
Society of CAD/CAM Engineers
(http://www.cadcam.or.kr) / The representative community consisting of CAM/CAM related companies from S/W companies to H/W vendors. Publish/distribute regular academic journals and hold regular workshop, event, and exhibitions. / RM 601 Science technology Bldg 635-4 Yeoksam-dong, Kangnam-gu Seoul,Korea / UGS Korea itself is a member of this community.
·  Alain Iung
Korea Software Property Council (SPC)
(www.spc.or.kr) / As an only organization in Korea that provides services in intellectual property protection to the leading companies that are setting the pace for digital age, SPC grew to 102 members. SPC conducts comprehensive, industry-wide campaigns to fight software piracy / Chunsa Bldg 2 floor, Seocho-Dong 1677-14,Seocho -ku, Seoul , Korea / UGS Korea itself is a member of this council.
·  Alain Iung


Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc (JAMA)
http://www.jama-english.jp / To promote the sound development of the Japanese automobile industry and contribute to economic and social welfare. Conduct studies and surveys related to automobile production, distribution, trade and use. Helps to establish policy for development, improvement and promote technology, Establishes and promotes policies automobile trade and international exchange. / Jidosha kaikan, 1-30, Shiba Daimon 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0012 Japan / ·  Hironori Yamamoto –


Hong Kong Productivity Council
www.hkpc.org / To assist local industry to improve productivity through the provision of professional services to achieve more effective certification of available resources and the increased value-added content of products and services / HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong / Industrial Partner Advisor
·  Andrew Hsuan
852 22303300
UGS Institute of YanCheng Institute of
Technology (YCIT)
http://www.ycit.cn/ / The UGS Institute at YCIT was established to develop next generation PLM Automotive Engineers in China. Initial plans include 400 undergraduates yearly with at least 100 passing the NX Design Certification. / Huanghai Central Road, No. 20
Yancheng, P. R. China / *UGS Regional Development Director
*Operations Manager
·  Chijen Hsu
·  Tracy Yang
86-21-62898000 EXT 5829
TONGJI / UGS PLM Automotive
Virtual Development Center / Provide environment where students, faculty and industry partners can benefit from the latest digital design and manufacturing technologies and research / Shanghai, China / Advisory Board –
·  Tracy Yang
·  Chijen Hsu
BIT-UGS PLM Digital Collaboration
& Innovation Technology Center / Incorporate PLM software into Beijing area curriculum and manufacturing process to sharpen student skills ad increase regional productivity / Beijing, China / * Industry Partner
* Board of Advisors
·  Chijen Hsu
The Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (CMES)
http://www.cmes.org / To promote development of the art/science of mechanical engineering, organize technical activities including, training, education, publish inter-media service. / Beijing, China / ·  Chijen Hsu


ESTIEM (The organisation of European STudents of Industrial Engineering and Management)
http://www.estiem.org/DesktopDefault.aspx?TabID=22 / To increase communication and cooperation between students and institutions of technology in Europe within the field of Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM). / Paviljoen A22
P.O. Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands / Board of Directors
·  Martien Merks
31 73 6802520
(British Educational Communications and Technology Agency)
http://www.becta.org.uk/ / Support the development of ICT in education throughout the UK / Millburn Hill Road
Science Park
CV4 7JJ / Industry Partner
·  Anthony Bristow
African Regional Program for
Productivity and Transformation / Nurture and environment for career development and manufacturing competitiveness in Africa using advanced PLM technology. / Active programs in work in Ghana, Uganda and Egypt / Industry Partner
·  Hulas King
·  Colin Johnson, Account Executive
1276 702026
ASIM – Arbeitsgemeinschaft Simulation / It is an organization and actively supporting the VDI writing the German Industrial Norm (DIN 3633) for discrete event simulation. / Member
·  Matthias Heinicke
+49 711 138 9299
(European Society of
Engineering Education)
www.ntb.ch/SEFI / Promotes challenges and global changes in Engineering Education / SEFI Headquarters
119, rue de Stassart
B-1050 Bruxelles / * Industry Partner
·  Georg Wessels
* Principal Speaker
·  Gunter Deisenroth 49-6103-2065-205


(Society of Automotive Engineers)
www.sae.org / The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) is the international engineering society established for "advancing mobility on land and in air, sea, and space." Included in the members of SAE are leaders and workers from all areas of the transportation industry, as well as thousands of college students around the world. / SAE World Headquarters
400 Commonwealth Drive
Warrendale, PA 15096-0001 / *Chairman ABET Relations Committee
*Engineering Executive Board
·  Hulas King
(314) 264-8670
Formula SAE
www.sae.org/students/formula.htm / Allow students to design, fabricate and compete with small formula-style pace cars / 755 W. Big Beaver, Suite 1600
Troy MI 48084 USA / Industry sponsor
