Quality Account’s Data Dictionary 2014/15
This data dictionary is designed to support the production of Quality Accounts in 2014/15. We have included information requested of NHS England last year and the dates when the latest data sets will be available. The last refresh of the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) Quality Accounts portal was 30 April 2014. At that point the data sets contained here are all available through the HSCIC portal.
We will keep this Quality Accounts Data Dictionary up to the 30 June 2014 and add to it if any specific queries arise. If there are any discrepancies or amendments that need to be made please email and we will clarify and respond to your enquiry and update the data dictionary as necessary.
The data dictionary should be read in conjunction with the Quality Accounts FAQ available at: http://www.nhs.uk/aboutNHSChoices/professionals/healthandcareprofessionals/quality-accounts/Pages/about-quality-accounts.aspx
For enquiries relating to the HSCIC website and the HSCIC Quality Accounts portal email
Quality Accounts Data Dictionary
The core Quality Account Indicators *All are required as per their regulations except for the Friends and Family Test – Patient element.
Prescribed Information / Related NHS Outcomes Framework Domain & who will report on them / Indicator Title / Indicator Definition / Data available at 31 March 2014 / Date next time this data set will be updated /The data made available to the National Health Service trust or NHS foundation trust by the Health and Social Care Information Centre with regard to—
(a) the value and banding of the summary hospital-level mortality indicator (“SHMI”) for the trust for the reporting period; and
(b) the percentage of patient deaths with palliative care coded at either diagnosis or specialty level for the trust for the reporting period.
*The palliative care indicator is a contextual indicator. / 1: Preventing People from dying prematurely
2: Enhancing quality of life for people with long-term conditions
Acute trusts / 12. Summary Hospital-Level Mortality Indicator (SHMI) / Summary Hospital-level Mortality Indicator (SHMI) reports on mortality at trust level across the NHS in England. The SHMI is the ratio between the actual number of patients who die following treatment at the trust and the number that would be expected to die on the basis of average England figures, given the characteristics of the patients treated there. It covers all deaths reported of patients who were admitted to non-specialist acute trusts in England and either die while in hospital or within 30 days of discharge.
The latest data is available at:
To help users of the data understand the SHMI values, trusts have been categorised into one of the following three bandings:
• SHMI Banding = 1 indicates that the trust’s mortality rate is ‘higher than expected’
• SHMI Banding = 2 indicates that the trust’s mortality rate is ‘as expected’
• SHMI Banding = 3 indicates that the trust’s mortality rate is ‘lower than expected’
The SHMI data are available at https://indicators.ic.nhs.uk/webview/ by navigating to the Summary Hospital-level Mortality Indicator (SHMI) section on the left hand side of the page.
SHMI data applicable for Quality Accounts 2013/14 is available from the following four SHMI publications:
• Publication: April 2013 (October 2011 – September 2012)
• Publication: July 2013 (January 2012 – December 2012)
• Publication: October 2013 (April 2012 – March 2013)
• Publication: January 2014 (July 2012 – June 2013)
The SHMI Value and SHMI Banding is reported in the columns VALUE and OD_BANDING from the download(s) ‘SHMI Indicator data (csv)’ or ‘SHMI Indicator data (xls)’ under SHMI Indicator > Summary Hospital-level Mortality Indicator (SHMI) – Deaths associated with hospitalisation, England for each of the four SHMI publications.
To support the interpretation of the SHMI, various contextual indicators are published alongside it.
The percentage of patient deaths with palliative care1 coded at either diagnosis or specialty level is reported in the column COMBINED_RATE from the download(s) ‘Percentage of deaths from palliative care coding (csv)’or ‘Percentage of deaths from palliative care coding (xls)’ under Contextual Indicators > Palliative Care Coding > Percentage of deaths with palliative care coding for each of the four SHMI publications.
The percentage of elective admissions resulting in a death occurring either in hospital or within thirty days (inclusive) of discharge is reported in the column RATE from the download(s) ‘Deaths within 30 days for elective admissions (csv)’ or ‘Deaths within 30 days for elective admissions (xls)’ under Contextual Indicators > Admission Method > Deaths within 30 days for elective admissions for each of the four SHMI publications.
