RAC IV Teleconference Agenda

Date: Friday, 9 September 2016

Time: 12:00 CT; 1:00 ET
Dial in #: 1-866-740-1260

Phone Access #: 2643848

Participants: Terry Burress, Gar Bering, Svetlana Hanson, George Hindman, Aubrey Mason, James Sergeant, Sarah Shull, Fred Striz, James Walker, Douglas Yazell,

1. Welcome and Introduction Terry Burress

Terry introduced himself as new Regional Director. He is employed by Lockheed Martin in Ft. Worth.

2. Approval of minutes 2/19/2016 – Minutes were approved as submitted.

3. Latest from National Chris Jessee, 703-264-7517

4. Director Report Terry Burress, 817-777-2873

Terry asked everyone to please share your newsletters with the other section chairs. The Student Paper Conference will be at University of Houston for 2017. Possible dates are April 29-30. Samur Mather is the student president. Terry asked all to support the SPC by encouraging students to attend, help getting sponsors, and volunteering as judges.

There are some members in the region that are not assigned to a section. There are new companies as well that are not included in any section. Terry is working on resolving this problem. Some members will be contacted to see if they have a preference as to what section they would like to be a member of if two sections are equal distance from them.

5. Deputy Director Reports

· Public Policy Tom Moore, 210/522-5949

· Education Mirza Faizan,

· Finance James Walker, , 210/522-2051(Sent report)

· Honors and Awards Shirley Brandt, 713/542-9085

· Membership Svetlana Hanson, 281/404-7217

She attended the annual membership meeting.

· STEM K-12 Outreach Gar Bering, 713/743-3543

Gar has retired from planning the Mars Rover Competition. He is looking for someone to take over. He is willing to hold an Educator Academy and is trying to find a date. Possibly he could hold one at the SPC. He could do a seminar on how to do the workshop. He also mentioned that Sandy suggested having a business meeting at the SPC.

· Technical Sarah Shull, 281/244-6441

· Young Professionals Ryan Weisman, 505/846-5058

· International Douglas Yazell, 281/488-8280
The most recent event was the visit from members of the Ethiopian royal family.

6. Section Status – Chairs

· Albuquerque

o Section Chair: Joel Mozer 505/853-0059

· Holloman/Alamogordo

o Section Chair: George Ayers 575-679-2670

· Houston

Section Chair: Jennifer Wells 806-676-0177
Svetlana reported for Houston. At their annual meeting they set some goals: Increase membership and get more active participation from members, become more involved in CVD, and work with students at Mars Rover Competition. Students at College Station (Texas A&M) will be having a dinner meeting in November and the section will attend. Also, they will be working on both SPC and ATC which are very close together.

· North Texas

o Section Chair: James Sergeant 817/777-9076

The section holds monthly meetings. On October 15, there will be a one-day symposium at the University of Texas-Arlington. Students and professionals will be presenting. Todd Barber will be the speaker. On November 1, Scott Kelly will be there to speak.

· Oklahoma

o Section Chair: Fred Striz 405/250-1873

The section usually has three events each year. The will have one jointly with ASME in January. Because of their small size they do events with other organizations. They also have an annual AIAA symposium. Members will be giving presentations and the speaker will be from Boeing and her talk is “The Inner Chameleon”. Their meeting with speaker about drones was their best event.

· Southwest Texas

o Section Chair: Aubrey Mason 210/602-4291

Their section is not having much luck with members being engaged. John Cutshell will be running the wind design competition in 2017, which he has done in the past. A major draw last year was Sandy speaking at the San Antonio Planetarium. Kids were there sponsored by the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. There was good participation from the student branches, better than the professionals. Aubrey is looking for a better way to staff section officer positions. How can members be encouraged to take these positions?

· White Sands Space Harbor

o Section Chair: Stephen McDougle 575/524-5196


7. New Business- Terry would like to hear about the most successful event in each section. Add Terry to your distribution lists so he can know what the sections are doing. Let him know which sections have Facebook pages.

8. Next teleconference


Dial in #: 1-866-740-1260

Phone Access #: 2643848