Any Mansker Farms homeowner, age 21 years or over, who is current in all fees and HOA dues is eligible to rent the Mansker Farms Clubhouse. The rental shall be for personal use only. Members MAY NOT use the Clubhouse for personal gain or profit. The Clubhouse is for the use of Mansker Farms homeowners and their guests only, and may not be used for functions that are open to the public. No admission fee or charge of any kind may be levied to the guests of a private party or function. The Clubhouse may not be used for private or personal fund raising events for any club or organization. No rental for ANY business purposes shall be allowed. Any exceptions must have prior authorization by the Board of Directors. The homeowner who rents the facility must be in attendance at all times during the scheduled event. The rental is for the Clubhouse facility ONLY and DOES NOT include the use of the pool, the pool area, the tennis/basketball courts, the volleyball court, or the playground.
All activities related to the scheduled function must be contained within the Clubhouse. Loitering on the grounds outside the Clubhouse is not permitted.
Reservations will be accepted on a first come first serve basis.
The Board of Directors has the authority to deny a rental for any reasonable cause.
Please note that activity within the Clubhouse and amenity areas may be monitored and/or recorded by a security surveillance system.
1. Smoking within the Clubhouse is NOT permitted.
2. NO alcohol is permitted. This includes the possession, distribution, and/or consumption thereof.
3. No pets of any type are permitted within the Clubhouse.
4. No decorations, of any type, shall be adhered to any walls, doors, windows, or flooring by any means. Any decorations used on the table tops will be of such a nature that no damage will occur to the tables themselves.
5. The maximum number of people in attendance must not exceed 125.
The Clubhouse may be rented Sunday-Thursday, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday rentals are between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 midnight. The rental fee will be used to defray the cost of the Clubhouse utilities and the general maintenance.
The rental fee is $15.00 an hour with a two hour minimum. Full day rental is $150.00. A separate check for the security deposit in the amount of $500.00 will be required. This check will not be negotiated and will be returned to the homeowner after a satisfactory inspection of the Clubhouse at the conclusion of the timed rental. Both checks should be made payable to Mansker Farms HOA.
In the event the Clubhouse is not cleaned thoroughly, as outlined by the “Clean-Up Checklist” within this agreement, all or a portion of the security deposit will be retained to cover the cost of cleaning. In addition to the actual cost of the clean-up a fine will be levied. If damage occurs, to the structure, or any contents thereof, the security deposit will be applied toward the cost of repairs and or replacement. If the repair, replacement or clean-up costs (including fines) exceed the security deposit the additional costs will be billed to the homeowner in whose name the reservation was secured.
The Homeowners Association, any Association committees, or Board of Directors may use the Clubhouse without charge. The meetings must be scheduled in advance.
Reservations may be made by contacting:
Theresa Savich
Reservations must be made a minimum of fourteen (14) days prior to the rental date. The rental agreement must be signed and returned with the rental fee and security deposit checks within seven (7) days of the initial reservation request in order to keep the reserved rental date. Please write two (2) separate checks, both payable to Mansker Farms Homeowners Association, with the reservation date noted on the check. Rental agreement forms and checks may be mailed to:
Theresa Savich
c/o Ghertner and Company
50 Vantage Way, Suite 100
Nashville, TN 37228
Please allow for clean-up time when making reservation. NO additional time past reservation will be allowed. Security system will automatically engage at end of reservation and re-entry will not be permitted. Any charges associated with “false” alarms will be the responsibility of the member holding the reservation.
Your security deposit will be returned to you by mail, pending a clean post-rental inspection.
The agreement between Mansker Farms Homeowners Association, and ___________________________, a member of the Association. establishes the conditions and requirements for the rental of the community Clubhouse.
At the time this agreement is signed and returned to the Association, member will pay two (2) separate checks: 1.) a rental fee covering the use of the Clubhouse on__________________ from_____________am/pm to _____________am/pm for the purpose of___________________________. 2.) a security deposit of $500.00. Both checks should be made payable to “Mansker Farms Homeowners Association”. Anyone renting the Clubhouse must be a member in “good standing” of the Mansker Farms Homeowners Association; this includes being paid up to date on all fees, fines and dues.