·  Bill Dye
(734) 452-5217
(Society of Manufacturing Engineers)
www.sme.org / Promote excellence in manufacturing world-wide / 1 SME Drive
P.O. Box 930
Dearborn, MI 48121 / *Sr. Member
·  Tony Hemmelgarn
(313) 317 6097
*Commissioner Representative
·  Hulas King
(314) 264 -8670
(World-Wide Youth in Science
and Engineering)
www.engr.uiuc.edu/WYSE / Foster excellence in mathematics and the sciences among youth in the world with emphasis on attracting the greatest number of diverse students to careers in engineering and the sciences. / 400 Engineering Hall, MC-268
1308 W. Green Street
Urbana, IL 61801 / Board of Advisors
Corporate Sponsor
·  Hulas King
(314) 264 8670
(Accreditation Board for
Engineering Technology)
www.abet.org / Develop and manage standards for Engineering curriculum at all U.S.-based Engineering/Technology academic institutions. / 111 Market Pl., Suite 1050
Baltimore, MD 21202 / Industry Evaluator
ABET Commissioner
·  Hulas King
(314) 264 8670
INCOSE (International Council on Systems Engineering)
www.incose.org / INCOSE is an international authoritative body promoting the application of an interdisciplinary approach and means to enable the realization of successful systems / INCOSE
2150 N. 107th St., Suite 205
Seattle, WA 98133-9009
USA / Technical Board, Corporate Advisory Board
·  Mark Sampson
(972) 987-3227
·  Joe Policani
(513) 576-2908
IFEES (International Federation of Engineering Education Societies) / The International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES) was established to contribute toward collaboration among engineering education organizations. Information technology and global communications have drastically altered the engineering field, making such collaborations of real value to the engineering education community. / 1818 N Street, N.W., Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036-2479 / Founding Member & Board Representative
·  Hulas King
(314) 264-8670
(American Society of
Engineering Educators)
www.asee.org / Further Education and Engineering in Engineering Technology by promoting excellence in instruction and research, exercising world-wide leadership, fostering technological education of society and promoting quality products and services to its members. / 1818 N Street, N.W., Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036-2479 / *Senior Industry Member
·  Hulas King
(314) 264-8670
*Keynote speaker 3rd international colloquium
·  Hans-Kurt Lubberstedt
(852) 2230-3388
* Member
·  Vijay Dwarakanath
(480) 205-5354
(Partners for the Advancement of
Collaborative Engineering Education)
http://www.pacepartners.org / Integrate Math-based CAD/CAM/CAE (Unigraphics) into the curriculum of strategically selected academic partners worldwide. / PACE Office
6442 East 12 Mile Road
MC: 480-303-110
Warren, MI 48090 / Board of Directors
·  Ed Arlin, Executive PACE Chairman
(734) 953-3840
·  Hulas King, Core Team Member
(314) 264.8670
(Business Software Alliance)
www.bsa.org / The Business Software Alliance promotes global policies that foster innovation, growth and a competitive marketplace for commercial software and related technologies. Strong copyright protections, cyber security and barrier-free trade are crucial to achieving these goals. / BSA United States
1150 18th Street, NW
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036 / *Co-founder and Board of Directors of BSA
·  Tom Lemberg
(972) 987-3356
*Executive VP, General Counsel and Secretary of UGS Corp.
Define the Line
http://www.definetheline.com / “Define the Line” is an awareness program designed to educate students about using commercial software legally, respecting copyrighted works online and understanding the impact of software theft on all of us. / Washington, D.C. / *Co-founder and Board of Directors of BSA
·  Tom Lemberg
(972) 987-3356
*Executive VP, General Counsel and Secretary of UGS Corp.
JT Open Program
www.jtopen.com / At the request of many customers, UGS has established an International JT Open Program, as part of PLM Open, to promote JT as an open visualization format for 3D visualization and interoperability.
The JT Open Program is for companies (Corporate Members) that desire to use JT for visualization and interoperability in their business processes and software vendors (Vendor Members) that desire to provide JT-enabled applications to Corporate Members comprise the primary membership of the Program. / 5800 Granite Parkway
Plano, TX 75024 / *Co-Founder:
·  Mark Matousek
(858) 720-3022
*Management Review Board (Executive Board) Chairperson
*JT Open Program Manager
Greater Dallas Chamber of Commerce
http://www.gdc.org/ / To unite and engage the Dallas region's business community, and provide dynamic business and civic leadership to develop and sustain a prosperous economy and a vibrant community. / 700 N. Pearl Street Suite 1200, Dallas, Texas 75201 / Board of Directors & Chairman’s Circle
·  Tony Affuso
(972) 987-3350
SMU Engineering College
http://engr.smu.edu / Through close partnerships with leading business, research projects, a world-class faculty and staff, we go "beyond engineering" to produce well-rounded and highly talented leaders for tomorrow. / The SMU School of Engineering
P. O. Box 750335
Dallas, TX 75275-0335 / Board of Directors Engineering Advisory Board
·  Tony Affuso, President &CEO UGS Corp.
