Reading Questions for Chapter Two: The Constitution

Use your own words to answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Make a list of the points that the text makes on what the “Colonial Mind” was thinking at the time of the Revolution.

2. Make a detailed list of the weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation.

3. What was Shays’s Rebellion and what role did that play in the push for changing the Articles of Confederation?

4. Make a chart comparing and contrasting the Virginia Plan, New Jersey Plan, and the Great Compromise

5. What were the other compromises involving the president and the Supreme Court decided at the Convention?

6. What is the difference between a democracy and a republic and how did the Constitution strike a balance between these two forms of government?

7. What is judicial review?

8. List and define the two major principles of American representative democracy?

9. What was the founders’ solution to the problem that people will pursue their own self-interest? How is that different from what ancient philosophers believed? What did Madison argue and propose in this context?

10. Make a chart showing the Federalist and Anti-federalist arguments about the Constitution. Leave room to add to it.

11. The book lists liberties that are guaranteed in the body of the Constitution. Learn that list. Define writ of habeas corpus, bill of attainder, and an ex post facto law.

12. What arguments did the Federalists use against having a bill of rights?

13. Summarize the three provisions in the Constitution regarding slavery. Why didn’t the Founders abolish slavery?

14. Study the box on p. 41 outlining how to propose and ratify an amendment. Read over the language in Article V of the Constitution. Memorize these methods.

15. What was Charles Beard’s interpretation of the Framers of the Constitution? What is now known to counter his interpretation?

16. In the ratifying conventions, what were the economic divisions of who favored the Constitution?

17. Outline the criticisms presented of the separation of powers and the counter arguments.

18. What are the proposals of those who the government is too large and who would seek changes in the Constitution to limit the government? What are the counter arguments?