Student Name: ______________________________________________________

Read pages 24-28 and answer the following questions (You DO NOT have to write in complete sentences):

1. What four things did the Nazis take from Vladek and his friends when they arrived at Auschwitz?

2. What was the name of the town outside of Auschwitz before the war? (Hint: It starts with an “O”).

3. What nationality is the prisoner who hits his fellow prisoner with the shoes that don’t fit?

4. When Vladek shows his tattooed number on page 26, what detail under the number is similar to Susan’s story?

5. Which one of his relatives does Vladek meet in Auschwitz?

6. What does Abraham say that the Poles made him do by holding a gun to his head?

7. What happened to Abraham?

8. What happened to the Poles who betrayed Vladek and his family?

9. When added together, what number did Vladek’s tattoo add up to?

10. Why was this number something that gave Vladek hope that he would survive the war?

Read pages 41-42 and answer the following questions (You DO NOT have to write in complete sentences):

Vladek managed to get favorable treatment from his block supervisor by teaching him English, which he wanted to know for after the war. He got nicer prisoner clothes and shoes and even shared with his friends…Then, the novel comes back to the present day and Art is drawing the book…

1. When did Vladek die, and what caused his death?

2. When are Art and his wife, Francoise, expecting a baby?

3. How long did it take Art to write the first part of MAUS?

4. Art received four offers to turn his book into a TV Series or Movie. Did he want to do this?

5. When did Art’s mother die, and how did she die?

6. What three groups are represented by the masks on the reporters badgering Art?

7. What animal does Art guess that he would have drawn the Israelis?

8. What does all of the questioning by the reporters reduce Art to?

Read pages 51-57 and answer the following questions (You DO NOT have to write in complete sentences):

1. Who told Vladek that his wife, Anja, was in Birkenau?

2. How far was it from Auschwitz I to Birkenau?

3. In Birkenau, how many people were put into a building made for 50 horses?

4. Who was Mancie?

5. Why did Mancie get good treatment from the SS?

6. When Anja writes a letter to Vladek, what does she say she thought about doing every day?

7. What would have been the penalty for Mancie if she was caught with the bread that she was sneaking into Birkenau for Anja?

8. Why did the one friendly guard that Vladek met turn mean?

9. What job did Vladek volunteer to do so that he could see Anja in Birkeau?

10. What was Vladek’s punishment when he was caught talking to Anja?

Read pages 61-66 and answer the following questions (You DO NOT have to write in complete sentences):

Vladek managed to make himself useful, willing to learn any skill to stay alive and get better food. For a while, he worked as a tinsmith, cutting tin, and when a job came open as a shoemaker, he learned how to do that, too, even though he had never done that before…

1. What is Vladek’s reward for fixing the Nazi officer’s boot so well?

2. On page 63, what did Vladek write to Anja, wanting her to do?

3. How did Anja get her Kapo to treat her better?

4. How much did Vladek have to save up to bribe the guards to bring Anja over?

5. How did the prisoners get cigarettes?

6. What was the only time that Vladek was happy in Auschwitz?

7. How did Anja escape a beating from her block leader for accepting food thrown over the fence from Vladek?

8. What did the Kapo make Anja’s fellow prisoners do because they wouldn’t tell on her?

Read pages 70-72 and answer the following questions (You DO NOT have to write in complete sentences):

Vladek continues to use all of the resources he has to avoid being selected for death. He even survives one selection by sitting on the toilet pretending to have a bad stomach. In January of 1945, right before the death march, Vladek is chosen to help the Nazis take apart the gas chambers so that they could move them to Germany to continue the killing of the Jews. Therefore, he saw the undressing room and gas chambers, as well as the crematorium…

1. What does Vladek say the Cremo building looks like?

2. According to the drawing of the crematorium, what did they melt in one room?

3. How long did Vladek say it took for the victims to die in the gas chamber?

4. Where in the room did the biggest pile of bodies lie? Why?

5. Why did the Sonderkommando talking to Vladek say that many times the victims’ fingers were broken?

6. What were the large pits that Vladek saw some prisoners digging for?

Read pages 84- 87 and answer the following questions (You DO NOT have to write in complete sentences):

Vladek goes on the death march leaving Auschwitz, even though he considered hiding in the attic of one of the barracks. He thought that the Nazis would burn down the barracks as he left, so he joined the death march to Breslau in Germany and Gros-Rosen concentration camp…

1. What did Vladek and the man he chose to help get an extra portion of soup for?

2. What did Vladek do in the train car that saved him?

3. Out of the 200 people in the train car, how many survived?

4. What does Vladek trade for some sugar from another prisoner in the train car?

5. What happened to the main trains sitting on the train tracks for weeks? (pg. 87)

Read pages 108-112 and answer the following questions (You DO NOT have to write in complete sentences):

Vladek survived the train ride and ended up at Dachau, outside of Munich in Germany. There, he got very sick and contracted Typhus, but he survived once again. The Germans decided to trade him and other prisoners for German prisoners of war at the Swiss border, but they were forced to stop the train they were on and walk again. One night, the German guards stopped the prisoners by a lake and the prisoners thought that they would be dead by the next morning, but…

1. Who convinced the Germans to leave the Jews behind and run away?

2. When Vladek and his fellow prisoners were captured again, where did the Germans put them?

3. What did the prisoners find the next morning?

4. Where did Vladek and a fellow prisoner hide?

5. What did the farmer hiding them try to do?

6. Where else did Vladek hide?

7. What did they have to eat and drink in this hiding place?

8. What did they do to make them fell human again?

9. Who liberated Vladek and his friend?

10. What did the Americans like about Vladek?

Read pages 133-136 and answer the following questions (You DO NOT have to write in complete sentences):

After his liberation, Vladek worked in Stokholm while waiting to come to America. He works for a department store for a while as a very successful salesman and then he is made to go and live in a Displaced Persons camp. He manages to get papers to travel to Belsen, where he finds out that Anja is still alive…

1. What city did Vladek find out that Anja was in?

2. When Anja went to the Gypsy, what did the gypsy tell her about her husband and future family?

3. What picture did Vladek send to Anja to show her that he was alive?

4. How long did it take Vladek to get to Poland?

5. Who did Vladek call Art in the last frame on page 136? How might this have upset Art?

6. What do the years 1978-1991 next to Art’s name at the bottom of page 136 represent? (Hint: It is a 13 year span.)