(972) 987-3350
St. Vincent Home for Children
(The German St. Vincent Orphan Association)
http://www.saintvincenthome.org/ / To provide love, security and professional treatment for troubled children and their families through a fully integrated program of services. / 7401 Florissant Road
St. Louis, MO 63121-4835 / Board of Directors
·  Pat Kruse
(314) 264-8661
The Neeley School of Business at TCU
http://www.neeley.tcu.edu/about/ / Committed to developing ethical leaders with a global perspective who help shape the business environment of a rapidly changing future and developing and disseminating leading edge thought in order to improve the practice of business. / 2800 S. University Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76129 / Board Member
·  John Graham
(972) 987-3365
AIA Supplier Management Council
http://www.aia-aerospace.org/supplier_res/supplier2.cfm / The AIA SMC is a unique aerospace forum where customers, AIA regular member companies, and AIA associate member companies unite to find solutions. Established in 1997, the Supplier Management Council is the primary industry forum for improving the relationship between suppliers and customers. / 1000 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1700
Arlington, VA 22209-3901 / Member
·  Ed Glueckler
(480) 323-9966
American Bar Association Forum on Air & Space Law
www.abanet.org / The Forum on Air and Space law serves as a vital link to timely information in the aviation arena. Membership includes professional who represent all areas of air and space law including airlines, airports, labor, financial communities, the FAA, DOT, NASA as well as attorneys practicing in corporate, litigation and antitrust areas. / American Bar Association Forum on Air & Space Law 321 N. Clark Street Chicago, IL 60610 / Member
·  Ed Glueckler
(480) 323-9966
ATA e-Business Forum www.ataebiz.org / To establish a global commercial aviation industry information framework that facilitates improved business agility, reduces costs, increases speed of business and maintains the highest level of safety. / Air Transport Association of America e-Business Program 1301 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20004-1707 / UGS Representative
·  Ed Glueckler
(480) 323-9966
The Wings Club
www.wingsclub.org / The Wings Club was founded to maintain a non-profit aviation meeting place to promote the advancement and development of aeronautics / The Wings Club P.O. Box 4464 New York, NY 10163 / Member
·  Ed Glueckler
(480) 323-9966
The Aviation Suppliers Association www.aviationsuppliers.org / The Mission of ASA is to be a global resource for the aerospace industry through the promotion of safety, regulatory compliance and ethical business practices. Membership includes airlines, manufacturers, MRO facilities and other companies that provide a service to the aviation industry. / Aviation Suppliers Association 734 15th Street, Suite 620 Washington, DC 20005 / Founding President and present UGS Representative
·  Ed Glueckler
(480) 323-9966
University of North Texas President’s Council http://www.unt.edu/development/clubs/prescoun.htm / The President's Council is the university’s premiere giving club made up of over 1,000 alumni, faculty and friends of the university. Members make an annual contribution, which is donated to scholarships in their names or in the names of favorite professors or friends. The contribution may also be made to an unrestricted fund for innovative educators and programs. / University Gateway Center
801 North Texas Blvd., 2nd floor
Denton, TX 76201 / UNT President’s Council UGS Executive Rep.
·  Craig Berry, Senior VP Information Technology and CIO
(972) 987-3364
UNT College of Engineering
http://www.eng.unt.edu/index.htm / The Engineering Advising office provides services for undergraduate and undergraduate prospective students at the University of North Texas. / College of Engineering
P.O. Box 310440
Denton, Texas 76203-0330 / UNT College of Engineering Advisory Board Member
·  Craig Berry, Senior VP Information Technology and CIO
(972) 987-3364
UNT Department of Computer Science & Engineering
http://www.cs.unt.edu/index.php / The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of North Texas provides very high quality educational programs by maintaining a balance between theoretical and experimental aspects of computer science, as well as a balance between software and hardware issues, and by providing curricula that serve the citizens and industrial organizations of Texas in general, and those in North Texas in particular. / Computer Science & Engineering
P.O. Box 311366
Denton, Texas 76203
Phone: (940) 565-2767 / UNT Department of CSE Advisory Board Member