a day to remember all United States Presidents, especially George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. / Washington, D.C. is in Maryland.
Richmond is in Washington, D.C. / Savings is money that people use to buy things now.
The American flag represents the state of Virginia. / A tradition is a custom or belief that happens in the future.
Patriotic means showing respect for and love of inventions. / The Pledge of Allegiance is said to demonstrate respect for the military.


History is events that have not yet happened. / Thanksgiving Day is the day when people watch fireworks.
The past is something that is happening now. / The present is something that has already happened.
Basic needs are things that people would like to have. / Wants are things that people need to live (food, clothing, and shelter).
The American flag has blue stars on a white rectangle, with red and white stripes. / The President is the leader of Canada.