If a member cancels their reservation within 14 days prior to the reserved rental the entire rental fee and security deposit will be returned. Cancellations made less than 14 days prior to rental date will be charged $30.00. This amount will be deducted from the rental fee refund.
The member assumes full responsibility and liability for any damages to the Clubhouse, its contents or surrounding property, which is the result of actions of the member or their guests during the term of this agreement. Rental of the Clubhouse does not include use of the swimming pool or the pool area.
The member further agrees to clean the premises and restore all rooms and areas to a condition deemed satisfactory by a designated Association official or management agent. An inspection will take place prior to the next rental by an appointed representative of the HOA. The attached checklist will be used to determine satisfactory conditions. The cost of any repairs, replacements or cleaning, as well as subsequent fines, will be deducted from the security deposit. Any costs over and above the security deposit will be billed to the member in whose name the rental was made. The Mansker Farms Homeowners Association and its duly authorized agents reserve the right to collect any money due to the fullest extent of the community documents including the creation of a lien against the member’s property.
Any violations of the rental agreement or the rules of usage can result in the forfeiture of the security deposit and be turned over to the Board of Directors for further action, if necessary. The action taken by the Board of Directors may include, but not be limited to, the imposing of fines, the temporary or permanent severing of a homeowners’ right to access and future usage of the Clubhouse.
I hereby agree to all conditions, rules and requirements as stated.
_________________________ __________________________
Member Signature Member Address
Member Security Card Number
(first 5 digits printed on side of card)
_________________________ ___________________________
Date Phone Number
Mansker Farms Clubhouse
Addendum to clubhouse rental agreement
REVISED 03-09-09
__ Discard all food from refrigerator and freezer
__ Remove all garbage
__ Place new trash bag in trash can
__ Wipe down refrigerator
__ Wipe down countertops
__ Wipe down stove & oven (please make effort to clean oven spills)
__ Wipe down microwave
__ Empty coffee grounds and used filters from coffeemaker.
__ Wash carafe/s & put back into coffeemaker
__ Put all dirty dishes in dishwasher and start wash cycle before leaving
__ Sweep and MOP (with cleaning liquid) kitchen floor
__ Clean sink
__ Clean toilet
__ Clean mirror
__ Remove all trash and garbage
__ Place new trash bag in trash can
__ Sweep and MOP (with cleaning liquid) bathroom floor
__ Return furniture to original places
__ Wipe down all banquet tables & folding chairs that were used
__ Dust coffee table, side tables and buffet with Pledge
__ Vacuum all rugs
__ Use carpet cleaner, if necessary to clean up spills
__ Return banquet tables and folding chairs to storage areas
__ Sweep and MOP (with cleaning liquid) entire meeting room floor
__ Place all garbage in trash bags
__ Place all trash bags outside in the trash cans that are in the fenced area to the right rear of Clubhouse.
__ Remove all balloons and decorations
__ Turn T.V. and DVD player off
__ Empty mop bucket and wring mop out
__ Leave all lamps on
__ Turn overhead lights and fans off
Make sure any doors or windows that have been opened during rental are closed and locked. Exit through the front door
With all doors closed and the toggle switch in the “on” position, pass your security card in front of small black box below control panel by the hallway opening. Push the black button at the top left corner of small black box. Immediately the system will start making a loud “squawking” sound. Exit through the front door. If you have problems exiting, wave your hand at the top of door and magnetic lock will release. Close door firmly when exiting.
IMPORTANT- If the system does not start making the loud short “squawking” sounds you HAVE NOT armed the system. Try again. If you are still having problems call your contact person immediately. If you leave the Clubhouse unprotected you will forfeit your entire security deposit.
Refund full deposit________________________________
Deduct $___________________________ for cleaning costs and fines.
Inspected by_____________________________