The percentage of non-elective admissions resulting in a death occurring either in hospital or within thirty days (inclusive) of discharge is reported in the column RATE from the download(s) ‘Deaths within 30 days for non-elective admissions (csv)’ or ‘Deaths within 30 days for non-elective admissions (xls)’ under Contextual Indicators > Admission Method > Deaths within 30 days for non-elective admissions for each of the four SHMI publications.
National average figures for the SHMI contextual indicators are reported in the Contextual Information section of the download ‘Executive Summary’ under SHMI Indicator > Summary Hospital-level Mortality Indicator (SHMI) – Deaths associated with hospitalisation, England for each of the four SHMI publications.
1 The SHMI methodology does not make any adjustment for patients who are recorded as receiving palliative care. This is because there is considerable variation between trusts in the coding of palliative care. Details of further analysis on this issue can be referenced in the Palliative Care Coding
Report available to download from:
http://www.hscic.gov.uk/SHMI. / SHMI is updated quarterly and exact publication dates are released on ourwebsite at:
July 12 – June 13 (published 29/01/14) / Data will be updated on 30th April 2014 for October 2012 – September 2013
The data made available to the National Health Service trust or NHS foundation trust by the Health and Social Care Information Centre with regard to the percentage of patients on Care Programme Approach who were followed up within 7 days after discharge from psychiatric in-patient care during the reporting period. / 1: Preventing People from dying prematurely
2: Enhancing quality of life for people with long-term conditions
All trusts providing mental health services / 13. Patients on Care Programme Approach (CPA) followed up within 7 days of discharge from psychiatric inpatient stay. / The percentage of patients on Care Programme Approach who were followed up within 7 days after discharge from psychiatric inpatient care during the reporting period.
The latest data is available at:
Select the value from the "Proportion of patients on CPA who were followed up within 7 days after discharge from psychiatric inpatient care (QA)" column.
For a technical definition of this indicator please see the following guidance document:
NB: If a patient is readmitted within 7 days of discharge, the patients will not be followed up. Both numerator and denominator should be treated the same i.e. this cohort of patients added it or taken out on the figures. / Q1-Q3 of 2013-2014 / Q4 (January-March 2014) will be published on 09/05/14
The data made available to the National Health Service trust or NHS foundation trust by the Health and Social Care Information Centre with regard to the percentage of Category A telephone calls (Red 1 and Red 2 calls) resulting in an emergency response by the trust at the scene of the emergency within 8 minutes of receipt of that call during the reporting period. / 1: Preventing People from dying prematurely
Ambulance trusts / 14. Category A telephone calls (Red 1 and Red 2 calls); emergency response within 8 minutes. / The percentage of Category A telephone calls resulting in an emergency response by the trust at the scene of the emergency within 8 minutes of receipt of that call during the reporting period.
The latest data is available at:
Within the "Ambulance Systems Indicators" select values (for Red 1 and Red 2 calls separately) from the two "Proportion of calls responded to within 8 minutes" columns. / 28 February 2014
January 2014 data will be published 07/03/14 / 31 March 2014.
February 2014 data will be published 04/04/14
The data made available to the National Health Service trust or NHS foundation trust by the Health and Social Care Information Centre with regard to the percentage of Category A telephone calls resulting in an ambulance response by the trust at the scene of the emergency within 19 minutes of receipt of that call during the reporting period. / 1: Preventing People from dying prematurely
Ambulance trusts / 14.1 Category A telephone calls; ambulance response within 19 minutes. / The percentage of Category A telephone calls resulting in an ambulance response by the trust at the scene of the emergency within 19 minutes of receipt of that call during the reporting period.
The latest data is available at:
Within the "Ambulance Systems Indicators" select the value from the "Proportion of calls responded to within 19 minutes" column. / 28 February 2014
January 2014 data will be published 07/03/14 / 31 March 2014
February 2014 data will be published 04/04/14
March 2014 data will be published 02/05/14
The data made available to the National Health Service trust or NHS foundation trust by the Health and Social Care Information Centre with regard to the percentage of patients with a pre-existing diagnosis of suspected ST elevation myocardial infarction who received an appropriate care bundle from the trust during the reporting period. / 1: Preventing People from dying prematurely
3: Helping people to recover from episodes of ill health or following injury
Ambulance trusts / 15. Patients with suspected ST elevation myocardial infarction who received an appropriate care bundle. (Domain 1 and 3) / The percentage of patients with a pre-existing diagnosis of suspected ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) who received an appropriate care bundle from the trust during the reporting period.
The latest data is available at:
Within the "Ambulance Clinical Outcomes" file select the value from the "Proportion with ST-elevation myocardial infarction who received an appropriate care bundle" column in the "Acute STEMI" tab. / 31 December 2013
October 2013 data will be published 07/03/14 / 31 March 2014
November 2013 data will be published 04/04/14
December 2013 data will be published 02/05/14
The data made available to the National Health Service trust or NHS foundation trust by the Health and Social Care Information Centre with regard to the percentage of patients with suspected stroke assessed face to face who received an appropriate care bundle from the trust during the reporting period. / 1: Preventing People from dying prematurely
3: Helping people to recover from episodes of ill health or following injury
Ambulance trusts / 16. Patients with suspected stroke assessed face to face who received an appropriate care bundle. (Domain 1 and 3) / The percentage of patients with suspected stroke assessed face to face who received an appropriate care bundle from the trust during the reporting period.
The latest data is available at:
Within the "Download Ambulance Clinical Outcomes" file select the value from the "Proportion of suspected stroke patients assessed face to face who received an appropriate care bundle" column in the "Stroke" tab. / November 2013 / December data published
The data made available to the National Health Service trust or NHS foundation trust by the Health and Social Care Information Centre with regard to the percentage of admissions to acute wards for which the Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team acted as a gatekeeper during the reporting period. / 2: Enhancing quality of life for people with long-term conditions
All trusts providing mental health services / 17. Admissions to acute wards gate kept by Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team. / The percentage of admissions to acute wards for which the Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team (CRHT) acted as a gatekeeper during the reporting period.
The latest data is available at:
Select the value from the "Proportion of admissions to acute wards that were gate kept by the CRHT teams (QA)" column.
For a technical definition of this indicator please see the following guidance document:
http://www.england.nhs.uk/statistics/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2013/04/MHPrvCom_Guidance-v2.3.doc / Q1 – Q3 2013/14 available (Q3 published 07/02/14) / Q4 2013/14 data will be published 09/05/14
The data made available to the National Health Service trust or NHS foundation trust by the Health and Social Care Information Centre with regard to the trust’s patient reported outcome measures scores for—
(i) groin hernia surgery,
(ii) varicose vein surgery,
(iii) hip replacement surgery, and
(iv) knee replacement surgery,
during the reporting period. / 3: Helping people to recover from episodes of ill health or following injury
All acute trusts / 18. PROMS; patient reported outcome measures. / Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) are a means of collecting information on the effectiveness of care delivered to NHS patients as perceived by the patients themselves; reported at NHS Trust / independent sector provider and CCG level as scores for:
(i) groin hernia surgery
(ii) varicose vein surgery
(iii) hip replacement surgery
(iv) knee replacement surgery
The latest data is available at:
Click through to the latest publication of provisional or final data, download the CSV data pack zip file and open the Provider and Commissioner data CSV file. Casemix-adjusted average health gains are shown in the ‘Adjusted Average Health Gain’ column. / 2011/12 annual finalised PROMS data is available.
Later provisional data is available / 2012/13 final PROMs data is planned for August 2014
The data made available to the National Health Service trust or NHS foundation trust by the Health and Social Care Information Centre with regard to the percentage of patients aged—
(i) 0 to 15; and
(ii) 16 or over,
Readmitted to a hospital which forms part of the trust within 28 days of being discharged from a hospital which forms part of the trust during the reporting period. / 3: Helping people to recover from episodes of ill health or following injury